Meeting documents
Venue: Winslow C of E Combined School
Contact: Liz Wheaton
No. | Item |
Appointment of Vice Chairman Minutes: This item has been deferred to the next meeting. |
Apologies for Absence / Changes in Membership Minutes: Apologies were received from Andrew Pain (Whitchurch Parish Council), Pam Pearce (Aylesbury Vale District Council), Ashley Bond (Aylesbury Vale District Council), John Gilbey (Great Horwood Parish Council) and Simon Dudley (Bucks County Council).
There were no changes in Membership. |
Declarations of Interest To declare any personal or prejudicial interests Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
The action notes of the meeting held on 3 December 2008 to be agreed. Minutes: The action notes of the meeting held on 3 December 2008 were agreed. The Chairman emphasised that the funding for the East/West Rail will not be dependent on a local roof tax. |
Adult Social Care - new co-ordinator for Winslow area An opportunity to meet the new co-ordinator for the Winslow area. Minutes: Karen Adamson introduced Morag Gray who has joined Bucks County Council as an adult social care co-ordinator for the Winslow area. Morag asked Members to let her know of any events taking place.
Her email address is
The next Adult Social Care surgery is due to take place on Friday 24 April from 10am-1pm in the Market Square Car Park.
Police/NAG update To include an update on the Youth Event taking place on 25 April by PCSO Wendy Taylor. Minutes: Wendy Taylor, PCSO, told Members that the Buckingham South East NAG has now amalgamated with the Buckingham South West NAG.
She said that there are three main focus areas for the NAGs and the Police.
Wendy Taylor provided Members with an update on the Youth Event which is taking place at the Winslow Centre on Saturday 25 April. She said that publicity posters are currently being printed and will be available shortly and she reported that over 60 companies/organisations are involved in the event, including Sports 2012, Aylesbury College, Extended Services, the Voluntary sector and the local Youth Centres. She encouraged everyone to get involved and to spread the word amongst their local parishes. Wendy said that she is developing a "Tool kit" which contains all the contact details for the event so that other areas can run similar events in future.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Tim Fowler, Area Maintenance Manager, took Members through the delegated budget applications, of which there were 13, and explained that each bid had been assessed in terms of feasibility and an estimated cost attached to each bid. Tim went on to explain that the delegated budget for the Winslow Local Area is £15,000. The proposed schemes were circulated to Members to consider.
It was agreed that the following schemes should be undertaken in 2009-2010. These were:
An update on the 14-19 education reform by Louise Goll. Minutes: Louise Goll, Divisional Director for Achievement and Learning, provided Members with an update on the 14-19 Education Reform Programme. Her presentation is attached to these notes. She explained that the country is in the middle of the biggest reform in secondary education. By 2013, all 17 year-olds will need to be in full-time education and by 2015, it will increase to all 18 year-olds. Louise explained that 90% of jobs have not been created yet so there is a real need for flexiblity. The reforms will lead to 17 diploma lines which students can choose to follow and these will be developed in conjunction with Further Education Colleges and Secondary schools.
Louise went on to explain that learning for young people will lead to qualifications from 1 of 4 routes which are as follows.
During discussion the following questions and issues were raised.
Effect of bypass on local transport Minutes: This item will be deferred to the next meeting. |
Winslow Green update Minutes: The Chairman explained that there will be a meeting in two weeks’ time. The official report will form part of the papers, including copies of letters sent in. The Chairman said that he has sent in a submission as a local councillor. During discussion, it was confirmed that there were 931 responses opposing the scheme and 12 in support of it. |
East/West rail Minutes: This item was deferred to the next meeting and someone from East/West rail will be invited to speak at the July meeting. |
Question Time There will be a 20 minute period for public questions. Members of the public are encouraged to submit their questions in advance of the meeting to facilitate a full answer on the day of the meeting. Questions sent in advance will be dealt with first and verbal questions after. Minutes: A Member asked whether possibilities for funding from the European Union could be discussed at a future meeting. It was agreed to invite someone to the July meeting to discuss this issue further.
Action: Local Co-ordinator
Petitions None received Minutes: There were no petitions. |
Date of Next and Future Meetings Minutes: The next meeting is due to take place on 15 July 2009 starting at 7pm at the Winslow Centre.
The other dates for 2009 are as follows:
30 September – venue to be confirmed 10 December – provisional date and venue to be confirmed.
Suggested agenda items: