Meeting documents

Venue: Mursley Village Hall, off Main Street, Mursley MK17 0RT

Contact: Liz Wheaton 

Note No. Item



Apologies for Absence / Changes in Membership

Welcome to Susie Yapp, the new Lead Area Office for Winslow & District Local Area.


Apologies as stated above.


The Chairman also welcomed Susie Yapp as the new Lead Area Officer for the Winslow and District Local Area Forum.


Declarations of Interest

To declare any personal or prejudicial interests


There were no declarations of interest.


Action Notes pdf icon PDF 39 KB

To confirm the notes of the meeting held on 3 March 2010.


The action notes from the meeting held on 3 March 2010 were agreed as a correct record.


Question Time

There will be a 20 minute period for public questions.  Members of the public are encouraged to submit their questions in advance of the meeting to facilitate a full answer on the day of the meeting.  Questions sent in advance will be dealt with first and verbal questions after.


Mr John Gilbey sent in a question prior to the meeting which is as follows.


"We regularly get situations where trees and shrubs, etc grow and overhang the footway or the carriageway.  If we raise the issue with transportation, we are often asked if we can inform them of the landowner so that they can approach them to remedy the situation.  In most cases, the parish council has no special knowledge of the ownership of the land and so we are usually unable to help.  This seems to mean that nothing can be done about the situation.


So, my question is, when do Bucks County Council become responsible for remedying such situations and how long do we have to wait before you decide that action is necessary."


Simon Dudley, from Transport for Buckinghamshire, explained that overhanging hedges are very common at this time of year.  He said that there are health and safety issues to consider so it depends on the location.  He said that the Community Gang will be in the area the week after next so he said he would mention it to David Headley.


Action: Simon Dudley



None received


There were no petitions.



Local Transport Plan 3 (LTP3) pdf icon PDF 281 KB

Ed Gurney, Buckinghamshire County Council, will provide a brief update on LTP3.


Attached report on: Local Transport Plan 3




Ed Gurney took Members through the Local Transport Plan and explained that there are 9 local plans of which Buckingham and Winslow is one.  Ed explained that he last addressed the Winslow and District LAF in September last year and since then there has been a transport symposium event which involved local member and stakeholder participation.  Ed said that at the symposium and at the LAF level, members of the public were told what the strategic options were and they were asked to provide their priorities. Overall this area has shown that there is a particular desire to ensure that local issues are appropriately emphasised in the Local Transport Area chapter, and that largely ‘rural focussed’ options are delivered to address these problems.


Ed explained that the strategic options were then grouped together to help shape the strategy.  Ed went on to say that since this work was done, the Government has announced a £2.83 million reduction in grants for Buckinghamshire and next year, the capital projects budget will be cut by 50%.  He said that the change in Government has meant a change in the way it delivers the transport strategy.


A Member commented that it would seem that there would be real value in still carrying out the consultation to gain local knowledge.  Ed responded by saying that it is a twelve week consultation period and therefore there is a need to use the time effectively.  He said that if the consultation period starts later in the year it will mean that the plan can respond to the Government’s proposed changes following the Comprehensive Spending Review in October.


The Member went on to say that it appeared that the County Council was asking Members of the Public to consult on what the County Council wanted and not necessarily what the local people wanted.  Ed explained that Central Government require that the public consultation document has to be similar to that of the final product and that only minor tweaks could be allowed. Hence consulting now would be futile because the document is likely to have to change significantly before it is launched.


The Chairman concluded that it would be the 57 Members of the County Council who would decide on what should be done.




Neighbourhood Police Update

Inspector Emma Garside, Neighbourhood Inspector Rurals, will provide an update.




Inspector Emma Garside provided Members with an update on the crime figures for the area as well as an update on police activity within the area.  She started by clarifying that the Buckingham South Neighbourhood Area is a slightly larger than the LAF area.


