Meeting documents
Venue: St Laurence Room, Market Square, Winslow
Contact: Liz Wheaton
Note | No. | Item | ||||||||||||
19.00 |
Confirmation of Chairman Minutes: David Rowlands was confirmed as Chairman until May 2013. |
Appointment of Vice-Chairman Minutes: The Chairman explained that John Cartwright, Leader of Aylesbury Vale District Council, had appointed District Councillor Susan Renshell as Vice-Chairman for the ensuing year.
Resolved that Susan Renshell be appointed Vice-Chairman for the ensuing year. |
Apologies for Absence / Changes in Membership Minutes: Apologies were received from Phil Gomm, Buckinghamshire South NAG, Sir Beville Stanier, Aylesbury Vale District Council and Karen Adamson, Adult Social Care, BCC. |
Declarations of Interest To declare any personal or prejudicial interests Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
To confirm the notes of the meeting held on Thursday 23 February 2012. Minutes: The action notes of the meeting held on Thursday 23 February 2012 were agreed as a correct record.
Matters arising
The Chairman updated Members on the matters arising from the previous meeting.
Item 4
Mr Monger, Aylesbury Vale District Council asked the Chairman for confirmation that a fourth LAF meeting is being reinstated as there does not appear to be confirmation in the minutes of the meeting held on the 23 February 2012.
Mark Grindall, Localities Manager explained that an email had been sent to Mr Monger detailing the recommendations and suggestions from the County Council but unfortunately a response has not been received.
The suggestion offered was that the fourth meeting would be a priorities review meeting, suitable to be clerked by an outside body. Issues around how external clerking of a meeting could be incorporated in BCC systems had yet to be resolved.
Mr Monger advised that he had written the original letter several months ago and that the discussions with interested parties had made it clear that a full meeting was required and that information had been relayed to Mark Grindall at the workshop immediately preceding this meeting. Mr Monger asked for agreement that the LAF can revert to four meetings a year as funding has been agreed and therefore only a new schedule is required.
Teresa Lane advised that Aylesbury Vale District Council (AVDC) are still willing to contribute towards the costs of future meetings but the involvement from the County Council in the fourth meeting is unclear.
Mark Grindall explained that in principle the County Council is delighted at the suggestion of a fourth LAF meeting being hosted, clerked and supported by an external organisation but it is necessary to discuss the process and Democratic Service involvement at length i.e. the publicity of meetings, compliance of requirements and making third party clerking of a County Council meeting feasible.
The Chairman advised the decision to reinstate a fourth LAF meeting would happen and that the additional meeting would probably be the cancelled December meeting. Members would be advised of the date in due course. Action: Democratic Services |
19.05 |
Chairman's update Minutes: The Chairman advised members of the following;
Bucks/Milton Keynes Fire Authority He has been re-elected as Chairman of the Bucks/Milton Keynes Fire Authority for the ninth consecutive year. On the 20 June 2012, he led a deputation of Chairman of Combined Fire Authorities to meet with Fire Minister, Bob Neil MP, in London. Topics discussed were retained Firefighters pensions, changes to the Council Tax Benefit/Support and Business Rates Retention.
Bucks County Council He has been reappointed as the Transport Spokesman North by Martin Tett which includes all of Aylesbury Vale and part of the Wycombe area. A tour of the division recently took place with David Hedley to view the problems with the roads.
Thrift Farm At a recent Bucks County Council meeting, Tricia Birchley, Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing was asked to answer the following question; ‘is the future of Thrift Farm in doubt’. Mrs Birchley responded ‘there are no plans at present to close this very important facility’.
Application for a Free School A decision on the application for a Free School in the Winslow area is expected next month. |
Petitions None received Minutes: There were no petitions. |
19.10 |
Local Priorities Update Minutes: Mark Grindall, Localities Manager, explained that a brief workshop to discuss local priorities had taken place prior to the LAF meeting. Members were referred to the recommendations on page 9 of the agenda pack as follows;
The following key points were also highlighted:
Members agreed that the priorities of the LAF should be addressing the issue of speeding on roads around the county and the provision of facilities and activities for young people allied to the provisions of general community facilities and activities.
The next step is to circulate how the funding will be applied and to consider how priority areas will be addressed. Action: Mark Grindall
19.30 |
Transport for Buckinghamshire Update Minutes: Simon Dudley, Transport for Buckinghamshire, started by letting Members know that as a result of the restructure of TfB his role has changed from Area Maintenance Team Leader TfB to Safety Inspector Team Leader.
Members were referred to the ‘We’re Working On It’ capital works programme (page 14 of the agenda) which includes the following;
Expected carriageway Works Works over the next two years include Aston Abbotts Road, Weedon, Main Street, Padbury, Oving Road, Whitchurch, Magpie Way, Winslow.
