Meeting documents
Contact Officer: Martin Holt 01494 732056 |
A request has been made by taxi drivers to increase the fares charge for a journey by 50pence on all hire rates. This would have the effect of raising the cost of a journey from £3.90 to £4.40 for a two mile journey. |
The Licensing and Regulation Committee considered the request in line with policy and made recommendation for a 3.2% increase. |
Officers have delegated powers to advertise the Table of Fares to be charged in accordance with legislative requirements. If the public and/or trade make any objections the matter it is referred back to committee for consideration and recommendation to the Portfolio Holder for Environmental Management. At which stage the Table of Fares can be revised or confirmed. |
During the last year, whilst the price of fuel has increase in recent months, other motoring costs have remained stable or reduced, but with some rise in the costs of insurance and vehicle tax. |
In considering any increase the following factors were considered |
A decision was made to advertise an increase in the Table of Fares, this to take effect from 1st December 2004. Such an increase would result in charge of £4.05 for a two-mile journey. Additionally a soiling charge of £50 was recommended to be added to the table of fares. It was also agreed that with effect from 1st December 2004 all Hackney Carriages and Private Hire Vehicles would be required to accept tokens as payment/part payment for the fare. |
It is anticipated that objections will be received and that the matter will be referred back to the Licensing and Regulation Committee at its meeting of the 11th November for a review and any change to the recommendations on the Table of Fares to be charged. |
A copy of the advert is detailed below: |
The proposed maximum Table of Fares for Hackney Carriages given below, was agreed by Chiltern District Council on 30th September 2004 under the provisions of Section 65(1) of the Act and shall have effect throughout the District from 1st December 2004. |
*Bank Holiday in the table of fares are only those determined by Statute or Proclamation and published by the Department of Trade and Industry’ |
**Meter charges can only be made when a fare/passenger is on board and not for the journey to collect the fare |
***Any tariffs charged at the start of the journey must remain at the same rate until the end of the journey |
Full details are available from Director of Planning and the Environmental, Council Offices, King George V Road, Amersham, Bucks HP6 5AW. To whom any representation or objection in respect of the above Table of Fares should be made in writing by 29th October 2004. The Council will consider any objections on 11th November 2004 and the Table of Fares will apply from the 1st December 2004. |
CHILTERN DISTRICT COUNCIL Dated 1st October 2004 |