Meeting documents
Venue: Calvert Green Community Hall
Contact: Liz Wheaton
Note | No. | Item |
19.00 |
Apologies for Absence / Changes in Membership Minutes: Apologies were received from John Chilver (AVDC), Terry Cavender (Akeley), Mrs Pallister (Beachampton), Morag Collins (Tingewick), Geoffrey Purefoy (Shalstone), David Newman (Lillingstone Dayrell), Derrick Isham (AVDC), John Cartwright (Bucks County Council), Lady Scott (Foscote), Sir Beville Stanier (AVDC), Jennifer Beckett (Radclive-cum-Checkmore) and Hugh Carey (Turweston).
There were no changes in membership. |
Declarations of Interest To declare any personal or prejudicial interests Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
To confirm the notes of the meeting held on 25 September 2008. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairman made one minor amendment to the action notes. On page 1, item 5, it should read 36 parishes in the Buckingham Local Area not 38.
Action notes of the meeting held on 25 September were confirmed as a correct record subject to amendment as stated above. |
19.10 |
Chairman's Update Minutes: The Chairman updated members on the following issues:
A member commented that John Byrne at AVDC has spoken about planning issues to parishes in the past and has a "Rules" leaflet which assists people when making applications. The Chairman said he would speak to John and invite him to the June meeting.
Action: David Polhill
A member said that there is a planning portal which is a piece of software which can be used to view plans. The member felt that parishes have limited resources and the software is expensive to purchase. It was agreed to discuss this with John Byrne at a future meeting. |
19.30 |
Question Time There will be a 20 minute period for public questions. Members of the public are encouraged to submit their questions in advance of the meeting to facilitate a full answer on the day of the meeting. Questions sent in advance will be dealt with first and verbal questions after. Minutes: There were no public questions. |
19.50 |
The Flood Group At the last meeting, it was agreed to set-up a Flood Group to respond to the Environment Agency’s Flood Plan for the Buckingham area. There is a Flood meeting taking place on 27 November and it expected that the Group will report back on what was discussed. Minutes: The Chairman reported that the Flood group were due to meet with the Environment Agency and the Internal Drainage Board to discuss an idea proposed by Terry Cavender. The first meeting is due to take place on Tuesday 20 January at 3pm at the Winslow Centre.
It was agreed that there needs to be a discussion around finding solutions to alleviate the flood problems in Buckingham. The use of the disused canal for water storage is being discussed. There needs to be further work done to identify areas which could be used. There was a proposal last year to direct the water upstream to Water Stratford but the Environment Agency said it was too expensive. A member expressed concern that it is expensive when one home gets flooded. He went on to say that there are still 2 properties in Buckingham which are still not inhabited since the floods last year.
The Chairman asked members to write down how much damage was caused as a result of the flooding in their area and bring it with them to the meeting in January. Mike Smith agreed to speak to Derrick Isham to obtain first hand experience as one of the Councillors lives in Wells Street which was flooded last year.
Action: Mike Smith/ All members |
Petitions None received Minutes: There were no petitions. |
20.00 |
Delegated Budget Update Ann-Marie Davies will report back on the bids received to date. Minutes: The deadline for submitting a bid application is 31 December 2008. Applications should be sent to Ann-Marie Davies, Transportation Co-ordinator. There is a budget of £21k and the forum will need to decide how to allocate the budget when it meets in March. So far, Ann-Marie has received 2 bids.
20.15 |
Transportation Update To include an update on the Winter maintenance programme. Minutes: Simon Dudley provided members with a transportation update.
Simon explained that maintenance have been guaranteed funding (£4 million) for the next 2 years to carry out the above work which will include footpath work this time. He went on to say that as of 1 April 2009, there will be a new tendering and procurement process in place so he stressed the importance of getting the programme up and running before this date.
He asked members to let the Chairman know by the end of January of any work which needs to be included in the programme for 2009/2010.
Simon said that the salting routes remain the same this year which fits in with the Fire Authorities strategy. He provided members with copies of the "Safer Winter Driving" leaflet and explained that each parish should receive a few copies of the leaflet. He asked members to share the information with their parishes. The budget has remained the same this year, therefore the routes will not be reviewed again until next year.
Simon explained that the Gang will undertake work such as repairing signs and cutting back over hanging branches. There is the money and resource available to do work around the County. He asked members to contact Ann-Marie if they needed more gang sheets. The second round of work will commence in August.
Simon reported that Areas 13 and 14 will be reviewed in the Spring and Summer of next year which is a year earlier than expected.
A member expressed concern about work carried out in conservation areas, in particular Hunter Street. Simon Dudley explained that the Strategic Maintenance team put a slurry finish down which will last for around 5 years. It was agreed that, in future, any work carried out in conservation areas will be discussed with the Town Council beforehand.
The Chairman asked members to let either Simon or Ann-Marie know if there were any overgrown hedgerows which needed cutting back.
A member asked whether feedback was requested after a job had been completed. Simon explained that the community gangs have around 400 worksheets a day so it is not possible to gain feedback on each job. He said that he would see whether it was possible to put the information on the website. He also said that he would provide an update on what work has been completed in each parish before the next meeting.
Action: Simon Dudley
A member asked how long you should wait before a job is completed. Simon said that if a job is not completed within 3 months, then they should go back to the community gang. |
20.30 |
Open Forum An opportunity for Members of the Local Area Forum to discuss items which are not covered on the agenda. Minutes: PC Becky Jones and PCSO Denise Grayburn from Thames Valley Police provided members with an update.
During discussion the following issues and questions were raised.
Action: David Polhill
Action: Simon Dudley
20.55 |
Date of Next and Future Meetings Suggested dates for future meetings in 2009:
If any parish or town council is able to host a future meeting, please could you let either Ian Reed ( or Liz Wheaton ( know.
Minutes: The next meeting will take place on Thursday 26 March at 7pm at Thornton College.
Future dates: