Meeting documents
Venue: The Winslow Centre
No. | Item |
Appointment of Chairman The Chairman to be a County Councillor. Minutes: Resolved that David Rowlands and Brenda Jennings be appointed Chairmen on a rotational basis.
David Rowlands in the Chair for this meeting. |
Appointment of Vice Chairman The Vice Chairman to be a District Councillor. Minutes: This item was deferred until the next meeting. |
Apologies for Absence/Changes in Membership Minutes: Apologies were received from Linda Lear, Andrew Pain, Sir Beville Stanier, Quintin Ings-Chambers, Lindsay Rowlands, Duncan Wiggley, and David Headley. |
Declarations of Interest To declare any personal or prejudicial interests. Minutes: There were none. |
To consider the terms of reference and membership issues.
Please find attached the link to background papers on the report submitted to Council on the future of locality working: Additional documents:
Minutes: The Terms of Reference for the Local Area Forums and Local Community Partnerships were agreed at County Council on 10 July and a summary sheet was circulated at the meeting.
Members were asked to note the report and agree the recommendations.
Concern was expressed that the District Council and some of the parishes were not represented in order to have the discussion. Members were informed that the agenda and papers were sent to all Parishes prior to the meeting so that everyone was aware of the date and time. Unfortunately, there was an AVDC Audit Committee meeting and Buckingham NE NAG taking place the same evening, which were arranged after the LAF date had been agreed.
The GC2C Manager confirmed that Resolutions 1 – 11 were agreed by County Council. In answer to a question, it was confirmed that adjoining parishes may attend the meeting if there is an item of interest to them.
With regard to membership, a letter had been sent to the Parish Councils asking them to nominate one member to represent them at the meeting. This did not preclude other parish councillors from attending, but if there was a need to vote on an item there would be a designated member.
Proportional representation was discussed. However, in the past many smaller parishes lost interest in such meetings because they were overshadowed by the bigger areas and their issues. The members were referred to paragraph 19 of the paper which gave further explanation of the voting procedure and this was accepted.
Members of the Local Area Forum noted the Report and the agreed County Council recommendations. |
To confirm the notes of the Winslow Local Area Forum meeting held on 4 June 2008. Additional documents: Minutes: Members agreed the notes of the meeting held on 4 June. |
Action List of Items Outstanding from Last Meeting To consider the list of items outstanding from the last meeting. Minutes: The following was noted: · The Fire Service would not be giving a presentation at this meeting but the item would be carried over to the next meeting. · An Adult Social Care surgery had been held in Newton Longville which was very successful. Others will be held in the area and dates will be provided. · An issue was raised regarding people in the area who are attached to GP surgeries in the Milton Keynes area. The surgeries appear to be unaware of how to contact services in Aylesbury Vale regarding support which may be needed. |
Question Time There will be a 20 minutes period for public questions. Members of the public are encouraged to submit their questions in advance of the meeting to facilitate a full answer on the day of the meeting. Questions sent in advance will be dealt with first and verbal questions after. One supplementary question is allowed to be submitted by the member of the public from whom the question originated. Minutes: The Forum received the following questions from John Gilbey from Great Horwood Parish Council.
Question 1. Although Great Horwood is part of the Winslow LAF it comes under the Buckingham North-East NAG. The next meeting of the NAG has been arranged for the same date and time as the Winslow LAF. Is it possible to re-align the NAG groups to match the LAF Groupings? If this is not possible can there be co-ordination between the organisers of the two groups to avoid date and time clashes. (I guess this comment also applies to Little Horwood)
Response: The representatives from Thames Valley Police agreed to obtain a response.
Question 2. In the BCC Winslow Area Newsletter July 2008 Issue 1, there is reference to the first wave of applications for Vehicle Activates Signs (VAS) having been assessed and letters sent to Parish Councils advising them of the outcome. Over many months Great Horwood has raised the issue of speeding in the village with representatives of the transportation department of BCC, including Tim Fowler, Ann-Marie Davies and David Cairney, with our local PC and PCSO including regularly at NAG meetings and also with our County Councillor and our District Councillor but we have never received any information on this VAS initiative. Why?
Response: A detailed response had already been sent to Mr Gilbey. The forum noted that a request had been made for funds from the delegated but it was not successful. With regard to the VAS initiative, officers were unaware of this and undertook to find out further information.
The Forum noted that the Council Policy on VAS was approved last year and they can be made available dependent on budget and assessment of location. Parishes wishing to have a VAS should apply to Sian Thomas. The cost takes into account power sources and location and each site would be individually assessed. Speeding initiatives are being presented to the Parish Forum on 13 October and further information can be obtained from the BCC website. Leaflets will be circulated to all Parishes and adverts will appear on the LAT vans.
It was suggested that a TSID may be more suitable for the location and it was agreed that Anne Marie Davies would look into this issue.
