Meeting documents

Venue: The Bell Hotel, Market Square, Winslow MK18 3AB

Contact: Liz Wheaton 

Note No. Item



Election of Chairman


Resolved that David Rowlands, Netta Glover and Brenda Jennings be appointed Chairmen on a rotational basis.


David Rowlands in the Chair for this meeting.



Appointment of Vice Chairman


It was agreed that District Councillor Pam Pearce be appointed as Vice-Chairman for the ensuing year.



Apologies for Absence / Changes in Membership


Apologies were received from Netta Glover, Bucks County Council, Brenda Jennings, Bucks County Council, Pam Pearce, AVDC, Sir Beville Stanier, AVDC, Phil Gomm, Buckingham South NAG, Ann-Marie Davies and Simon Dudley.


Declarations of Interest

To declare any personal or prejudicial interests


There were no declarations of interest.


Action Notes pdf icon PDF 60 KB

To confirm the notes of the meeting held on 15 September 2010.


The action notes of the meeting held on 15 September 2010 were agreed as a correct record.


Matters arising


Teresa Lane, Lead Officer from AVDC, commented that under item 8 (ii), AVDC are not on board with the changes and she told Members that the District Council is lobbying hard regarding this issue.


A Member queried why the agenda items identified under section 12 had not been put on the agenda.  The Chairman responded by saying that he is going to over these under his update (item 6).



Chairman's Update


The Chairman provided Members with an update on the following issues.


  • Energy from Waste – a press release has been issued by Bucks County Council with details of the preferred bidder.  The Chairman explained that the Local Member has called-in the decision regarding the preferred bidder and this will be heard at a special Overview and Scrutiny meeting in January.
  • HS2 – the preferred route will be announced shortly.
  • Comprehensive Spending Review – more information will be available on this issue in the New Year.  The Chairman suggested deferring this to the next meeting and asking authorities to supply information at the meeting.



Question Time

There will be a 20 minute period for public questions.  Members of the public are encouraged to submit their questions in advance of the meeting to facilitate a full answer on the day of the meeting.  Questions sent in advance will be dealt with first and verbal questions after.


Mr John Gilbey, from Great Horwood Parish Council, submitted the following questions in advance of the meeting.


·        Does the Chairman have any thoughts on how the Winslow and District Local Area Forum might have a part to play in securing the future of Winslow library?  Mark Grindall, Localities and Communities Manager, explained that the consultation documents are now published and the consultation period will end on 1 February 2011.  Below is a link to the documents which are on the County Council’s website.  He explained that there are number of meetings taking place over the coming weeks.


Llew Monger explained that Winslow Town Council have backed the idea to be a facilitator and there is a meeting planned for 7.30pm on 18 January 2011.  WTC have sent a list of questions to David Jones who is part of the Library Services team and it is hoped to have answers to these questions in time for the January meeting.  He went on to say that he felt the library issue should be added to the local priority plan and there should be co-ordination with the Buckingham LAF as this is an issue which affects both areas.


Action: Mark Grindall


·        What was the thinking behind the revised arrangements of the footway and parking areas adjacent to the Co-op on the A413 in Winslow High Street?  Mark Grindall responded by saying that he would ask Simon Dudley to respond, in writing, after the meeting.  Llew Monger went on to say that he has met with the Regional Operations Manager at the Co-op and it has been agreed that deliveries will be made to the store before 8am and he has asked them to move the entrance gate to alleviate the problem.  The work is due to be finished by March 2011.


·        When can Great Horwood Parish Council expect a response to the issues raised about the dropped kerb installation in Little Horwood Road at the crossing of Wheathouse Copse?  Mark Grindall responded by saying that he would ask Simon Dudley to respond, in writing, after the meeting.


Action: Simon Dudley




Petitions pdf icon PDF 191 KB

A response from Transport for Buckinghamshire is attached in respect of the petition to reduce the speed limit in Maypie Way and Lowndes Way, Winslow.


The Chairman asked Members to note the report from TfB on Bucks County Council’s policy regarding 20 mph speed limits in residential areas in relation to the Maypie Way and Lowndes Way petition.


A local resident explained that there is a school where Maypie Way joins Lowndes Way and there are no signs to indicate that there is a school on the corner.  The resident went on to say that their house has been damaged as a result of drivers taking the bend to fast.


Llew Monger explained that he has met with the residents and two possible solutions have been identified.  Firstly, realignment of the drain to avoid pooling in the area and secondly, erecting a slow down sign on the bend for drivers.


David Headley, the Local Area Technician, explained that the work to realign the drains is scheduled to take place in the New Year.



