Meeting documents
Venue: Large Dining Room, Judges Lodgings, Aylesbury. View directions
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: |
of the meeting held on 3rd April 2008 to be confirmed as a correct record Minutes: |
Aylesbury and Milton Keynes Growth Verbal Update from Marcus Rogers Minutes: The Chairman welcomed Marcus Rogers, Interim Head of Planning and Environment to the meeting. Marcus Rogers gave the Committee an overview of the progress of the growth programme for Aylesbury and Milton Keynes. The following points were noted:
Market Towns and Rural Access to Services Programme (RASP) PDF 37 KB Progress report from Malcolm Godwin Minutes:
Action: Malcolm Godwin
The Chairman thanked Malcolm for attending the meeting and reminded members that the Market Town Programme was already halfway through its cycle.
Locality Working Update PDF 35 KB Rebecca Carley Minutes:
With regards to the first round of LAF meetings, 11 LAFs were established across Aylesbury Vale and Wycombe district areas. 138 parishes were invited to attend these 11 LAFs and 70 were in attendance. The initial impressions were of positive participation from parish councils. It was recognised that there needed to be greater links between the LAFs and Neighbourhood Action Groups (NAGs) and in Wycombe, district colleagues were working on these links under Pathfinder, with level1,2 and 3 meetings.
A number of members commented that they felt the LAFs were well-attended and working quite well. There was some confusion between what constituted a Level1,2 or 3 meeting and there was some concern that there might be more meetings for the same people to attend, which might not be sustainable in the longer term. Members suggested that there was a need for the NAGs and LAFs to become co-terminus and it was noted that there seemed to be no consistent approach across the county.
There was also some concern about the involvement of local residents in the meetings, as they were unelected and not subject to any code of conduct. Some parishes were concerned about a lack of parish representatives at some LAFs. Rebecca Carley pointed out that the philosophy behind participatory budgeting was that members of the local community should set priorities for spending, rather than elected members. A pilot project for participatory budgeting was being undertaken in High Wycombe, in conjunction with Wycombe District Council.
The Chairman emphasised that BCC wanted the LAFs to evolve in their own way. The aim of the LAFs was to reach the grass roots and each LAF would define its own membership and its own agenda.
Chris Williams, BCC Chief Executive, informed the Committee that the funding for participatory budgeting was over and above the £500,000 which had previously been allocated to Local Committees and it did not have to be spent on transport schemes. Chris Williams had asked all Heads of Service to identify other service funding which could be devolved down to LAFs, to enable county, district and parish councillors and residents to identify local priorities.
Chris Williams also advised that the feedback he had received from NAGs across Bucks, indicated that three common issues existed. These were young people and anti-social behaviour, fear of crime/community safety and speeding issues ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
Any Other Business Minutes: |
Date of Next Meeting Suggested date for next meeting – Wednesday 8th April 2009 at 2.30pm Minutes: |