There has been an increase in theft from vehicles from 4 (between 1 April 2009 to 31 May 2009) to 10 (1 April-31 May 2010).  Burglaries from dwellings has also increased from 3 to 7 in the same time period.  In Newton Longville there has been an increase in thefts from motor vehicles and burglaries from dwellings.  Inspector Garside said that a person from Milton Keynes is serving a 3 year prison sentence for a burglary in Newton Longville.  There are also some youths from Bletchley who are currently on bail.  In Winslow and Little Horwood, there has been an increase in thefts from motor vehicles.  Also, in Winslow there have been incidences where car number plates have been stolen and reports of diesel being siphoned off.


Inspector Garside said that there is an active "clear car" campaign being undertaken by local police officers who are trying to track down the owners of cars who leave items on display.  She reported a decrease in the number of Anti-Social Behaviour and Criminal Damage offences (down from 22 offences to 12).  She also reported a fire arms incident in Winslow which was a very specific, domestic related incident which resulted in a person being sent to prison.  She thanked the people of Winslow as they provided refreshments to the officers during this time.


Inspector Garside asked Members to exercise caution as people have been making a link between travellers in the Nash area and an increase in thefts.  She stressed the fact that there is no evidence of a link between the two.  Inspector Garside reported that she is speaking to a landowner in Little Horwood and Great Horwood regarding the use of land in the area.


In Little Horwood, the local police officers executed a drug warrant and found 150 plants growing there.  Inspector Garside explained that members of the community noticed certain things which they felt uneasy about which lead to a helicopter flying over the area which using heat detection devices to identify the plants.  One person has been arrested and there is one person who is due to be arrested.


Inspector Garside said that she is pleased that the NAG priorities go hand-in-hand with the priorities of the local police.  She said that there has been a very pro-active speeding campaign around the area.  There is work being undertaken to find out more about what people want from their Neighbourhood Watch groups.


The Winslow Police Office is now open.  People have asked whether it would be possible for it to stay open longer and Inspector Garside said that she is exploring the use of volunteers to man the office whilst the police officers are patrolling the streets.  The volunteers could answer questions  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.



Devolved Budget Reports pdf icon PDF 285 KB

An update on the devolved budget reports will be given.




Attached report on: Delegated budget report to LAF


Jackie Wesley, Area Co-ordinator, took Members through the delegated budget report and explained that the devolved budgets for 2010/11 are as follows:


  • Transportation local improvements - £17,815
  • Positive Activities for Young People - £5,000
  • "Early Years" grant - £5,000
  • Local Priorities budget - £20,000


The transportation local improvements budget for 2010/11 has been allocated accordingly.


  • North Marston – dropped kerbs at end of Church Lane (£1,000)
  • Great Horwood – The Close, off Little Horwood Road, Weston Road, off Little Horwood Road, Greenway (two junctions) off Spring Lane (£12,000)
  • Winslow – provision of a crossing in Elmfields Gate in the region of the sports field entrance (£2,500).



Jackie took Members through the projects which were funded by the 2009/10 grants.



Local Area Planning Update and Local Priorities Budget

An update on Winslow & District Local Area Planning and the Local Priorities Budget for 2010/11.




Report to follow.

Additional documents:


Jackie Wesley, Area Co-ordinator, circulated to Members a summary of the Winslow & District Local Area Forum – planning priorities and actions.  These were decided at the local area planning meeting in late February 2010.


Jackie explained that of these priorities, four themes have been chosen to be considered for a targeted approach in 2010/11.  The suggested themes are:


  • Young people
  • Support for older people
  • Community and rural transport
  • Buckingham South Neighbourhood Action Group/LAF joint priorities.


Three schemes have been put forward under the Local Priorities budget which all address the priorities detailed in the above themes.  The schemes are as follows:


  • Community bus phase 1: Summer holiday scheme - £1,520
  • Community bus phase 2: Ongoing service for 2010/11 - £2,600 *
  • Community transport schemes (approx amount) - £2,000
  • Good Neighbour schemes (approx amount) - £3,800


* subject to a successful outcome for phase 1.


In the event that all the above schemes are achievable, this will leave an unallocated balance of £10,080.


Members AGREED to all four schemes mentioned above.


A Member congratulated Jackie Wesley on her very informative and well put together reports and summary document on the planning priorities and action.



