Meeting documents

Decisions Made - Wellbeing & Neighbourhoods 2010/11, Sch 2 No 6 (01 Feb 2011) BT consultation on removal of telephony equipment one Red Telephone Box - Bradenham


Reference Number
Schedule 2 – 6/2011



Decision taken by Councillor Clive Harriss

Cabinet Member for Wellbeing and Neighbourhoods

The Member has taken the following decision.

The decision will take effect on 9 February 2011.


BT Consultation on the Removal of Telephony Equipment from One Red Telephone Kiosk

Decision Taken

That the removal of the telephony equipment, as set out below, be agreed:


Telephone Number



Object / Agree


01494 562340

Opposite Red Lion pub, Bradenham


Parish wish to adopt

Date of Publication

1 February 2011

Reasons for Decision

To ensure that the needs of the community as regards access to public telephones are taken into account when decisions are made regarding the removal of telephony from public call boxes, pursuant to Part 2 of the schedule to a Direction published by Ofcom on 14 March 2006 (‘the Direction’).

Consultation Undertaken

A consultation on the Bradenham box was sent to local Members and the Parish Council on 24 November 2010. There were no objections from local Members or from the Parish Council to the removal of the telephony.

Homes & Housing and Community have also been consulted. Neither has objected to the loss of the box.

Officer Contact

John Callaghan, Team Leader, Transport and Environment

Ext: 3207     Direct Dial: 01494 – 421207
