Meeting documents
Venue: North Marston Village Hall
Contact: Liz Wheaton
Note | No. | Item |
19.00 |
Apologies for Absence / Changes in Membership Minutes: Apologies for absence as stated above.
Councillor Brenda Jennings sent her apologies as did Councillor Pam Pearce, the Vice-Chairman so Councillor Netta Glover was the Chairman for this meeting. |
Declarations of Interest To declare any personal or prejudicial interests Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
To confirm the notes of the meeting held on 10 December 2008. Minutes: The action notes of the meeting held on 10 December 2009 were agreed as a correct record. |
19.10 |
Question Time There will be a 20 minute period for public questions. Members of the public are encouraged to submit their questions in advance of the meeting to facilitate a full answer on the day of the meeting. Questions sent in advance will be dealt with first and verbal questions after. Minutes: There were no questions. |
Petitions None received Minutes: There were no petitions. |
19.30 |
Local Area Planning update An update on the local area planning workshop held on 25 February.
Email: Minutes: Jackie Wesley, Area Co-ordinator, thanked all those Members who attended the local area planning workshop which was held on 25 February. Jackie provided Members with a list of priorities which were identified at the workshop. Each priority had been given a score with the lowest score being the highest priority. Jackie explained that the priorities will now be sent to the relevant Services and Partners for their initial response. The initial responses will be provided within approximately six weeks and will be emailed to Members for their comments.
Jackie went on to update Members on the Local Area Priorities Budget. Jackie said that she is waiting for formal notification but she understands that Winslow Town Council is unable to spend the money before the end of March which was allocated to them for the Community Youth Bus project. The deadline for spending the money is the end of March otherwise it will be lost from the Area budget.
Jackie explained that this money would now be used to fund another project which meets the criteria for the Local Area Priorities Budget. A report detailing the successful projects would be circulated at the next meeting.
A Member asked whether the Young Farmers event would still take place. Jackie explained that the event is planned to take place before the end of March so this will be fine.
Jackie concluded by saying that the Local Area Priorities Budget for next year will be £220k which will be divided equally amongst the 19 Local Areas. She suggested that Members might consider supporting the Winslow Town Council’s project for the Youth Community Bus if it does not go ahead this year.
19.35 |
Neighbourhood Police update Inspector Emma Garside, Neighbourhood Inspector Rurals, will provide an update.
Email: Minutes: Inspector Emma Garside provided Members with an update on the crime figures for the local area. She stressed that the figures cover all the Buckingham South Neighbourhood which is a wider geographic area than the boundaries of the Winslow and District Local Area Forum. She went on to say that the number of offences had decreased from 436 to 429 during the same period year on year - 1 April 2009-31 January 2010. Theft of vehicles has decreased by 26% with 11 offences being committed during 1 April 2009-31 January 2010. Criminal damage is down by 11% which has been linked to a anti-social behaviour. Inspector Garside explained that anti-social behaviour incidences had decreased to16 incidences. Since January 2010, there have been 2 offences in Winslow compared to 7 offences in the same period in January 2009. The number of burglaries in Winslow has also decreased from 6 burglaries in January 2009 to 2 burglaries in January 2010. The police have identified an offender who resides in Milton Keynes and is currently in prison awaiting trial.
Inspector Garside explained that speeding is one of the priorities of the NAG and she said that in January 2010, the police handed out 28 speeding tickets in the Winslow, Tingewick and Buckingham area of which 50% of the people who were speeding were local residents. There were also speed watches set up in Whaddon (9 tickets issued), Mursley (8 tickets issued), Newton Longville (21 tickets).
Inspector Garside went on to say that dog fouling is a problem in North Marston. She gave an example that the local PCSO handed out a fixed penalty (£50) to someone who allowed their dog to foul on the pavement.
Inspector Garside explained that Thames Valley Police have introduced a "have your say" section on their website. She said that it is very important to understand local issues and she said that, where possible, either herself or another member of her team would attend meetings.
19.45 |
Youth consultation Simon Billenness, Senior Youth Practitioner, Buckinghamshire County Council, will outline the forthcoming consultation on youth services.
Email: Minutes: This item has been deferred to a future meeting. |
19.55 |
Waste Strategy update David Smedley, Head of Environment at Aylesbury Vale District Council and District Lead Officer, will discuss AVDC’s waste strategy.
Email: Minutes: David Smedley, Head of Environment at Aylesbury Vale District Council, gave Members a verbal update on AVDC’s operational arrangements for refuse and recycling.
A copy of his note is attached.
A Member expressed concern over a lack of policy on recycling and went on to say that Buckinghamshire was ranked as 71st in a "Let’s Recycle" survey 5 years ago and it has now dropped to 205th place in the same survey.
David Smedley responded by saying that if the twin-bin scheme could be introduced then Buckinghamshire would go up in the rankings. He said that if we collect all the rubbish at the moment, there isn’t anywhere for it to go.
A Member felt that not enough was being done to promote recycling and that people needed to be encouraged to recycle.
David Smedley responded by saying that AVDC is looking at various initiatives to try and increase awareness of the benefits of recycling and to encourage people to recycle. |
20.15 |
Good Neighbour schemes Karen Adamson, Adult Social Care, will outline a variety of Good Neighbour schemes and how different schemes could operate and benefit residents within your area.
Email: Additional documents: Minutes: Karen Adamson sent her apologies for the meeting so Jackie Wesley, Area Co-ordinator, took Members through the presentation on the Good Neighbour schemes. The presentation and information leaflet are attached for Members information. |
20.30 |
Transportation Delegated Budget Bids Simon Dudley, Transport for Buckinghamshire, will recommend acceptable schemes for the Transportation Delegated Budget.
Email: Minutes: Simon Dudley, Transport for Buckinghamshire, started by apologising for not having the report ready in time for the agenda pack but he said that he had had to redirect his time and resources into handling claims for the pothole damage.
He circulated a list of delegated budget proposals for 2010/2011. The total budget for the Winslow and District Area is £17,815 and he had received 15 applications. The following proposals were agreed.
A Member asked whether the dropped crossing at Elmfields Gate could also include a "children crossing" sign. Simon Dudley said he would look into this and let them know.
Action: Simon Dudley
The Chairman thanked the gritting people and the recycling people who worked really hard during all the adverse weather conditions.
Simon went on to say that there will be eight new vehicles in operation next Winter and the roads will be treated in a different way. A pre-wetting solution will be applied to the roads which is a brine-based liquid which saves on the amount of rock salt which is required.
20.55 |
Future agenda items Members are invited to propose future agenda items for consideration. Minutes: It was suggested that an officer from Bucks County Council be invited to the next meeting to discuss the "Energy from Waste" future policies.
A Member explained that they are now a trained Community First Responder and asked whether the Forum would consider purchasing more kit for the area. He said that the kit costs £3,500 and was financed by the League of Friends. Jackie Wesley, Area Co-ordinator, explained that if the Local Area Forum could not fund the extra kit then she would help them look at other funding avenues. Inspector Garside went on to say that some of the PCSOs in the Waddesdon, Wendover and Wing areas are being trained as Community First Responders. |
Members are asked to note the following information item which is attached for your consideration.
Minutes: Members noted the update report from Transport for Buckinghamshire. |
21.00 |
Date of Next and Future Meetings The next meeting will take place on 16 June and it will be held at Mursley Village Hall.
Future meetings:
15 September 15 December. Minutes: The next meeting is due to take place on Wednesday 16 June at Mursley Village Hall.
Future dates:
15 September 15 December. |