Meeting documents

Policy & Resources Committee, Minutes 9 feb 1998




     Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on



     Monday 9 February 1998






     Cllr S R Billingham (in the Chair)



Cllr Mrs F W Alexander

Cllr Mrs E M Barratt JP

Cllr C D Bates

Cllr Mrs L M Clarke

Cllr D J Coe

Cllr A D Collingwood

Cllr E H Collins

Cllr R B Colomb

Cllr D E Done

Cllr Mrs J E Gabbitas


Cllr P J Herschel

Cllr B T A Holland

Cllr R W Jennings

Cllr Mrs V A Letheren

Cllr Mrs C C Martens

Cllr M B Oram

Cllr J Preston

Cllr Mrs P Priestley

Cllr R C Pushman


1.     MINUTES


RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 8 December 1997 be approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman.




The substantive Minutes discussed by the High Wycombe Town Committee were as follows:-


Minute 17 - Transportation Issues in High Wycombe


The Town Committee had received an update on the transportation issues in High Wycombe and noted the position reached.

Minute 18 - High Wycombe Town Centre Management


Following an update on this initiative, Members had been asked to suggest ideas for the operation of the High Street following completion of the enhancement works.


Minute 19 - 1998/99 Revenue Estimates


The special expenses estimate for 1998/99 of ,353,700 had been approved for submission to this meeting (see Minute 82) and it was clarified that the total precept was ,348,700 after taking into account ,5,000 of interest income earned on the fund balance.  The accuracy of paragraph 4 of page 16 was queried (footway lighting) and it was asked that this be raised at the next meeting of the Town Committee.


Minute 20 - High Wycombe Cemetery


The security of the cemetery had been reviewed and recommendations made to retain the current arrangements.  Looking longer term, a recommendation had been made to seek cemetery designation in the Local Plan for adjoining allotment land.


With regard to the recommendation regarding the need for private insurance cover for headstones and other grave memorials, officers were asked to investigate the desirability and possibility of the Council directly helping with the insurance arrangements.  It was agreed that this would be investigated.


Minute 21 - High Wycombe Railway Station - Draft Development Brief


The Town Committee had noted the proposals.


RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting of the High Wycombe Town Committee held on 15 January 1998 be received and adopted and the recommendations contained in Minutes 19 and 20 be approved and adopted.  (In the case of Minute 19 for onward recommendation to full Council as part of Minute 82 post).





The substantive minutes discussed by the Joint Staff and Equal Opportunities Committee were as follows:-


Minute 31 - Developing a Green Transport Plan for Wycombe District Council


Approval had been given to the circulation of a questionnaire to both Members and staff on this important topic.  The Joint Staff and Equal Opportunities Committee was complimented on the commitment being given to the Council=s Green Transport Policy.


Minute 32 - The Local Government Pension Scheme Regulations 1997


This issue had been deferred to the next meeting on 23 March 1998 for further information.


Minute 33 - Performance Management and Grade Structure Review


The review timetable was noted, which would result in a report to their next meeting on 23 March and to the Policy and Resources Committee on 27 April 1998.


Minute 34 - Investor in People


The timetable of actions leading to a renewal application within the next 12 months had been noted.   Councillor Oram had been appointed to the Officer Steering Group responsible for the Council=s renewal application.


Minute 35 - Changes to Staff and CCTV Facilities


The Chairman put forward this decision as a recommendation, and sought approval for certain works (cycle storage, changing facilities enlarged showers and toilets) at an estimated cost of ,37,000.



The proposal for canteen/catering facilities and the relocation of the staff recreation room/CCTV suite had been considered at a special meeting on 26 January 1998.   A recommendation had been made that a dedicated vending area be provided at an estimated capital cost of ,6,000, with annual revenue costs of up to ,7,000.  Following discussion, further clarification was called for on the annual running costs and it was agreed that the Briefing Group would be consulted on the precise costs involved before the scheme commenced.


The Committee recorded its disappointment at not being able to provide more substantial canteen facilities.


The implications for the staff social facilities were currently being reviewed, following the decision to relocate the CCTV facility.  There would be a report back in due course, which would include  staff side views.


