Meeting documents
Venue: Large Committee Room, King George V House, King George V Road, Amersham. View directions
Contact: Richard Harris 01494 732010; email:
No. | Item |
Election of Chairman Minutes: RESOLVED - That the appointment of Councillor N Shepherd as Chairman
of the Committee for the remainder of the Municipal year, as noted at Annual Council
on 15 May 2012, be agreed. |
Appointment of Vice-Chairman Minutes: RESOLVED - That the appointment of Councillor D G Meacock as Vice-Chairman
of the Committee for the remainder of the Municipal year, as noted at Annual
Council on 15 May 2012, be agreed. |
Minutes To sign the Minutes of the meeting held on 1 March 2012, previously circulated. Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting held on 1 March 2012, copies of which had
been previously circulated, were agreed by the Committee and signed by the
Chairman as a correct record. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Consideration of an Objection Notice Made in Response to a Temporary Event Notice PDF 32 KB Minutes: Members were
requested to consider the objection notice served by Environmental Health in
response to a Temporary Event Notice (TEN) given for an event taking place
between 00:00 and 03:00 on 1 January 2013 at the George Inn Public House, Members were also requested to consider the objection notice served by Environmental Health in response to another TEN given for an event taking place between 22:30 and 02:30 on 23/24 December 2012 and between 00:00 and 02:30 on 25 December 2012 at the same premises, the subject of a separate report. With the
agreement of the applicant the Committee agreed to consider simultaneously both
notices. The Committee would also use the The Council’s It was confirmed that the George
Inn Public House already had a premises licence which included mandatory
conditions, conditions consistent with the operating schedule submitted by the
applicant, and conditions attached after a Mr Charalambous (the applicant) attended the meeting with Zoe Huber. The applicant said that he thought the conditions on his premises licence would apply to the TEN events too. Accordingly he was agreeable to the transfer of all conditions from the premises licence to both notices. The Committee agreed that the only outstanding issue therefore was timing. The Environmental Health Officer confirmed that the objection to both notices were submitted because Environmental Health considered that allowing the premises to be used in accordance with both notices would undermine the licensing objective; prevention of public nuisance. The existing premises licence enabled the premises to sell alcohol and conduct various other licensable activities until 22:30 on Sunday 23 December and midnight on Monday 24 December. The TEN specified licensable activities until midnight 23 December continuing to 02.30 on 24 December and until 02.30 on 25 December. Environmental Health considered that 00:30 was the latest that the premises should be permitted to conduct licensable activities on the mornings of Monday 24 December and Tuesday 25 December. This was considered necessary because 24 December was an ordinary working day, and 25 December was a day when it was reasonable to consider that families may be affected by the potential nuisance caused by the event. The existing premises licence also enabled the premises to sell alcohol and conduct other licensable activities until midnight on 31 December. The TEN specified licensable activities until 03:00 on Tuesday 1 January. Environmental Health had considered it reasonable for the premises to remain open until 02:00 ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
Constitutional Changes: Temporary Event Notice Minutes: The Licensing Sub Committee had authority to hear and determine police objections to a temporary event notice. Members felt that objections received from responsible persons, including Environmental Health, should also be determined by the Licensing Sub Committee, rather than the Licensing and Regulation Committee. It was advised that this would be the subject of a separate report that was due to be considered by the Licensing and Regulation Committee at the meeting on 18 October 2012. |