Action: Anne Marie Davies
Steve Orchard stated that the £125,000 delegated budget for local committees would be devolved down to the LAFs. However, the current year’s programme was already committed. Money would be available from 2009 onwards. Town and Parish Councils will be notified once the level of funding has been set for 2009/10. Schemes will be scored as they were for Local Committees and it will for the Forum to make the final decisions. Bids for VAS could be made from that money.
Funding for traffic calming measures was discussed. This could be bid for from the devolved funding but it would be for the LAF to make the decision and make recommendations to the Head of Transportation. However, there may ... view the full minutes text for item 8. |
Issues of Interest Previous issues discussed by the Forum have been:-
A Forward Plan of issues is currently being developed and Members are asked to let the Chairman know of any issues they wish to be included for future meetings.
Minutes: Members noted the previous issues which had been discussed at meetings of the Forum and were asked to send any other items to Brenda Jennings, David Rowlands or Freda Ackroyd.
A suggestion was put forward that the Forum may like to receive presentations from other services within the County Council and District Council in order to get a better understanding of their work. This could inform any other issues which were presented at the meetings and could speed up the consultation process if stakeholders were better informed.
The Chairman stated that he would ask John Byrne, from Aylesbury Vale District Council to give an update on the Local Growth Agenda as a future item.
Action: Chairman/Freda Ackroyd
Mrs Jennings commented that the East/West Rail presentation would have been interesting to the Wing/Ivinghoe area and it may be useful to have joint Forums for such issues. |
Petitions To receive any Petitions that have been submitted to the Local Area Forum. Minutes: There were no petitions. |
Fire and Rescue Service PDF 584 KB Minutes: This item was deferred to a future meeting. |
Police Service To receive an update from PCSO Wendy Taylor. Minutes: The forum was informed that with effect from 19 September 2008 the police had received a new power through a Dispersal Order which allows the Police to disperse groups of two or more people who may be likely to cause anti-social behaviour between the hours of 9.00pm and 6.00am. Any people under the age of 16 can be escorted home if not under supervision. Officers from Aylesbury will assist if necessary. The Order will be in place for six months and would be reviewed at the end of that period. Concern was expressed that this may displace the problem.
Discussion took place about whether the Churchyard was covered under the Dispersal Order but it was noted that not enough evidence had been obtained to include Winslow Town centre. The Churchyard is private property and it may be that the Police would not be able to use their powers.
Sgt Andy Jones stated that they would police as much of Winslow as they could and if they were occupied, Neighbourhood teams from Aylesbury and response teams would step in.
NAGs PCSO Wendy Taylor updated the meeting about the NAG and the following was noted: · The police are enforcing speeding limits in Newton Longville · Five Parish Councils have joined together for Speedwatch · The Fire Station is arranging a date for loud noise vehicles for children · With regard to farm theft, they were still awaiting Countrywatch · The Horsewatch meeting was successful. Courses for police officers on horse handing were being piloted in Amersham. |
East/West rail Patrick O’Sullivan, a rail consultant with Milton Keynes Partnership who is the client group’s project manager for East/West Rail, will provide an update. Minutes: The Forum received a presentation from Patrick O’Sullivan, a rail consultant with Milton Keynes Partnership, who is the client group’s project manager for East/West Rail. The presentation focused on the Western Section of the East West Rail programme and the Aylesbury spur.
In the ensuing discussion the following was noted: · Chiltern Rail could complete the section without East/West Rail and run it independently, but it would need a joint agreement. · Regional tariffs could be put in place but a community infrastructure levy may be more favourable. · Land is already available to put twin tracks in place. Most of the work can be completed without the need to purchase any more land unless there was a need to put in bridges. · The Winslow Town Plan expressed strong support for the return of a passenger rail service, but the inclusion of freight transportation may raise opposition. However, it was noted that until with 1980’s freight trains ran through Winslow. The benefit of a passenger route will far outweigh any problems regarding freight. · The business case for the railway line is based on two trains per hour therefore the East/West Rail is not reliant on freight to justify it. · The trains will run on diesel, but the routes are also being cleared for overhead power lines.
The Chairman thanked Patrick O’Sullivan for his update. Copies of the presentation can be obtained from the clerk. |
Transportation issues
Minutes: The member from Great Horwood raised the issue of diversion regarding the A421 closure and the diversion of traffic through Great Horwood. Complaints had been received, asking for the 30mph speed limit to be extended when diversions were in place. It was noted that this route would continue to be a diversion route in the future, but it was not possible to use TSIDs or temporary speed limit signs because of the narrow width of the verge.
The Forum also noted the following: · Leaflets warning the public about parking on narrow roads and thus reducing access for emergency vehicles. It was agreed that all Parish Councils should receive the leaflets. · Care should be taken regarding use and placement of signs when advertising events. |
Dates of next and future meetings To agree the date of the next meeting and to agree future dates in 2009. Minutes: The next meeting of the Forum will be held on Wednesday 3 December 2009 at 7.00pm at a venue to be advised. |