Meeting documents

2005.03.01 - Information Items, 2005.03.01 - Open Information Item













     (a)     Ley Hill Common


     Contact Officer:  David Stowe 01494 732093




A letter has been received from Chesham and Ley Hill Golf Club giving notice of their intention to exercise their right and play golf on Sunday afternoons from the 1st April through to 30th September this year.




Under the conveyance of the common by Lord Chesham to the Council in 1956 it was a requirement that the already established Golf Club and Cricket Club were allowed to continue their activities.




The byelaws and the scheme of management for Ley Hill Common allow the Golf Club to play from 8am to sunset every day of the year and make no reference to any restrictions relating to Sunday afternoons. Whilst the Golf Club play on Sunday afternoons during the Winter months they have apparently of their own accord for many years refrained from playing on Sunday afternoons during the summer months as a good will gesture to the public and residents.




The Golf Club have said that in exercising their right they will use a shortened tee/fairway on the second fairway to allow the public the use of the area outside the two public houses and cricket ground.




As there are no formal restrictions for Sunday playing there is nothing that this Council can do to stop the Golf Club from carrying out its intention. Officers will request that the Club reconsider its decision or put forward compromise solution but this cannot be guaranteed.




Latimer Parish Council have been consulted for their comments and advised of the Council’s position. Whilst we are awaiting their response, it is anticipated from previous experience, that there will be strong opposition to the Golf Clubs intention to play on Sunday afternoons during the summer months from villagers and local residents.