AVDC Update pdf icon PDF 63 KB


The Chairman introduced Teresa Lane who is the nominated Lead Officer representing Aylesbury Vale District Council.


Teresa provided Members with an update on a number of issues, including budget, planning and the Localism Bill.  A full briefing update is attached to the notes which includes information from AVDC on the following:


  • Budget
  • Growth after the Core Strategy
  • Aylesbury major projects update
  • Local Enterprise Partnership
  • Grants
  • HS2
  • Proposed car parking charges for the AVDC car park in Winslow
  • Winslow Library.


During discussion, the following main points were made and questions asked.


  • In 2011/12, AVDC will receive £2.6 million less in grant funding than for 2010/11.  This includes an adjustment of £800,000 for the loss of Concessionary Travel to the County.  AVDC were expecting a reduction of £2.4 million, so now the District will have to find an additional £190,000 in savings for 2011/12.  Teresa went on to explain that AVDC is looking at how to redesign its services in order to make the necessary savings.
  • In the recently announced Localism Bill, changes to planning and enforcements are mentioned a lot.  Teresa said that more information would be available at the next meeting once people have had an opportunity to digest the information contained in the Bill.  She mentioned specifically SIL which will replace Section 106 which gives money to the local area and she stressed that this is an important change, in terms of planning.
  • Two major projects have recently received council approval – a revamp of the Aqua Vale swimming and fitness centre and the construction of phase three of the Council’s offices project.
  • The Council is looking to relocate its refuse and recycling depot by 2013.
  • The Civic Centre car park will be closed for demolition on 3 January 2011.  There will be a temporary car park in place by the end of September 2011.
  • A planning application for the National Enterprise Academy will be submitted before Christmas.  The designated location of the Academy is the head of the canal basin and if approved, the facility should open in Autumn 2012.
  • Provisional approval has also been given for the construction of a Waitrose, Travelodge hotel and new car park on the south side of Exchange Street.
  • In 2010/11, one business in Winslow has so far received a business grant of nearly £5k and two community projects have also received grants.
  • HS2 consultations will begin in the Aylesbury Vale area in mid-May time after the elections.
  • Consultation on the proposed charges will commence on 17 December and will end on 17 January.  The consultation period has been extended to take account of the Christmas holiday period.
  • By 2015, AVDC will have to move out of their office site in the High Street but there are plans to maintain a Customer Service Desk in the Centre.
  • A Member felt that Cabinet Members should be invited to speak at the LAF meetings in order that Members of the LAF can ask more in-depth questions about some of the decisions which are  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9.



Thames Valley Neighbourhood Police Update

Inspector Emma Garside, Neighbourhood Inspector Rurals, will provide an update.


Inspector Emma Garside started by explaining that as a force, Thames Valley Police (which includes Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Berkshire) has to make around £52 million worth of savings over the next four years.  She said that around 800 posts will have to go but these are likely to be police staff rather than officers which equates to around 10% of the workforce.  There is currently a freeze on recruitment. 


Inspector Garside went on to say that a re-structuring of the Command Unit is underway.  Currently there are 5 Command Units which each have a senior management team and their own training, operations, duties departments, etc.  The new structure will see a removal of the Command Units structure and the introduction of 15 Local Police Areas (LPA’s) and a new shared service structure.  Aylesbury Vale Police area will be one of these LPA’s and existing boundaries of the area will remain as they currently are co-terminus with those of AVDC.  The aim is to reduce duplication and to stream-line processes.  Thames Valley Police are working in collaboration with other forces such as Hampshire.  The overarching objective is to do more with less.  The Chief Constable is determined to minimise cuts to neighbourhood officers and response teams.


In Buckingham South, the officer vacancy has now been filled by PC Dan Beglan who will be based at the Winslow office.  Inspector Garside explained that the Winslow office is used as a base for officers and she said that two volunteers have now been appointed to man the office whilst the officers are out on patrol.  She said that the volunteers are receiving training at the moment and it is hoped that in the New Year, they will start at the office.


Inspector Garside reported that the overall trend across most of the main crime categories is going down.  Vehicle-related crime has increased – two tractors were reported stolen in Oving and Dunton.


The Chairman thanked Inspector Garside for her update.




Community Contingency Planning

Mark Grindall, Localities and Communities Manager, will provide Members with information on contingency planning at a local level.


Mark Grindall explained that all parish clerks have been sent information regarding Community Contingency Planning which contains a toolkit which every parish has been asked to complete.  Mark urged Members of the LAF to speak to their clerks and ask them to return the spreadsheet so that the information can be managed centrally.