RESOLVED: (i) That a dedicated vending area be established within the District Council Offices at first floor level as shown on the plan submitted at the Joint Staff and Equal Opportunities Committee at an estimated capital cost of ,6,000, subject to (ii) below;


(ii) that approval be given to the Director of Property and Housing, in consultation with this Committee=s Briefing Group, to determine the annual revenue costs at a sum not exceeding ,7,000 before the scheme commenced; and


(iii) that the decision in (i) and (ii) above be reviewed by the Joint Staff and Equal Opportunities Committee on an annual basis.


RESOLVED: That, subject to the above, the Minutes of the meetings of the Joint Staff and Equal Opportunities Committee held on 19 and 26 January 1998 be received and adopted and the recommendations contained in Minute 35 and in Minute (a) of the meeting held on 26 January 1998 be approved and adopted.






The Chief Executive=s presentation recapped on the Strategic Plan Review process and outlined the purpose and content of the Corporate Action Plans.  This Committee had responsibility for the Value for Money Corporate Action Plan, which would be monitored twice a year.


A number of general points and suggestions were made to assist the monitoring process, including providing specific end dates as performance measures, using capital and revenue budget figures and identifying cross committee and directorate linkages.  These points would be taken into account as the Corporate Action Plans were refined and evolved during the year.  


The Committee then reviewed the detailed entries contained in the Value for Money Corporate Action Plan for 1998/99.


RESOLVED: (i) That the 1998/99 Value for Money Corporate Action Plan be approved subject to the following amendments.


(a) That the following entries be annotated to indicate that Members play a key role in delivery, with officer support.


Enhance multi-tier working between the County, District and Parish Councils.


Keeping Parish Councils up to date with District Council initiatives.


Actively promote Wycombe District Council with and as part of the Thames Valley and the South East.


(b) That the performance measurement for the development of a High Wycombe Town Centre facility (with the Bucks County Council and voluntary agencies) be amended to read Adevise plan for implementation as part of the Town Centre@.


(c) That investigations be undertaken into the desirability of reconvening meetings with the Wycombe District Association of Local Councils and


(ii) That twice-yearly monitoring reports be submitted to this Committee.




The Council had adopted the revised code of practice on Treasury Management.  The Committee was now asked to determine the arrangements for the day to day management of the Authority=s investments and borrowings.


The main issues for 1998/99 were that the Council would continue to borrow to replace maturing debt to the extent of new credit approvals received in the year and that external fund managers would continue to be used.


Following discussion, the Committee was satisfied that the use of external fund managers continued to provide value for money. A list of the approved institutions would be sent to those Members who requested them at the meeting.


RECOMMENDED: (i) That the proposed borrowing limits as set out in paragraph 6.1 of the Treasury Policy Statement under Section 45 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 be approved as follows:.


Overall Borrowing Limit               ,75m

Amount of short-term borrowing

which may be outstanding               ,25m

Maximum proportion of variable

rate of interest on borrowing               80%


RESOLVED:  (ii) that the Treasury Policy Statement in Appendix B be approved as set out;


(iii) that the Treasury Management Strategy Statement in Appendix B be approved as the basis for day to day management of investment and borrowing decisions for 1998/99; and

(iv) that the Authorised Lending List in Appendix B be accepted.




A detailed review of the capital programme had been undertaken, which included all Members being asked to identify their priorities.  36 Councillors had replied.   An officer assessment had also been undertaken to identify crucial business and statutory priorities to deliver the Council=s mandatory services.


The committed capital programme totalled ,26m for the period 1998/99 - 2001/2 with a total funding of ,39m available. New bids totalling ,40m had been made of which ,14.14 million had been identified as the proposed programme.   However, if the projected surplus of ,1.24 million in the first two years of the programme was also spent on other schemes then an overspend of ,2.354m would occur and therefore during the 4 year period of the programme various means of generating additional resources would be pursued, including Private Finance Initiatives (PFI) and asset sales.  

It was reported that it was intended to provide monitoring reports to Members on a regular basis regarding the progress on the agreed capital programme.


The Committee then debated a number of the detailed schemes prior to determining the composition of the additional programme.


RESOLVED: (i) That the capital programme be increased by ,14.14 million for the following schemes:



Capital Scheme








Town Centres Development




Transport Strategy/Traffic Calming




Dovecot MSCP Repairs




Renovation Grants




Small Schemes Provision




Safety Works, 401 London Road




Wycombe Swan Car Park - Remedial Works




General Provision - computer/office systems








(ii)  that the unallocated funds in 1998/99 and 1999/2000 of ,1.214 million be held back to be allocated by this Committee, following the publication of the Council=s Strategic Plan.





