Meeting documents

Venue: Mezzanine Room 3, County Hall, Aylesbury. View directions

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies were received from Mrs C Aston.


Declarations of Interest


There were none.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 102 KB

Of the meeting held on 7 March 2007, to be confirmed.

Additional documents:


The minutes of the meeting held on 7 March 2007 were confirmed as a true record.


Matters Arising


The Chairman informed the Forum that the letter which he was to write to Natural England, encouraging the development of greater regional support to Forum members and re-establishing the National Countryside Access Forum, had been overtaken by the correspondence from Kent Countryside Forum.  This item was discussed later in the meeting.


LAF Report pdf icon PDF 95 KB

Mike Walker, Group Manager, Rights of Way and Access.

Additional documents:


MW suggested that this should be a standard item on the agenda so that correspondence from i.e. Defra and NE can be circulated to members. 


1.         National Web Forum

            The Chairman considered having a National Web Forum was a good means of circulating information and making decisions, and agreed that this should be pursued. 

            Members discussed the usefulness of the portal and agreed to recommend to the Council that a National Web Forum is worth pursuing.


2.         Minutes of other LAF meetings

            In discussion it was agreed that the minutes of neighbouring LAFs did not need to be circulated with the Agenda.  They were available on the relevant websites if members wished to have sight of them.

            Members agreed to recommend to the Council that other LAF minutes did not need to be circulated but could be picked up on the relevant websites.


3.         Clarity regarding quorum for the Meeting

            The Chairman’s view was that it should be the majority of the current membership on the day of each meeting (Current membership 14:  quorum 8).  Members agreed.

            The Forum agreed that the level of attendance it deems necessary to satisfy itself that sufficient members are present shall be the majority of the current membership on the day of the meeting.


4.                  Benchmarking

Members discussed the benefits of visiting other LAF meetings in order to see ascertain areas of best practice.  Members were encouraged to attend such meetings for professional development.  All meeting information was available on websites for each of the neighbouring LAFS and it was agreed to provide members with a list of the websites in order for them to obtain meeting information. It was noted that Paul Battye had agreed to attend with members who were interested.  Members would be required to report back on their visits to the LAF.

Members agreed to attend neighbouring LAF meetings if they were convenient, as part of their professional development.  Members would report back to the Forum on any meetings they attended.


5.         NE Financial Support

            The resources from Defra for Natural England have still not been finalised.  However, all organisations were facing severe cuts.  Members agreed on the need to apply pressure to Defra with regard to funding.  In particular support was needed for the RoW Improvement Plan.


            Additional funding for opening up Open Access Land is unlikely to be available.


            With regard to training a sum of £15,000 was available for the whole of the region, which may fund one event. 


            National Trails Budget – any improvement works were unlikely to be funded by Defra.

            The Forum Noted the information.


6.         Usefulness of an NCAF

            Correspondence regarding this was attached to the report, and the response from Dr Phillips asking for a National Forum was circulated to the meeting.


            The letter supported the existence of an NCAF, but stipulated it would require LAF input.  MW informed members that they were not canvassed regarding this suggestion and were not supportive of it.  An NCAF could not support a representative  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


LAF Annual Report pdf icon PDF 73 KB

Claire Tranter, Strategic Access Assistant.

Additional documents:


Members received the report from Claire Tranter, who thanked the Forum for their input.


The aim was to deliver the Report in line for the June meeting each year.  An outline of planned events would also be included, as well as members’ own presentations.  


An action plan has been included in the report for the first time this year and members were invited to add to this during the year.


Discussion took place on the number of copies which would be needed to cover all interested parties.  Although it was envisaged that 250 copies would be sufficient, once members discussed the circulation list, this amount was increased.  It was suggested that Parish Clerks could receive an email copy as well as a hard copy.  This would make it easier for them to circulate to all Parish Councillors.  Advertising in local papers would ensure that members of the public were aware of the document.


Members congratulated Claire Tranter on the work she had done in producing the LAF Annual Report.


The Forum approved the final report and discussed how the document should be used to give maximum exposure to the LAF over the next 12 months.


Rights of Way Improvement Plan pdf icon PDF 78 KB

Jon Clark, Strategic Access Officer.


Members received the report of Jonathan Clark, Strategic Access Officer, who was welcomed to the meeting.


