Meeting documents
Venue: Newton Longville Free Church, Newton Longville
Contact: Liz Wheaton
Note | No. | Item |
19.00 |
Welcome to Vice Chairman Minutes: Due to illness, David Rowlands was unable to be the Chairman for the meeting. Pam Pearce, the Vice-Chairman, was in the chair for the meeting.
Chris Garcia, the Lead Officer, asked Members to join her in congratulating Jackie Louch (now Wesley) who recently got married. |
Apologies for Absence / Changes in Membership Minutes: Apologies as stated above. |
Declarations of Interest To declare any personal or prejudicial interests Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
To confirm the notes of the meeting held on 30 September 2009. Minutes: The action notes of the meeting held on 30 September 2009 were agreed as a correct record. |
19.10 |
Question Time There will be a 20 minute period for public questions. Members of the public are encouraged to submit their questions in advance of the meeting to facilitate a full answer on the day of the meeting. Questions sent in advance will be dealt with first and verbal questions after. Minutes: John Gilbey from Great Horwood Parish Council sent the following questions in advance of the meeting.
Mr Gilbey then sent in a supplementary question as detailed below.
Simon Dudley explained that he had dealt with the individual questions during the drop-in session prior to the meeting. Regarding the supplementary question, they had noticed that the slurry work was not adequate and they had been back today to rectify this.
Simon provided Members with an update on the forthcoming planned works at the Horse and Jockey junction. He said that they are due to start on 11 January 2010, weather dependent and they are due to last between 4 to 12 weeks.
Inspector Emma Garside introduced herself to Members and said that she has taken the decision to move Little Horwood and Great Horwood to the Buckingham South NAG. She explained that their officer will still be PCSO Lucy Andrews. Emma went on to say that in terms of the IT systems, Little Horwood and Great Horwood would still come up under Buckingham North as it is a costly exercise to make adhoc changes to the system but the amendment will be made to the system in time. |
Petitions None received Minutes: There were no petitions. |
Local Area Planning workshop For information, the local area planning workshop will be held on Thursday 25 February 2010 from 6.30pm. Venue to be confirmed. Minutes: Jackie Wesley, Locality Services Area Co-ordinator, told Members that there will be a local area planning workshop on 25 February 2010. The venue will be confirmed shortly. She went on to say that all Members will be receiving a letter from her detailing further information about the local area planning process. Members will be asked to populate a spreadsheet with their issues. Where parish plans are in place, we will populate the spreadsheet and send it to the parishes for further input. Jackie asked Members to nominate community groups who should be invited to the planning workshop.
A Member pointed out that the information for their parish was incorrect on the website. Jackie reassured Members that they will have an opportunity to check the information before it goes onto the plan.
A Member asked what the purpose of the workshop is and whether it ties in with the budget process. Jackie responded by saying that information from existing parish plans is used to agree priorities for the LAF and these become part of the Local Area Plan and the local priorities budget will then be used to fund projects which have been identified in the Local Area Plan. Jackie went on to say that it is a rolling programme but the issues identified through the plan will be sent to the service areas for them to respond to and act on as appropriate. |
19.30 |
Winslow Local Area Forum name Proposals have been put forward to change the name of this Forum to better reflect the geographical spread of the area covered. Ideas include Winslow, Whitchurch & Newton Longville Local Area Forum or Eastern Vale Local Area Forum. Minutes: Members discussed the current name of the Forum and agreed that the name needed to incorporate the surrounding areas. It was agreed to change the name of the Forum to Winslow and District Local Area Forum. |
19.40 |
Local Priorities funding An assessment of the final project identified for local priorities funding. A report is attached.
Email: Minutes: Members were asked to consider a further proposal from North Marston for the remaining money in the local priorities budget. The proposal is to contribute £1577 towards the purchase of playground equipment.
Members AGREED the application for funding by North Marston Parish Council.
The local priorities budget for Winslow LAF is now fully allocated. |
19.45 |
Neighbourhood Police Update Inspector Emma Garside, Neighbourhood Inspector Rurals, will provide an update.
Email: Minutes: Inspector Emma Garside took Members through some crime rates for the local area over the last 7 months (1 April - 31 October 2009) compared to the same period last year. She stated that figures cover all the Buckingham South Neighbourhood which is a wider geographic area than the boundaries for the Winslow and District Local Area Forum. She said that the police are concentrating on trying to reduce thefts from vehicles as there has been a rise in this particular crime over the last few months. There were 27 offences in Winslow compared to 17 in the Buckingham South area compared to 17 in the same period last year. Emma went on to say that burglaries at home were down slightly (from 12 this year compared to 15 in the same period last year). Emma concluded by saying that total crime in the Buckingham South area was down by 0.4% and she acknowledged that this is only a small decrease. She urged Members not to leave items on display inside their cars.