Area Maintenance The jet patchers are fully operational and are working 24 hours a day in the South of the County and day working in the North (soon to be 24 hours). The patchers are repairing three times the number of potholes a normal crew are able to achieve. Patching work on the A421 has been completed.
Golden Jubilee/Olympics Bunting has been delivered to those parishes who requested it.
Traffic Management (Torch relay) The traffic management plan is currently being written (Simon Dudley).
Local Priorities Bids In terms of transport, the list of proposed carriageway works is one of the most extensive for a long time with a budget of £18,000 to carry out the work.
Some schemes have been removed because they were either covered by existing maintenance issued works orders or were unsuitable for this type of funding. The Granborough scheme is the being covered under Capital Projects. Full reconstruction of the footway will be carried out by the works team.
With this in mind the following three schemes are being proposed;
Members were advised that if the Parish Councils are willing to partly-fund projects, then a fourth scheme could be considered for example, (Whitchurch PC, Whistlers View Parking Area, Whitchurch, £8,500).
Llew Monger said match funding by all communities had been discussed and agreed at a previous meeting of the Winslow & District LAF.
Mr Van der Poll said he thought that the figures and funding were agreed at the LAF meeting held in North Marston in June 2011. The minutes of the meeting held in June 2011 are to be checked to see if this action has been addressed. Action: Sharon Griffin
Llew Monger said he was shocked at the estimated cost of £40,000 to convert the zebra crossing in Avenue Road, Winslow to a puffin crossing and asked what the figures are based on as a similar conversion in Hertford has been estimated at £22,000. Simon Dudley responded by saying the difference in cost could be due to the orientation of the site and the movement of the equipment.
Mr Capstick told members that he spent half a day observing the traffic at the zebra crossing in Winslow and expressed the following concerns;
19.40 |
Question Time There will be a 20 minute period for public questions. Members of the public are encouraged to submit their questions in advance of the meeting to facilitate a full answer on the day of the meeting. Questions sent in advance will be dealt with first and verbal questions after. Minutes: The Chairman explained that three questions from Mr Gilbey, Great Horwood Parish Council have been received in advance of the meeting.
1. ‘Is it still planned to use the whole of the County’s New Homes Bonus to invest in the upgrading of broadband throughout the County. If so, how many years of the bonus is committed to this project and what is the total expected investment from this source? Is the County still receiving funds to improve broadband from the Government initiative and how much is expected from this source? What proportion of the total funds will be allocated to improving broadband in the Vale and what is the expected timescale for all areas in the Vale to have a significant improvement in the speed available?’
Response from Nigel Sims, Senior Manager, PLACE New Homes Bonus & Broadband project: 2011/12 NHB of £417K - available over the next 3 years to support revenue costs of project. 2012/13 £1m of NHB available as Capital support over duration of project. 2013/14 £1m of NHB available as Capital support over duration of project. Government Capital funding to support Broadband in Bucks = £1.96m (via BDUK) + some technical support from BDUK officers.
At least/approximately 66% of the improvements that the project will deliver are in AVDC area.
The project will deliver a minimum of 40 Mbps to a minimum of 90% of all domestic and commercial premises. A service of not less than 2 Mbps will be available to the remaining 10%.
Approximate completion date for the project is end of 2014, but this is still to be confirmed at a slightly later point in the project (this year).
Mr Van der Poll asked why the figures in the email sent by Mark Grindall on the 24 February 2012 were 66% greater for year 2 than those shown on the DCL system. Mark Grindall explained that he has spoken to a senior officer within the organisation for a response and cannot add any further information to that previously provided. Addendum (Further correspondence between Mr Van de Poll and Nigel Sims from Bucks CC has been exchanged since the meeting).
2. ‘Is there any news yet of the findings of the Task and Finish Group which is currently examining the workings of the LAF’s and if not when can we expect its report?’
Response from James Povey, Overview & Scrutiny The Task and Finish Group held an evidence session on the 28th May. This was webcast and can be viewed online (access via the BCC meetings calendar on the internet:
Papers from the meeting are also available online which include summary findings from the online survey of LAF attendees, and meetings with District Council representatives. The draft report is currently being produced.
The draft report will be approved for submission to Cabinet by the Overview and Scrutiny Commissioning Committee at their meeting on the 24th July. The draft report will be public at this point.
3. ‘In the minutes of the last WADLAF ... view the full minutes text for item 10. |
20.00 |
Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Karen Adamson, Adult Social Care, will provide Members with an update. Minutes: This item was deferred to the next meeting. |
Susie Yapp will provide a presentation for Members. Minutes: The Chairman welcomed Susie Yapp, Safer Bucks Partnership Manager, to the meeting.
Susie began by explaining that in response to the recognition of the changing landscape of the funding of community services in the future resulting from the creation of a Police and Crime Panel, the Overview & Scrutiny Committee has carried out a review of Domestic Violence services in Buckinghamshire.
