Meeting documents

Venue: Mezzanine Room 3, County Hall, Aylesbury. View directions

No. Item


Election of Chairman




That Mr J M Elfes be elected Chairman for the ensuing year.


Appointment of Vice Chairman




That Mr D Briggs be appointed Vice-Chairman for the ensuing year.


Apologies for Absence/Changes in Membership

An up to date membership list is attached for information.


Apologies were received from John Cooper, Francis Gomme, and Viv Lynch.


Declarations of Interest


There were none.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 131 KB

of the meeting held on 6 December 2006, to be confirmed.


The minutes of the meeting held on 6 December 2006 were confirmed as a true record.


Matters Arising


Item 6 – Strategic Access Team Update – Open Access

It was hoped to bring an update to this meeting on the funding commitment from Natural England on Open Access.  However, NE has not been in contact.  Members will be notified as soon as any information is received.


Item 9 – Any Other Business – BOATS

The Rights of Way Manager informed members that there was nothing further to report since the last update.  It was expected that Orders would be made in the next few months and this will open up discussions once more. 


BCC had received requests for TROs prior to any orders being made, but the policy is clear that if there is a problem, officers will try to resolve it by other means, with TROs being the final option.  The cost of a TRO is also prohibitive (approximately £6,000-£7,000).


Walking & Cycling in the High Wycombe Area

Presentation by John Callaghan, Team Leader, Transport and Environmental Planning, Wycombe District Council


Members received a presentation from John Callaghan, Team Leader, Planning Services, Wycombe District Council, on a proposed Walking/Cycling network for the Wycombe area round Marlow, Bourne End and Flackwell Heath.  A copy of the presentation is available on request.  The Chairman also welcomed to the meeting Fiona Broadbent from Simply Walk.


The Project is part of the Wycombe Development Framework to deliver sustainable development.  This includes a new road network for High Wycombe Central, new public transport nodes, for bus and rail and implementation of improvements to walking and cycling networks.  The Sustrans link will form part of the network. The development will fit in with the Rights of Way Improvement Plan and Community Plan themes.  It includes access to schools, parks and neighbourhood and district centres.  There are currently gaps in the cycle network which this Project hopes to address.


Currently priority was being given to routes in Bourne End – Wooburn, Hughenden, Marlow and Marlow Bottom to High Wycombe.


Practical issues needed to be addressed such as funding, land ownership and access rights across suggested routes and it was hoped to provide wider facilities in order to reduce tension between riders and cyclists.


Cherry Aston expressed the need to get horses off the main roads and hoped there would be an opportunity to extend bridleways.


Members discussed the surfaces for shared paths for use by all.  Richard Pushman mentioned the New Forrest which had defined paths for walkers, riders and cyclists.  He expressed concern that paths used by horses could become muddy and difficult to use.  The edges of lanes were also unsafe because of the amount of potholes.  However, these issues were not insurmountable.  Paul Battye and John Callaghan were working together in looking at all elements of provision. 


Members discussed use of segregated paths with different surfaces for different uses.  Such paths would be difficult to maintain and could be costly.  Therefore, it was better to provide multi-surface routes.


David Briggs asked whether specific play areas for children had been investigated. Dacorum Borough Council had dedicated sites for children to enjoy without encroaching on adult provision.  John Callaghan agreed to look into this and commented that Sustrans’ ideal was that paths should be able to used by children from the age of 12 upwards.  David Briggs said that there was a certain amount of resistance from landowners that woodland which was opened up could be open to misuse and any opportunity to provide spaces for children would be welcomed. Simon Pratt suggested the play areas could be considered as part of the Action Plan.  Concern was also expressed with regard to insurance cover and liability in the event of accidents.


Fiona Broadbent asked about the status of the route from Wooburn to Loudwater.  Currently access to land has not been agreed and it was hoped that by demonstrating that the paths work, there will be desire and pressure to complete the route.  The Wooburn residents are supporting the route being extended further  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.


New LAF Guidance and Regulations pdf icon PDF 91 KB

Report from Paul Battye, Team Leader Strategic Access

Brief from John Elfes, Chairman of LAF

Presentation is attached to the papers


Members received the report of the Strategic Access Team Leader, together with notes from the Chairman setting out the changes within the Regulations and Guidelines.  A copy of the notes is available on request.  A hard copy of the Guidance was also circulated to members. The Regulations and new Guidance come into effect on 19 March 2007.


The number of Regulations has increased from 14 to 23.  All changes are covered in the Guidance, but not all the changes to the Guidance are supported by a Regulation.  Although the Guidance is not law, Forums are required to ’have regard’ to it.


Members were asked to feedback their comments to Paul Battye or Maureen Keyworth by the end of March.


The Regulations and Guidance urge Forums to start to develop an Action Plan for the Year ahead.  In this connection, members were asked to consider what priorities they would like to see pursued within the next 12 months which can be put into an Action Plan. 


Members agreed to feedback any comments by the end of March.  Comments would be brought to the next meeting in order to start to put the Plan together. 




The forum AGREED to RESPOND to Defra with comments on the guidance and regulations coming into force and ADVISE Buckinghamshire County Council on the Forum’s future and areas of concern.


Rights of Way Improvement Plan Consultation pdf icon PDF 86 KB

Report from Paul Battye, Team Leader, Strategic Access

Presentation is attached to the papers.

Additional documents:


Members received the report of the Strategic Access Team Leader which informed the Forum that responses from the various consultation exercises were good and would contribute towards developing the Assessment section of the Improvement Plan.  The responses were shown in a presentation to the Forum.  A copy of the presentation is available on request.


Examples of front covers for the Plan were exhibited and members were asked for their comments.