Inspector Garside asked Members to let her know if they would like her to attend any of their parish meetings.
A Member invited Inspector Garside to attend the Winslow Town Council meetings which occur every other month. The Member went on to ask what is happening with the property the Thames Valley Police has been renting in Winslow for the last 6 months as there has been no sign of any activity. Emma responded by saying that there has been a delay in activity but things have started to happen recently and she is confident that the work will be completed by Christmas. The plan is to have the police in situ by January 2010.
19.55 |
East West Rail Patrick O’Sullivan, Project Manager, EWR Link and Richard Ward from Buckinghamshire County Council will provide an update on the EWR link.
Email: Minutes: Patrick O’Sullivan, Project Manager and Richard Ward, Lead Officer for East West Rail, gave Members an update on the East West Rail project. Patrick O’Sullivan started by saying that the recession has significantly affected the project. He said that the objective of the East West Rail link is to improve connectivity from Oxford/Aylesbury to Milton Keynes/Bedford. The plan also supports sustainable growth in the area with 100,000 new homes being built in the area. He went on to say that over a year ago, they started a technical project looking at new track, signalling and telecoms with a view to upgrading to new passenger services.
Patrick explained that the Oxford to London Marylebone via Bicester route should be given the go ahead by the Secretary of State before Christmas. He said that Lord Adonis supported the East West Rail project and officials were also very supportive so he is hopeful that any change in Government would mean that the project would still be well received.
Patrick said that the project will cost around £250 million which is broken down as follows:
Chiltern Railways Oxford to Bicester - £70 million
Benefits Strategic value - £100 million
Private funding - £50 million
Public Sector Investment - £30 million
Patrick explained that the funding available in control period 4 (2009-2014) is committed so the East West Rail project will have to wait until control period 5 (2014 onwards). The budget discussions for control period 5 will start in 2012. He said that it is important to continue planning the project and moving things forward because if there is an underspend in period 4, then there is a possibility that the project might start earlier.
The Chairman thanked both Patrick and Richard for their update. |
20.20 |
Aylesbury Vale District Council Update David Smedley, Head of Environment at Aylesbury Vale District Council, and District Lead Officer will discuss topical AVDC issues and how he can assist by providing a link to the Local Area Forum.
Email: Minutes: David Smedley, Head of Environment at AVDC and the District’s officer representative for the LAF, explained the breadth of his responsibilities at AVDC. He went on to suggest some possible areas of interest at future meetings which included the following.
David asked Members to let Jackie Wesley know if any of the above would be of interest. |
20.35 |
Adult Social Care Morag Gray, Adult Social Care representative for the Winslow Local Community Area will discuss Adult Social Care services in the area.
Email: Minutes: Morag Gray from Adult Social Care (ASC) gave Members an update on the service area and explained that ASC mainly work with vulnerable adults (over the age of 18). She explained about FACS – Fair Access to Care Services. She said that there is a new contact number which connects the caller to a Central Access Team (the team recorded 5140 calls in one month).
The number for the Central Access Team is 08453 708090.
ASC has set itself a target to get over 700 people onto Self Directed Support by the end of year. They are looking at creative ways to provide care.
Karen Adamson, ASC Community Development Officer, asked Members to let her know of any opportunities where the team can publicise the services they offer and to speak to local people. Her email address is
A Member from Newton Longville explained that there have been problems with patients who are transferred to Milton Keynes for treatment as the patient is then under a different authority. She went on to say that the GPs need to be informed about the central number so that they can let patients know. Karen said that she would supply some appropriate publicity wording to be included in parish magazines.
Action: Karen Adamson
A Member asked what parish councils can do apart from distributing information. Karen said that individuals living in communities is the best way of spreading the news about what ASC can do for vulnerable adults.
The Chairman thanked both Morag and Karen for their presentation. |
20.50 |
Future agenda items Members are invited to propose future agenda items for consideration. Minutes: Members were asked to email Jackie Wesley with any suggestions for future agenda items. Her email address is |
20.55 |
Members are asked to note the following report which is attached for your information.
Minutes: Members were asked to note the Winter Maintenance report. Jackie Wesley showed Members a new LAF leaflet on grant funding and said that further copies were available. |
21.00 |
Date of Next and Future Meetings Proposed dates for 2010 (venues to be confirmed):
Minutes: The date of the next meeting is Wednesday 3 March 2010. Venue to be confirmed.