Members noted the following:

·         The internal consultation was complete

·         A hard copy of the RoWIP would be sent with a request for comments.  Paul Battye thanked everyone including the working groups, for their contributions.

·         Feedback would be sought over the next three months through consultation.  Members noted that the deadline of 1 September on the timetable should be amended to 10 September.

·         Photos of users would be useful to include.  Members were asked to provide contributions.

·         Members were asked to notify Paul Battye if they considered a particular consultee was not on the list.

·         The Rights of Way link would be launched on 20 June 2007 at the new Chilterns Gateway Centre in Dunstable Downs, from 11.00am to 2.00pm and members were encouraged to attend.

·         An Open Farm Day will be held on 10 June at Hampden Bottom Farm. Hampden Bottom Farm won a Chilterns Conservation Board award last year.  The aim of the day was to look at Higher Level Stewardship and to possibly encourage more farmers to join the scheme.  However, concern was expressed that currently no further funding was being put into the HLS Scheme.

·         VL informed the Forum that she was receiving calls from riders regarding the need for permits to ride on Forestry Commission land.  VL was asked to refer such calls to Joanne Taylor.


Any Other Business


Members were advised that new AONB Walks leaflets were available. BCC had contributed towards funding the walks.


Green Infrastructure.  SP informed members about a workshop to be held looking at growth areas and money available from that source.  He agreed to provide an update at the next meeting.


Defra public consultation on the 'right to apply' in respect of public rights of way pdf icon PDF 69 KB

Attached is the copy letter, received by email from Defra, together with the briefing note on the consultation.  Members can download any documents via the links in the letter and some copies will be available at the meeting if you are unable to do this.

Additional documents:


Members noted that this was a consultation looking at changing the basis on which to apply for closures and restrictions on Rights of Way.


Members noted that this only applies to those land managers of agricultural land.  However, the County Council will try to deal with all applications in the same way.


MW informed members that this was being rolled out as part of the CRoW Act, and was asking LAFs to consider whether they wanted this part of the legislation repealed.  MW had put himself forward to work with Defra on this document, which was meant to make it easier for landowners to look at requests to change paths running across their land.  Under existing legislation it is not a duty for councils to make diversion orders and, as a result, there are some that refuse to do so. It will now be the proper duty of the County Council to address applications to divert paths within four months of receipt of application.  If orders are refused, Local Authorities will be asked to give a reason for refusal of an application which can then be appealed by the applicant to the Secretary of State, who will then make an Order.


There is an issue for landowners in that any applications which are made have to be funded by the landowner and this includes advertising costs.  MW stated he was happy with this aspect, because it should not be something which is paid for by the taxpayer. 


MW was uncertain how Defra was going to manage the appeal process.  It may be that the relevant Authority will carry out the work and then charge Defra.  There would still be public inquiries, but if the order is confirmed the relevant Local Authority will have to implement it.  Defra needed to take on board the work needed to put any path in place.


AL suggested he could see the benefit from the landowner’s viewpoint.


The Chairman asked whether landowners would consider this a step forward.  DB commented that the only public path orders of which he was aware were through developments which were not included in this legislation.  SP informed members that he did negotiate diversionary routes with landowners and in many cases they had been agreed by BCC.  However, in other authorities they had been refused even though the landowner was supportive of the application.


MW said that the ability to divert paths should be in place and this was not a problem as far as BCC was concerned.  It will provide a framework by which orders can be looked at and then approved or not.  It will also be an opportunity for those involved to have their say.


DB said this would include breeding and keeping of horses and could be the main source of applications in Buckinghamshire.  MW agreed that the debate about keeping of horses being agricultural land would be resolved.


AL asked if the questionnaire could be circulated to all members of forum because there did  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9.


Date of Next and Future Meetings

The next meeting of the Local Access Forum will be held on Wednesday 12 September 2007 at 10.00am in the Large Dining Room, Judges Lodgings.


Dates of future meetings are as follows:


19 December 2007

5 March 2008

11 June 2008

17 September 2008

17 December 2008




The next meeting of the Local Access Forum will take place on Wednesday 12 September 2007 at 10.00am in the Large Dining Room, Judges Lodgings.


Dates of Future meetings:


19 December 2007

5 March 2008

11 June 2008

17 September 2008

17 December 2008