Meeting documents

Venue: The Rose Room, Winslow Centre, Park Road, Winslow MK18 3RB

Contact: Liz Wheaton 

Note No. Item



Apologies for Absence / Changes in Membership


Apologies were received from Billy Stanier (AVDC), Pam Pearce (AVDC), Ashley Bond (AVDC), Andrew Pain (Whitchurch Parish Council), Karen Adamson (Adult Social Care, Bucks CC), Duncan Wigley (AVDC) and Brenda Jennings (Bucks CC).


Declarations of Interest

To declare any personal or prejudicial interests


There were no declarations of interest.


Action Notes pdf icon PDF 55 KB

To confirm the notes of the meeting held on Wednesday 16 June 2010.


The action notes of the meeting held on Wednesday 16 June were agreed.



Question Time

There will be a 20 minute period for public questions.  Members of the public are encouraged to submit their questions in advance of the meeting to facilitate a full answer on the day of the meeting.  Questions sent in advance will be dealt with first and verbal questions after.


Mr John Gilbey, from Great Horwood Parish Council, submitted the following question in advance of the meeting.


"I have read with great concern items in Section 4 - Area Maintenance of the Transport for Buckinghamshire update report from Ann Marie Davies which has been included in the documents circulated prior to the Winslow LAF to be held on Wednesday 15th September.


The items in question are 4 and 5.


Item 4 proposes to sell salt to Parish and Town Councils to encourage an increased level of self help in the community.


Item 5 states that "Clearance of Town Centre footways will be carried out by Town and Parish Councils under the devolved highway functions agreements as well as procedures being put in place with District Councils."


Firstly I must make it clear that the precept for the current financial year was set during December 2009 and so no allowance has been made for the purchasing of salt.  Secondly I have no information on any devolved highway function agreements and have no funds or resources to carry out any snow clearance in my parish.


It is just not acceptable for Bucks CC to attempt to save costs by dumping the carrying out of services on to Town and Parish Councils who have had no opportunity to budget for these costs and have no resources or expertise to carry them out.


I trust that this is not the beginning of a large scale process which will be used as an excuse for saving money by Bucks CC and then blaming local councils for the poor service now being provided."


Simon Dudley, from Transport for Buckinghamshire (TfB), responded by saying that Quality Parishes with devolved budgets will be paid to salt footways on Transport for Buckinghamshire's behalf.  However other parishes may wish to purchase salt where they feel that TfB's response times, as laid down in the Operational Plan, are not sufficient to meet their priorities.


A Member asked whether this included salt for the salt bins.  Simon explained that the County Council provides salt for the salt bins free of charge so salt for the footways would be in addition to this.  He went on to say that it is just an option for parishes to consider and there is no pressure on parishes to take up the offer.


A Member asked whether any progress had been made in approaching the local farmers for assistance with clearing the roads in the bad weather.  Simon asked Members to pass details to him of local farmers who might be interested in helping out.


Action: Members/Simon Dudley


A Member referred to item 7 under Area Maintenance "Clearer guidance will be provided regarding liability of clearing snow and ice from footways".  He suggested that a letter should be sent to all local businesses informing them of the situation to avoid any misunderstandings.  Simon Dudley went onto say that as long as it is seen as "reasonable action", then there is no liability.  He  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.



None received


There were no petitions.



Local Area Planning

Jackie Wesley, Area Co-ordinator, will provide Members with an update.


Jackie Wesley, Area Co-ordinator, showed Members a copy of the Winslow & District Local Area Plan document which will soon be available in hard copy and on-line (end of September).  She explained that it is a "working" document so it can be amended and updated on a regular basis.



Local Priorities, PAYP and Early Years delegated budget update pdf icon PDF 157 KB

Jackie Wesley, Area Co-ordinator, will provide Members with an update on the LAF delegated budgets.


Please see reports attached.  Additional information will be circulated separately.

Additional documents:


Local Priorities (Budget - £20,000)


Jackie Wesley, Area Co-ordinator, took Members through her report.  She started by explaining that the Winslow & District Local Area has a budget of £20,000 to spend on local priorities.  So far, £6,120 has been allocated to the Community Bus Phase 1 and 2 and the Community Transport Schemes.  The Good Neighbour Scheme, which was agreed at the last meeting, has had to be withdrawn as it has not been possible to source a cost-effective scheme within the timescale required.


Jackie recommended the following projects for the remaining budget:


  • Winslow Youth Café - £4,500
  • Children’s Storehouse - £5,500
  • "Nomad" sports cage for use in Aylesbury Vale area – £1,350.


To conclude, Jackie explained that if the LAF were to support all the above projects, then there would be an unallocated budget of £2,530.


During discussion, the following questions were asked and comments made.


