Meeting documents

Decisions Made - Wellbeing & Neighbourhoods 2010/11, Sch 16 No 23 (02 Aug 2010) Pigeon Control


Reference Number
Schedule 16 – 23/2010



Decision taken by Councillor C B Harriss

Cabinet Member for Wellbeing & Neighbourhoods

The Member has taken the following decision.

The decision will take effect on Tuesday 10 August 2010


Pigeon control

Decision Taken

To implement a trapping and culling programme followed by use of a hawk to deter the pigeons from using the town centre area

Date of Publication

Monday 2 August 2010

Reasons for Decision

The use of hawk will assist with controlling the pigeon population in the town centre. This will reduce the fouling of the church, churchyard, town centre buildings and pavements and assist in maintaining public health.

Consultation Undertaken

This decision is as a result of a request by High Wycombe Town Committee. Internal consultations have been carried out.

Officer Contact

Neil Stannett (Environmental Health Manager)

Ext: 3092     Direct Dial: 01494 – 421092