Members were referred to the presentation included in the agenda pack from which the following key points were highlighted;
During discussion, a Member asked the following question. Where can a supply of domestic abuse information posters be obtained from? The officer advised that contact details for the Domestic Violence Officer at the County Council are on the last page of the presentation. The Chairman thanked Susie Yapp for her very informative presentation. Addendum Please note that the Officer named is now on Maternity leave. If you require any information or would like to speak to someone please call Teresa Martin on 01296 373701. |
Thames Valley Neighbourhood Police Update Minutes: The Chairman welcomed Inspector Emma Garside who started by explaining that she is responsible for neighbourhood policing in Aylesbury Vale. She went on to provide the following general overview. Front Counter opening times As part of the Thames Valley Police review that front counter opening times at the Old Gaol, Buckingham have been revised (Monday-Friday, 10am-2pm).
Winslow High Street Office staff providing crime prevention advice and signposting to services are located at the Police station in Winslow. Volunteers are also being recruited. The opening hours are currently Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday 10am-2pm. It is hoped the opening hours will increase once the volunteers have been recruited and trained. Patrols also take place from this office.
Moreton RoadPolice Station This site is currently up for sale but there have been no offers yet. In September, the team will relocate to the Buckingham Industrial Estate.
Changes to staff There will now be 5 police constables and 6 PCSOs in the area.
Neighbourhood Priorities Speeding and Anti-Social Behaviour still remain priorities in the area. Inspector Garside explained that police enforcement works best in conjunction with other initiatives.
Details of the scheme can be found via the following link;
An example of a successful prosecution is a driver, who was recorded doing 43mph in the 30mph limit on the Granborough Road, North Marston on 31st August 2011 and he only had a provisional licence. At Aylesbury Magistrates Court he was found guilty of both offences. For the speeding he got 5 points and a £500 fine, for only having a provisional licence he got a £250 fine and was ordered to pay £500 court costs and to pay £15 pounds to the victim compensation scheme. In total-costs of £1,265 and five penalty points for the two offences. Inspector Garside reported the following crime figures for the area and provided an update on local policing activity.
Update attached from AVDC. Minutes: Teresa Lane, Lead Area Officer from AVDC, was welcomed to the meeting. She gave the following update;
Olympics/Paralympics The Olympic Torch is coming through Aylesbury Vale on the 9 July 2012 and will visit the south of the county on the 10 July and Denham on the 24 July.
A lot of preparation has gone into the events and celebrations. The timetable of the torch visits is as follows;
Buckingham: 10.19am Winslow: 10.42am Whitchurch: 11.02am Aylesbury: 12.29pm
The torch will be in convoy by van/car in between villages/towns. A rolling road closure will be in effect to avoid build up of traffic and allow time for crowds and traffic to disperse. A general newsletter has been sent out and further details of the Olympics and Paralympics are on the AVDC website.
Volunteers (primarily marshalls) to assist with the Olympics are still being sought.
Refuse collection will be a day later than the normal collection day as it is not feasible for refuse vehicles to be on the road during the torch visit.
Changes to refuse collection A letter has been sent to residents advising changes to the current refuse and collection service. Residents will receive their new recycling bins and an information pack during July and August. The new service starts on the 4 September 2012.
Police & Crime Panel The elections for the Thames Valley Police and Crime Commissioner will take place on the 15 November 2012. Polling stations across Thames Valley will be open and the process will be the same as other elections. The Police Commissioner post will be abolished. AVDC are taking the lead for the elections which includes counting the votes and announcement of the results.
During discussion, Members asked the following questions.
A Member asked if there is the option of a postal vote for the November elections. Teresa advised that postal votes can be made.
A Member asked if an explanatory note about double voting was available. Teresa said more information on the election will be provided from summer 2012 onwards.
A Member said there are rumours that 1000 school children will be in Winslow to watch the Torch Relay. Are barriers going to be erected on the High street to keep the children away from the traffic? Teresa explained that schools in the area have been contacted and those involved in the celebrations have written a school plan. The names of the schools and pupil numbers attending have been advised. As the general view is not using traffic barriers results in a more successful experience, there are designated red hatched areas specifically for schools. Marshalls and the police will also be on hand to assist with crowd control.
A Member asked if parents attending the Torch Relay with their children would be aware of the arrangements. Teresa said whilst the use of designated ‘child’ areas is being advised, parents ultimately have the responsibility for their own children.
A Member asked for the definition of a roaming ... view the full minutes text for item 14. |
Minutes: Fostering and Adoption summary
Members were asked to note the report. |
Date of Next Meeting The next meeting is due to take place on Thursday 25 October 2012. Venue to be confirmed. Minutes: The next meeting is due to take place on Thursday 25 October 2012.
Future dates
To be confirmed. |