Meeting documents

Venue: Room 84, Old County Offices

Contact: Liz Wheaton 

Note No. Item



Apologies for Absence


Declarations of Interest


Care of Older People in a Hospital Setting - from a national perspective pdf icon PDF 411 KB

Members will hear examples of best practice nationally in caring for older people in hospitals, what the particular challenges might be, staff training and recommended staffing levels on older people wards.



Patricia Marquis, SE Regional Director, RCN



‘Safe Staffing for older people’s wards – RCN summary guidance and recommendations’ 2012

‘Delivering Dignity – Securing dignity in care for older people in hospitals and care homes’ LGA, NHS Confederation, Age UK 2012

Additional documents:



Care of older people in hospitals - Buckinghamshire perspective

Members will discuss care of older people in Buckinghamshire hospitals, in particular, the Medicine for Older People’s wards. 

Topics will include:

§         Accountability and management of the wards 

§         Assessment of patients and development of care plans

§         Involvement of families

§         Staff training on nutrition, dignity, compassion and dementia

§         Opportunities for challenging practice

§         Patient feedback – how this is used to improve practice

§         Dealing with complaints

§         Initiatives to improve care and how they are being rolled out to other areas of the acute trust, including of nutrition, dignity, compassion and dementia

§         Use of volunteers



Lynne Swiatczak, Chief Nurse, Buckinghamshire Healthcare Trust (BHT)

Jo Birrell, Modern Matron, BHT



Care for older patients with mental health illness in hospital

Members will learn about the provision of care in hospitals for older people with mental health illness.  Areas discussed will include:

§         Particular challenges involved in caring for older patients with mental health illness, in a hospital environment

§         Numbers of in-patients cared for

§         Staffing levels

§         Assessment of older patients

§         The impact on patients of long stays in hospital

§         Re-admission rates

§         Process for managing complaints

§         Involvement of families

§         Liaison with BHT, including training 



Deborah Humphrey, Head of Nursing (Older Adults), Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust

Dr Brian Murray, Consultant Older Adult Psychiatrist & Clinical Director, Aylesbury Older Adult Community Mental Health Team



Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will take place on 15 June 2012, 10.00am, Phoenix 3, Old County Offices, Aylesbury.