The draft Report was progressing well and Paul Battye thanked the members of the Focus Group for their hard work and support.


Main points of note were:

·         The majority of those who responded preferred to visit an RoW close to home or to a particular favourite location.

·         The majority of people travelled by car to a particular location and were generally accompanied.

·         Overgrowth and uneven surfaces were a deterrent to visiting an RoW.  Reasons for not visiting RoW were too varied for BCC to be able to make any impact.

·         Essential facilities included car parking and toilet facilities and route guide/leaflets and signs.

·         Tourist Information Centres were the main information sources for RoWs

·         21% of those visiting RoWs were in the 60+ age bracket and very few people from ethnic minority groups made visits.

·         83% of those who responded would consider visiting the countryside if there was a suitable route that met their needs.

·         The conclusion to the consultation was that a wider marketing strategy was needed; closer working relationships with specific users; and continued education of the public regarding additional uses for RoW.


Paul Battye presented members with a consultation questionnaire on the ROWIP. The deadline for comments was Monday 26 March 2007, but members of the Forum would have until April to make their views known.


Members considered that the number of questions contained in the consultation was not too much because most required a yes/no answer.


The timetable for production of the Improvement was discussed and it was noted that the final Plan would be presented to the September meeting of the Forum for approval.  


With regard to publication of the consultation members noted that the questionnaire and draft document would be available to the public through the web portal with hard copies being sent to key people.  Adverts would be put in the local press giving information on how to obtain copies.  It will also be emailed to Parish Clerks for distribution to Parish councillors.  The forum was assured that web page will ‘go live’ on 1 May.


The document can be made available in several languages should this be requested.


Members provided feedback at the meeting and ENDORSED the timetable and nature of the consultation document.


Strategic Access Team Update pdf icon PDF 93 KB

Report from Claire Tranter, Strategic Access Assistant and Paul Battye, Team Leader, Strategic Access

Presentation is attached to the papers

Additional documents:


LAF Annual Report

Claire Tranter, Strategic Access Assistant, gave a presentation.  Members noted that under Regulation 13 every Forum is required to produce an Annual Report on the discharge of its functions.  The presentation detailed what this Report should include.  The Appointing Authority is required to publish and distribute the final report.  Members were asked for their comments with regard to the format for the document.


Last year an Executive Summary was produced alongside the full document.  Members agreed that production of the Summary would be sufficient, even though it would be slightly bigger to accommodate the information which the Forum was required to produce. 


The Forum was also asked to consider inclusion in the document of personal comment and summaries from several of the members, in order to provide a more personal input, such as the land owning or motorised user perspective.  


It was agreed that a sub-group be formed to work on the Annual Report, which would include the Chairman and David Briggs.  Paul Battye would arrange a meeting.   Members agreed that photographs would also enhance the publication.


It was anticipated that the document would be ready for the Forum to see at the next meeting in June, after which it would be published in accordance with a previous request from the forum that the Annual Report be published earlier in the year.


Members were asked to feed any further comments to Claire Tranter (contact details: 01296 387679 email:


Natural England

Members discussed whether to send a letter to Natural England encouraging the development of greater regional support to Forum members and to re-establish the National Countryside Access Forum as a representative National body for all LAFs.  A copy of the letter sent by Hampshire Countryside Access Forum was circulated.


Members agreed that the Chairman should write a letter to Natural England similar to that sent by Hampshire Countryside Access Forum.


Health Walks

Members were informed that with effect from 1 April 2007 Fiona Broadbent had been appointed the new Health Walks project co-ordinator for Buckinghamshire.  The focus will be leading healthy walks and in this connection Fiona asked for volunteers to lead the walks.  This is a worthwhile project and the Rights of Way Service are keen to get involved in terms of promoting the ROW network.  Fiona extended thanks to Mike Walker for supporting the project.  The funding is guaranteed for the next 12 months and work is in progress in trying to secure more funding for the following 12 months. 


Leaflets and programmes for healthy walks will be launched by BCC and the launch will include a walk in Downley on 18 March, to which all members of the Forum are invited.


Mike Walker emphasised the need for volunteers, because at least two people were needed to lead each walk.  Training would be provided.  It was suggested that the Chiltern Society and the Ramblers Association may also wish to be involved.  Richard Pushman said that the BALC magazine was a good form  ...  view the full minutes text for item 10.


Local Government White Paper - Local Government Reorganisation

Brief from Mike Walker, Group Manager Rights of Way and Access


Mike Walker gave members an update on the Local Government White Paper.  The County and District Councils had put in a bid for Pathfinder status for enhanced two tier working.  This will involve a high level of joint working, including sharing of back office services such as IT, Finance and Human Resources and could eventually included Planning.  There is also a requirement under two tier enhanced working to deliver savings.  Authorities who have made bids will find out at the end of March whether they have been successful.


This new way of working will have a huge impact on officers and currently consultants are looking at the transformation process and producing a model for closer working with Parish Councils and local communities.  Options are being piloted for devolvement of services to a more local level and ‘Getting Closer to Communities’ (GC2C) will play an important part in delivery of services.


Government will monitor whether joint working is proving to be successful and whether relevant are being made.


Any Other Business


There was no further business.


Date of Next and Future Meetings

Wednesday 6 June 2007 at 10.00am in Mezzanine Room 3

Wednesday 19 September 2007 at 10.00am in Mezzanine Room 3

Wednesday 19 December 2007 at 10.00am in Mezzanine Room 3


The next meeting of the Local Access Forum will take place on Wednesday 6 June 2007 at 10.00am in Mezzanine Room 3.  Dates of future meetings are as follows:


19 September 2007

19 December 2007