A Member queried the sustainability of the Youth Café as there are very limited grants available from the Government so he had concerns about where any future money would come from to support the café.  Jackie responded by saying that she would go back to the Youth Café and ask the question.  She went on to say that there are 11 Youth Café’s which are up and running and working well.


Action: Jackie Wesley


A Member expressed concern as they felt that around 50% of the projects being proposed were from church groups and therefore he felt that there was lack of representation from other groups.


A Member felt that the Children’s Storehouse was a very expensive way of distributing second-hand children’s clothes and wondered whether it could be trialled at a lower cost.


A Member felt that the Nomad Cage was very expensive and felt that a number of quotes should be obtained for this project before making a final decision.


A Member asked what the deadline was for spending the local priorities budget.  Jackie said that the money needs to be spent by March 2011.  The Member went on to say that it would be a shame to lose the money if we could not spend it.  Jackie explained that it would be difficult to find good projects to allocate the money to if it is not allocated by December.


A Member asked whether the local priority budget could be used to purchase Vehicle Activated Signs.  Jackie explained that VAS schemes would be available through the transportation budget and not available through the local priority budget as this is a specific budget for pushing forward the local priorities on a wider basis.  Simon Dudley also said that the delegated budget schemes are now scored against the local priorities so a more strategic approach is being taken to ensure local priorities are met.


A Member suggested that the LAF agree to the Youth Café project but further information on the other two projects should be supplied before it is then re-considered at the next meeting.


Action: Jackie Wesley


Members AGREED to the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.



Transport for Buckinghamshire pdf icon PDF 221 KB

Members are asked to note the attached report.

Additional documents:


Update on 2010/11 delegated schemes

The information below has been supplied by Simon Dudley from Transport for Buckinghamshire.


LAF Delegated Budget


Elmsfield Gate, Winslow 16/09/10

The Close, Western Road, Willow Road Great Horwood 13/09/10

Greenways Great Horwood 16/09/10


Capital Footway Schemes


C23 Little Horwood Road, Winslow - Reconstruct Footway 29/09/10.


Ann-Marie Davies, Transport Localities Team Leader, took Members through the delegated schemes for 2010/11:


  • North Marston – dropped kerbing at Church Lane (this has now been completed)
  • Great Horwood – dropped kerbs at: The Close off Little Horwood Road, Weston Road off Little Horwood Road, Willow Road off Little Horwood Road and two junctions at Greenway off Spring Lane (these have now been completed). 
  • Winslow - provision of a crossing in Elmfields Gate in the region of the sports field entrance (this is due to be completed w/c 4 October).


Delegated budget bids received so far for 2011/2012

The bids are listed in the general transport report attached previously.


Simon Dudley will take Members through the bids received.


Ann-Marie Davies updated Members that 16 schemes have been submitted from 6 different parishes.  She said that the schemes will be assessed and scored and brought to the December meeting for Members to discuss.


A Member commented that the bus shelter in Adstock is a disgrace and should be dismantled.  Simon Dudley responded by saying that bus shelters are owned by parishes and the County Council cannot force parishes to get rid of them.


A  Member asked for clarification regarding the crossing at Elmfields Gate as he had requested proper signage to be included as part of this project.  Simon Dudley said that signage is being looked at as part of this scheme.


A Member expressed concern that the financial model for Civil Parking Enforcement had not been scrutinised and that the figures had not been shared with the LAF.  He felt that there was a loss of democratic control as the County Council could appoint whoever they wanted to administer it.  The Member concluded by saying that they did not want it to go ahead.  Simon Dudley responded by saying that the Districts were all on-board with the change and that the final report would be scrutinised.   Simon said that there are deficits in all three areas at present with the County Council being £1 million overspent.


Ann-Marie Davies advised Members that given the current financial climate, she would seek further clarification on whether they are accepting future bids for devolved services from parishes.


A Member said that they would be raising the parking enforcement issue at the next County Council meeting and he said that he would be pushing to get a task and finish group set-up to look at parking enforcements.


A Member asked whether TfB could provide Members with some text which could be used in their parish magazines on LTP3.


Action: Ann-Marie Davies


Update on the Service Information Centre

The link below takes you to the relevant page on the website where you can record a problem.


Link no longer available


Ann-Marie Davies explained that the Service Information Centre is an on-line one stop shop for all Transport for Buckinghamshire information.  She circulated to all Members a postcard containing the contact details and encouraged Members to have a look at the site.  It can be used to show where the Community Gangs are working, where road closures and planned works are taking place.  It can also be used to report problems with roads, footpaths and street lights and to view real-time information on where the gritters are over the Winter.



"Big Society"

Susie Yapp, Lead Area Officer, for the Winslow and District Local Area Forum will inform Members on the Government’s "Big Society" initiative and the impact it will have on the local area.


