Meeting documents
Venue: Winslow Combined School, Lowndes Way, MK18 3EN
Contact: Liz Wheaton
Note | No. | Item |
19.00 |
Appointment of Vice Chairman The Vice Chairman to be a District Councillor. Minutes: It was agreed that District Councillor Pam Pearce be appointed as Vice-Chairman for the ensuing year. |
Apologies for Absence / Changes in Membership Minutes: Apologies were received from Pam Pearce (AVDC), Sue Polhill (AVDC), David Rowlands (Bucks County Council), Sir Beville Stanier (AVDC), Paul O’Hare (Bucks Community Action) and Ann-Marie Davies (Transportation Manager, Bucks County Council). |
Declarations of Interest To declare any personal or prejudicial interests Minutes: Ashley Bond from AVDC declared that he is on the Development Control Committee. |
To confirm the notes of the meeting held on 15 July 2009. Minutes: The action notes of the meeting held on 15 July 2009 were agreed as a correct record. |
19.10 |
There will be a 20 minute period for public questions. Members of the public are encouraged to submit their questions in advance of the meeting to facilitate a full answer on the day of the meeting. Questions sent in advance will be dealt with first and verbal questions after. Minutes: Ashley Bond from AVDC explained that there had been a serious water leak in Whitchurch and it had taken the County Council three months’ to close the road. He asked someone to look into this for him to find out why it had taken so long. Action: Area Co-ordinator
Winslow Town Council emailed questions in advance of the meeting. Jackie Louch, Area Co-ordinator, explained that the answers to their questions had been tabled for Members and circulated copies to all Members. A copy of the response to the questions is attached.
Llew Monger from Winslow Town Council questioned the rationale for sending questions in advance of the meeting if they were then not going to be discussed at the meeting. He thought Duncan Laird would attend the meeting to answer the questions in person. Mark Averill, from Transport for Buckinghamshire, explained that the standard procedure was to provide a written response to questions sent in before a meeting. |
Petitions None received Minutes: There were no petitions. |
19.30 |
An assessment of the bids received for Positive Activities for Young People funding. A report is attached.
Email: Minutes: Chris Garcia, Lead Officer, asked Members to encourage the voluntary sectors to apply for the PAYP funding.
Jackie Louch, Area Co-ordinator, took the Members through the applications received so far for the Positive Activities for Young People funding. She explained that there were three applications which are outlined below.
Jackie also explained that a further application has been received from Winslow Town Council. A copy of the application form was tabled for Members to consider. The application relates to an event during the October half-term break to take young people to Xscape in Milton Keynes. Winslow Town Council is looking for £300 towards the cost of the event from the PAYP grant.
A Member asked whether, in future, it would be possible to have further information about the aspirations behind the bids. For example, what do the organisers wish to achieve if they were granted the additional funding. It was agreed that this would help Members to reach their decision.
Members agreed all the applications outlined above. |
19.40 |
Local Priorities funding An assessment of the project identified for local priorities funding. A report is attached.
Email: Minutes: Jackie Louch took Members through the applications received so far which are outlined below.
Jackie explained that there has been a further proposal from Hardwick Parish Council to renovate a much-used footpath in the village. The application has been slightly delayed whilst quotations are obtained.
Members agreed the three applications outlined above and agreed to consider the Hardwick Parish Council application at a future meeting. |
19.50 |
Community First Responders Steve Acton will provide an outline of the Community First Responders scheme. Minutes: Suzanne Solera, Community Responder Liaison and Training Officer, explained that there are three Community First Responders (CFRs) in the Winslow area who are all volunteers. They are trained by South Central Ambulance Service to respond to category A calls (life threatening). An ambulance is always sent to a category A call but a CFR can be at the scene faster than an ambulance. A CFR can assist with cardiac arrests, breathing problems, unconscious casualties, falls and diabetic problems, for example. Suzanne explained that is a major benefit to have someone at the scene as soon as possible.
Suzanne introduced Steve Acton who is a CFR in the Winslow area. He explained that all CFRs are trained within a tight protocol which is continually assessed (every six months). He said that there are ambulance stations at Bletchley and Stoke Mandeville. CFRs travel in their own cars and have to adhere to the speed limit but they normally arrive first on the scene. He said that CFR do help people in the community and can save lives.
A Member asked whether there was a CFR covering the Newton Longville area. Suzanne said that there is a CFR based in Bletchley which would cover this area as it is within a three mile radius. She went on to say that the aim is to have a CFR in every village.
A Member asked what equipment a CFR is provided with. Steve explained that each kit has a defribulator and an oxygen cyclinder as well as other medical supplies. The response kits have been funded by the League of Friends in the past and there is a need for a second kit in Winslow. Each kit costs £3,000 and if a parish buys a kit then it belongs to them even if the CFR leaves the area.
A Member asked whether parishes could "club together" to buy the kit. Suzanne said that this is a possibility and sharing can work well.
Suzanne agreed to email information on the role of CFR which can be used in parish magazines. Information attached for inclusion in parish magazines. |
20.05 |
Local Area Planning Paul O’Hare, Bucks Community Action, will discuss the local area planning process to be undertaken by the Local Area Forum in early 2010.
Email: Minutes: Paul O’Hare from Bucks Community Action sent his apologies as he is unwell.