Transformation of Day Care Services in Buckinghamshire

David Cowell, Adult Social Care, will lead a discussion relating to proposals for the future of day care services in Buckinghamshire.  This will also involve a workshop session.




Rachael Rothero, Service Manager Strategic Commissioning, explained to Members the drivers leading to the need to change the provision of day care services – she said that the major challenge is that Buckinghamshire needs to save £53 million by 2014, £11 million saving from day care services.  So whilst the demand for the services increases, the budget will decrease.  She also explained that peoples’ expectations have changed over the years.  The plan is to develop a range of activities across the County.


Rachael said that the consultation was launched on 2 June 2010 and it ends on 25 August 2010.   The consultation document, "Having a Good Day" was written after the service area had engaged with approximately 300 service users and carers.  They were asked what was good about the service, what was bad about the service and what could be better about their day service.  Rachael went on to say that a review of the properties has been undertaken and an architect has been developing some ideas as to what the new buildings could look like.  She explained that the proposals for the buildings are around the following:


  • Community hubs
  • Community satellites
  • Community bases.


During discussion, the following questions were asked and issues were raised.


  • A Member said that their village hall is often empty due to the fact that the pre-school is now part of the nursery so the hall could be used as a community satellite.
  • A Member asked why they were looking to move out of Winslow.  If the users are moved to Buckingham, then transport will need to be provided.  Rachael responded by saying that she has done a lot of analysis around Winslow and found that most users travel from Aylesbury or Buckingham to come to Winslow.  A Member asked whether this analysis could be shared with Winslow Town Council.  David Cowell, Project Manager, then said that 11-12 people per day attend the Winslow Centre and around half of them have profound needs which could be better provided for outside of the Centre.
  • A Member expressed concerns about contracting-out care to the individual for them to make their own choices.  The Member felt that the whole concept was very dangerous.  He went on to express concern about reducing the number of day care centres across the County from 22 to just 2-3 centres.  The Member asked whether it was possible to know what value had been attached to the properties.  If an architect has already been commissioned, then plans must already have been drawn up.  The Member questioned the whole exercise and wondered whether it was just a box ticking process.
  • A Member asked for details of the timeframe for closing down the day centres.  Would they be closed first before the new buildings are built?  If so, would the new buildings ever be built?
  • A  Member expressed concern about how the users would get to the centres.  The transportation links in Winslow are terrible at present with reductions in the bus  ...  view the full minutes text for item 10.



Transportation Update pdf icon PDF 208 KB

Ann-Marie Davies, Transport for Buckinghamshire, will provide a brief update.




Attached: Transportation Update and Community Gang Report

Additional documents:


Simon Dudley, Transport for Buckinghamshire, explained to Members that there has been a freeze on the capital budget which means that the schemes under the delegated budget have been put on hold.  He stressed that this is a temporary hold and the money will not be lost.  He went on to say that he had been asked to present to the LAF an option whereby it can agree to put the agreed delegated budget money back into the maintenance budget to assist with repairing the potholes.


A Member asked how many potholes could be filled with the £20k budget.  It equated to approximately 625 potholes repairs.


All Members AGREED to leave the money in the delegated budget and not to use it for road maintenance.


A Member went on to say that the potholes in North Marston have not been sealed properly and have started to break-up.  Simon responded by saying that Transport for Buckinghamshire is reviewing the decision regarding the material used for sealing the potholes.  It was a conscious decision not to seal them on the top, due to safety but this is now being looked at.  Simon said that hopefully there will be less potholes next year but he said that it takes around 4-6 weeks for the crews to get around to the affected areas.



Future agenda items

Members are invited to propose future agenda items for consideration.


Members suggested the following as future agenda items:


  • Results of spending review
  • Energy from Waste
  • Transportation Update
  • Planning Strategies Update
  • Next stages of the Day Care Centre consultation process
  • East/West rail
  • HS2





Date of Next and Future Meetings

The next meeting is due to take place on 15 September 2010.  Venue to be confirmed.


Future meeting – 15 December 2010.


The next meeting is due to take place on Wednesday 15 September at 7pm.  Venue to be confirmed.