Adult Social Care

Karen Adamson from Adult Social Care will provide an update on social care surgeries.


Karen Adamson from Adult Social Care asked Members to consider possible venues for the Adult Social Care Surgeries which have now been running for 3 years.  She said that she works closely with the local PCSOs in times of crime prevention measures.


Her contact details are as follows:


Karen Adamson – or telephone her on 01296 383847.


Llew Monger mentioned the Winslow Farmers Market which takes place on every first Sunday in the month.  Karen agreed to speak to Llew about this.


Action: Karen Adamson



Update on Transportation delegated budget pdf icon PDF 218 KB

Ann-Marie Davies will provide an update for Members on the transportation delegated budget.


Report attached.


This item has been deferred to the next meeting.


Mark Grindall updated Members that Simon Dudley has recently been seconded to the insurance team to deal with claims due to the pothole damage.  Mark said that the delegated budget report will be circulated as soon as possible.


Action: Ann-Marie Davies/Simon Dudley



Local Area Priorities Budget pdf icon PDF 155 KB

Mark Grindall, Localities and Communities Manager will provide Members with an update on the local area priorities budget, including the Positive Activities for Young People and the Early Years Grants.


Mark Grindall, Localities and Communities Manager, asked Members to consider funding for two projects under the Local Area Priorities Budget,  He explained that the Local Prioities Budget may be used for any purpose which supports local community priorities and the well-being of the area identified by the Local Area Forum through its local area planning process.  Following on from the successful local area priorities ranking process the below listed projects are considered suitable for consideration.


  • Buzz Club Equipment Funding - £1,256
  • Buzz Club Impact Sports and Craft Coaching funding - £520.


There is £9,380 available for funding projects this financial year and if Members agree to the above projects (totalling £1,776), there will be £7,604 remaining in the budget.  The funds provided must be spent before 31 March 2011.  Mark encouraged Members to consider their own town/parish and to put forward a proposal which meets one of the priorities identified in the Local Area Plan.  He asked Members to contact him by 31 December 2010.


Members AGREED the two projects listed above.


A Member felt there was an arbitrary line between the delegated TfB budget and the local priority budget and did not understand why certain projects have to come out of the TfB budget and not the local priority budget.  Mark explained that the two budgets have very different responsibilities.  The delegated TfB budget deals with very local issues (ie. salt bins) whereas the local priority budget benefits the community as a whole.  He went on to say that the local priority budget was not intended to act as a catch all for other areas of budget overspend.  Mark agreed to discuss whether the local priority budget could be used to fund other projects with the Head of Service and provide Members with a response as soon as possible.


Action: Mark Grindall


A Member asked for the TfB delegated budget reports to be circulated as soon as possible as the information in the reports assists parishes and towns with putting together their local plans.


Action: Simon Dudley


Mark reported that there will be another local priority workshop before the March LAF meeting.


Action: Mark Grindall



Open Forum


During open forum, the following question was asked.


  • Please can we have some clarity regarding which bins we can use for our rubbish over the Christmas period.  This issue has been raised with AVDC and, as yet, a response as not yet been received.


Mark Grindall agreed to follow this up after the meeting and to circulate a response from AVDC as soon as possible.


Action: Mark Grindall


Addendum – below is a response which was supplied by Andrew Wilkins, Operations Manager at AVDC and which was circulated via email to Members on 17 December 2010.


"The answer is that last year when the brown bin collections took place, there was very few brown bins put out and the weight was negligible.  You may be aware that normally the composting material goes to a site near Maids Moreton and last year they advised of large amounts of contamination over the Christmas period, wrapping paper in with cardboard.


Some of the comments made by customers and crew were about the possibility of having a normal collection over the Christmas period for the brown bin trial areas.  This has been listened to and acted on.  In terms of additional material being sent to landfill, this will mostly be cardboard.


So the option as a one off, to avoid contamination and to help customers was taken. The intention is not that brown bins should be used for normal waste, as this may lead to future contamination, rather that we will collect both bins on this one occasion.  The next brown bin collection, which may include chopped up small Christmas trees, will as normal be sent to the site at Maids Moreton for composting.


I trust that this clarifies the situation and that this on off change will help the local residents in the trial area in Winslow."



Date of Next and Future Meetings

The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 2 March 2011.


Future dates for 2011:


Wednesday 8 June

Wednesday 7 September

Wednesday 7 December.


The date of the next meeting is Wednesday 2 March 2011.


Future meetings:


Wednesday 8 June

Wednesday 7 September

Wednesday 7 December.