Jackie Louch, Area Co-ordinator, explained that the Local Area Planning process will commence in early 2010 and the aim of the planning process is to provide the LAF with focus and direction in 2010. It will also make the allocation of the Local Priorities Budget an easier task. There will be a workshop taking place in February at which all parishes will be asked to provide information. Jackie explained that the plan will be a "working document" which can be added to on an on-going basis.
A Member asked whether the two events organised by Bucks Community Action to discuss Community-Led planning were the same as the planned workshop. Jackie explained that there is a link between the two and the planning workshop is not an isolated exercise. She went on to say that the Local Area Planning process will assist with working out the priorities, assessing them and then agreeing them.
A Member commented that around 30% of parishes are not present at the LAF meetings and asked whether they would be included in the planning process. Jackie explained that parishes will have to complete a sheet showing their priorities and attend the local planning workshop to enable these to be effectively assessed.
Jackie concluded by asking Members to email her with any questions they may have. Her email address is
20.10 |
Transportation |
Transport for Buckinghamshire Mark Averill, Transport for Buckinghamshire, will be giving an update on the new Alliance.
Email: Minutes: Mark Averill, Network Operations Manager, took Members through his presentation entitled "Transport for Buckinghamshire". He explained that the new Alliance is a combination of three "traditional" organisations rolled into one. The contract commenced in April 2009 and is an 8 year contract which is performance linked with a possible extension for a further 7 years.
During discussion, a Member expressed concern about getting people to cut hedges in the past and asked whether this is still an issue. Mark explained that the County Council does not own many hedges as they are owned by the landowner and the problem can be compounded where the land has been split into small holdings.
A Member explained that there is a very dangerous school crossing in Newton Longville which parishioners have been complaining about on a daily basis. The Member asked who she should speak to about this as she was frustrated by the lack of action. Mark suggested she spoke to Ann-Marie Davies.
Action: Member/Ann-Marie Davies |
Local Transport Plan 3 (LTP3) Ed Gurney, Transport Policy Officer, will explain about the forthcoming LTP3 consultation/engagement process and how parishes can feed into the process.
A report is attached.
Email: Additional documents: Minutes: Ed Gurney, Transport Policy officer, took Members through his presentation entitled "Engagement with Local Community Areas". He explained that LTP2 was a five year programme which started in 2005/06 and is due to finish in 2010/11. LTP3 is a 15 year strategy which will encompass wider aims with a rolling 3 year implementation plan (2011-2026). Ed explained that there are 9 planning areas with similar needs and Winslow has been joined with Buckingham. He went on to say that the Department for Transport has set new goals for LTP which are as follows:
There will be an LTP3 information pack sent out to Members in October so Ed encouraged Members to look out for it and to respond once they receive it. The deadline for receiving feedback is 31st December 2009.
During discussion a Member asked whether Milton Keynes is linked in with the planning process. Ed responded that Milton Keynes has the same objectives as Bucks County Council and there will be meetings taking place with neighbouring districts to discuss the LTP3.
A Member commented that it is very difficult to develop a 15 year plan when it is unclear how much money will be available. The Member felt there should be targets put in place. Ed explained that there are targets set against deliverability. He went on to say that the LTP3 will ensure that Bucks County Council is in a good position to bid for extra funding in future due to a clear plan with a clear set of objectives.
A Member asked whether East/West rail will be affected by LTP3. Ed explained that East/West rail is a separate issue but the LTP3 will engage with other major projects affecting the County. He went on to say that the strategy will be refreshed every 5 years to include major developments.
A copy of Ed Gurney’s presentation is attached for information. |
20.40 |
Transportation Delegated Budget Simon Dudley, Area Maintenance Team Leader (North), will discuss the Transportation delegated budget for 2010/11. The report and application form is attached.
Members are asked to note the application deadline is Monday 30 November 2009.
Email: Additional documents: Minutes: Simon Dudley, Maintenance Team Leader, explained to Members that the delegated budget for the Winslow area has increased to £18,000. He urged Members to submit their bid applications by 30 November 2009 as all the bids will be scored during December and January and estimates completed.
He asked Members to send their bid application forms to Ann-Marie Davies. Her email address is
Simon went on to explain that "We’re working on it" is in its third year and there is a budget of £4.2 million across the County. Members are encouraged to engage with the process of identifying work priorities for the local community gangs this year and communicate the specific details to the Local Member and the Local Area Technician (David Hedley – his contact number is 0845 230 2882). Members are also asked to consider work priorities for the plane and patch gangs.
Action: All Members |
20.50 |
Future agenda items Members will be invited to propose future agenda items for consideration. Minutes: Members were asked to email Jackie Louch with their suggested agenda items one month prior to the meeting date. |
20.55 |
Members are asked to note the following reports which are attached for your information.
Additional documents: Minutes: Members were asked to note the information items relating to an EWR update and Freight Strategy update. |
21.00 |
Date of Next and Future Meetings The next meeting will take place on Thursday 10 December 2009 at Newton Longville Church Hall.
Proposed dates for 2010:
3 March 16 June 15 September 15 December.
If you know of a suitable venue for a future LAF meeting, please contact Liz Wheaton on
Minutes: The next meeting will take place on Thursday 10 December at Newton Longville Free Church. The meeting will start at 7pm.
Proposed dates for 2010 are as follows:
3 March 16 June 15 September 15 December. |