Susie Yapp, Lead Area Officer, started by explaining to Members the vision of a "Big Society" and said that she wanted to share some thoughts with Members.  The vision incorporates the following:


  • Individuals and Communities having more power
  • Making the places they live better places
  • Influencing and shaping the responsiveness of services
  • High quality local services meeting local needs and local priorities
  • Opportunities for Community Groups, Entrepreneurs and Practitioners to make it a reality.


Susie went on to say that local areas need to think about what the state can do for them, what they can do for themselves and what local residents can do for other people.  It has long been recognised that building safer and stronger communities is the right thing to do.


Susie concluded that it is essentially about a smaller Government, the transfer of power to local communities, more people volunteering and services being provided in different ways.  She said that there are examples where local areas are working differently which supports the aim of "Big Society".


Susie went on to inform Members of the Bucks Debate events which are taking place across the County at the moment.  She said that there are some tough decisions to be taken in the future and the Bucks Debate is an opportunity for local people to influence the decision-making process.


During discussion, Members asked the following questions.


A Member felt that it was a commendable idea but felt that more details about the Big Society were required.  Susie responded by saying that the results of the Comprehensive Spending Review would reveal more details about how the Big Society will work in future.


A Member expressed concern about the pressure being put on volunteers as it is normally retired people who have the time to volunteer so the idea of the Big Society relying more heavily on volunteers will put pressure on this particular group.  Susie explained that she did not have the answers but the idea at this stage is to sow the seed and get the thought processes started.  She said that it is a cultural shift as much as anything.


The Chairman thanked Susie for her presentation.



Neighbourhood Police Update

Inspector Emma Garside will provide Members with an update on police activity in the area.


Inspector Emma Garside started by explaining that as a force, Thames Valley Police has to make substantial savings through cuts in its service but she stressed that no decisions have been made regarding cuts in the local police service.  She said that within the Annual Report there will be an opportunity for people to complete a questionnaire showing which aspects of policing they see as most important/least important.  Inspector Garside said that it is business as usual and she announced a change in personnel – PCSO Sue Crockatt has replaced PCSO Lucy Andrews who has moved to Reading.  She said that a reasonable handover took place and she stressed that the contribution made by PCSOs to local policing is very valuable. 


Inspector Garside confirmed that the Winslow Office is now up and running and she encouraged Members to provide feedback to her.  She said that she is still looking into the possibility of having volunteers to man the office whilst the officers are out in the Community but she asked for Members views on this as she felt that if local people were satisfied with how the office is running presently then she would not look to change it.


A Member commented that it can be difficult to ascertain whether the office is open or not due to the blinds always appearing to be drawn.  Inspector Garside said she would feed this back to the officers.


Inspector Garside provided Members with an update on the crime figures for the area as well as an update on police activity within the area.  The figures below relate to the period between 1 April to 31 August 2009 and the same period in 2010.  She started by saying that the number of offences has increased slightly from 205 offences in 2009 to 227 in the same period in 2010.


  • Theft from vehicles – increased from 14 to 21
  • Burglaries from dwellings – increased from 8 to 14
  • Criminal damage – decreased from 52 to 42
  • Assaults – decreased from 15 to 7.


There were no reported robberies or thefts from persons in this period.  There has been an increase in thefts in the Newton Longville area which has been linked to Stoke Hammond.  There was a theft from a vehicle in this area and a person was identified and arrested.


Inspector Garside reported that speeding is still the number one priority.  In July, there was a speed enforcement operation set-up in Granborough, Newton Longville and Winslow.  The majority of people who were stopped were local residents.  She said that in some areas Speed Indicator Devices have been installed which records the speed of passing traffic and identifies areas where speeding is a major issue.  She said that the police do not directly use VAS systems but she explained that there are different types of VAS systems and the mobile ones have proved very effective.  Inspector Garside went on to say that Community Speed Watch is a very overt scheme which relies  ...  view the full minutes text for item 10.


Information items pdf icon PDF 152 KB

·         LTP3 Update

Please see attached report.


·         Energy from Waste

Please see attached update.


Additional documents:


Members were asked to note the following reports:


  • LTP3 Update
  • Energy from Waste.



Future agenda items

  • Energy from Waste
  • East/West Rail
  • HS2


The following items were put forward for future meetings:


  • Energy from Waste
  • East/West Rail
  • HS2
  • Update on Spending Review – a Member suggested inviting representatives from Bucks Fire & Rescue, Thames Valley Police, the County Council and the District Council.


Date of Next and Future Meetings

The next meeting is taking place on Wednesday 15 December (venue to be confirmed).


Future dates for 2011:


·         Wednesday 2 March

·         Wednesday 8 June

·         Wednesday 7 September

·         Wednesday 7 December.


The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 15 December (venue to be confirmed).


Future dates for 2011:


Wednesday 2 March

Wednesday 8 June

Wednesday 7 September

Wednesday 7 December.