Meeting documents
Venue: Large & Small Committee Room, King George V House, King George V Road, Amersham. View directions
Contact: Richard Harris 01494 732010; email:
No. | Item |
Minutes To sign the Minutes of the meeting held on 2 June 2011, previously circulated. Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting held on 2 June 2011 were agreed by the Committee and signed by the Chairman as a correct record. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Chiltern District Drivers' Association PDF 25 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Following a request from the Licensing and Regulation Committee, members of the Chiltern District Drivers’ Association and representatives from other taxi operators were in attendance to discuss taxi and private hire licensing in the Chiltern District. The Chairman opened the meeting by noting the important (and often unrecognised) role undertaken by taxi and private hire drivers. The group were a significant service provider in the district and provided an important service to vulnerable groups. The following key points were then raised during the ensuing discussion:
Minutes: The Committee considered the Work Programme for October 2011 to November 2012. It was noted that a review of hearing procedures for Taxi & Private Hire Licensing Sub Committees and Licensing Sub Committees had been added to the work programme for 24 November. It was noted that the report ‘Hackney Carriages: Options for extra charges’ was being presented to the Committee on 24 November, but had been requested at the meeting on 2 June. The Head of Health and Housing advised that the delay was due to the intensive license renewal process which took place from July onwards. The lack of staff resources, and the requirement to process the licenses to ensure that the trade could operate, meant that this work had had to be prioritised. A rolling renewal process would operate in future to better manage workloads. RESOLVED - That the Work Programme of the Licensing and Regulation
Committee - with the addition on 24 November of Hearing Procedures for Taxi
& Private Hire and Licensing Sub Committees - be noted. Note: the Agenda order
was amended since the applicant for the Street Trading Consent (discussed as
Minute 12) had been delayed. |
Street Trading Consent PDF 38 KB Minutes: The Committee considered an application made to the Licensing Authority for the grant of a street trading consent to sell Asian food from a mobile food van to be located on the High Street in Chesham. The Licensing Officer presented the details of the application. During the period of consultation an objection had been received from Chesham Town Council. An Officer from Environmental Health had also submitted comments for Members’ information, although no formal objection had been made. In light of the valid objection received, the full Licensing and Regulation Committee were asked to determine the application. The applicant was invited to address the Committee. He advised that he operated at Chesham Market on Wednesdays and Saturdays, and was seeking additional days at the request of customers. He did not mind where he was located on the High Street, as long as his presence was visible. In response to questions, the applicant confirmed that he did have a litter bin and would ensure the area was left clean and tidy; he currently operated from Kempton Park Race course when not operating in Chiltern. In response to concerns that his vehicle would block access to delivery vehicles, the applicant opined that there was sufficient room. He also advised that he provided a different product to other food establishments on the High Street. The Chairman thanked the applicant for attending, and the applicant and the Officers then left the meeting. The Legal Services Manager and the Democratic Services Officer remained behind for the purpose of giving legal advice and recording the decision only. Following the Committee’s deliberations and determination, the applicant was invited back into the meeting to be told the outcome. Confirmation of the decision of the Committee would be sent to the applicant within 10 working days detailing the reasons for the decision. RESOLVED - That the application for the Street Trading Consent be refused
for the following reasons: i)
Committee wished to concentrate Street Trading
activities on market days so as not to detract from the market, which was
working hard to consolidate and improve. ii)
was a danger that granting the application would set a precedent for granting
consents for other mobile catering and other outlets which could threaten the
sustainability and long term viability of the Town Centre by attracting
business away from the permanent shops and businesses. iii)
the application could cause an obstruction to delivery vehicles in the High
Street on days when the street was not closed for the market. |