Meeting documents

Decisions Made - Wellbeing & Neighbourhoods 2009/10, Sch 1 No 3 (12 Jan 2010) Community Support Grants 2010-11 (Wellbeing and Neighbourhoods Portfolio)


Reference Number
Schedule 1 - 3/2010



Decision taken by Councillor Mrs Audrey Jones

Cabinet Member for Wellbeing and Neighbourhoods

The Member has taken the following decision.

The decision will take effect on Tuesday, 19 January 2010


Community Support Grants 2010/11 (Wellbeing and Neighbourhoods Portfolio)

Decision Taken

Allocation of awards in accordance with the schedule set out below:


Group Name

Project Name

Amount awarded last year

Amount Request-ed



Statutory Power

Community Plan Reference

Mediation Bucking-hamshire

Mediation Bucking-hamshire




Part fund

S. 2 Local Government Act 2000 (Social Wellbeing). Community Strategy: Safe communities

Sustain and grow a thriving voluntary and community sector (Cohesive and Strong Communities)


Date of Publication

11 January 2010

Reasons for Decision

To provide funding for organisations operating within the District for the benefit of local residents, in line with grant assessments made using the Council’s assessment process.

Consultation Undertaken

The assessment for each grant includes an analysis of the evidence of need provided by the grant holder.


Officer Contact

Paul Hodson (Cohesion Manager)

Ext: 3751     Direct Dial: 01494 – 421751