The Committee=s 1998/99 draft revenue estimates totalled ,5,780,200, a reduction of ,492,000 on the current year.  This was due partly to a reallocation of costs between Committees.


The estimates had been presented in a new format to provide published performance indicators and benchmarks in addition to income and expenditure.  Members considered the detailed service pages and raised a number of detailed questions and issues.  The officers undertook to investigate the detailed points raised which could not be answered at the meeting and provide a written response.  The narrative and diagrammatic representation of the service estimate for enhancing local democracy had unfortunately been omitted and would be issued separately to Members.


Members queried how the ,25,000 on-going service enhancement bid for a One Stop Shop in High Wycombe was to be spent.  It was concluded that funding should not be approved at this time and a full report be submitted to the next meeting.


RESOLVED: (i) That the estimate for 1998/99 of ,5,780,200 be accepted;



(ii) that the list of proposed charges as set out at Appendix F be agreed with effect from 1 April 1998.


(iii) that ,20,000 for Public Relations as an ongoing strategic service improvement for 1998/99 be included in the Consolidated Estimates for approval by full Council;


(iv) that fixed term strategic service improvements of ,84,000 for local area offices and mobile offices be included in the Consolidated Estimates for approval by full Council; and


(v) that a full report be submitted to the next meeting on the service enhancement bid for a One Stop Shop in High Wycombe.




The strategic budget for the 1998/99 year had originally been set at a target of ,13,281,000, including special expenses.  The Council=s standard Spending Assessment had been confirmed at ,13,169,000 (0.5% reduction) with a capping limit of ,13,785,000 (1.5% increase).


Bids for service enhancements in 1998/99 totalled ,1,039,200, which would exceed the Council=s capping limit.  Non recurring schemes (up to 3 years) totalled ,462,400, which it was proposed should be met from the operating surplus in the current year.


The remaining ,576,800 for recurring schemes would need to be reviewed during the early part of 1998/99.  The aim would be to implement all these schemes, although some would have to be delivered at a lower cost to remain within the total available sum of ,412,200.  The revised total of service enhancements was therefore ,874,600, giving a total general fund expenditure of ,13,612,700 for 1998/99.


The following specific service enhancement bids were then considered in detail.  



Wycombe Womens= Aid - ,29,800


The Chairman of the Housing and Economic Development Committee deferred this request in order for her Committee to take into account the outcome of the organisation=s grant aid applications to other bodies.  This was agreed.


Planning Enforcement Officer - ,25,000


The Planning, Environment and Transportation Panel had considered this issue in detail, following referral from the main Committee, and had concluded that additional funding should not be sought at this time.  The situation would be closely monitored during 1998/99.  This was accepted by the Committee.


Voluntary Sector - ,40,000


A request for additional funds of ,40,000 to be allocated to the voluntary sector was made in order to assist in maintaining and developing voluntary organisations in the District.  It was suggested that this request could be given further consideration at the Council meeting on 26 February 1998 if appropriate.


The Committee was informed that ,5,845,850 savings had been made since 1994/95 enabling funds to be directed into service enhancements since that time.


The Special Expenses Estimates for 1998/99 totalled ,348,700, with a working balance of ,125,700.  The current Parish and Town precepts notified totalled ,1,467,857, an increase of ,47,414.  


RESOLVED: (i) That the amount of service enhancement to be included in the 1998/99 estimates be set at ,874,600 and a refining exercise be undertaken in the new financial year;


(ii) that net expenditure of ,13,726,400 be met from the General Fund on behalf of Wycombe District Council for 1998/99;


(iii) that net expenditure of ,348,700 be approved from the Special Expenses Account on behalf of the unparished area of High Wycombe Town for 1998/99;


(iv)  that the non recurring service enhancements of ,462,400 be funded from 1997/98 operating surpluses / windfall income (technically use of balances);  


(v) that the consolidated revenue estimates be approved in the sum of ,13,612,700;


(vi) that the Chief Executive and Director of Finance, in consultation with this Committee=s Briefing Group, be granted delegated authority to approve the distribution of balances and reserves when closing the final accounts; and


(vii) that the 1998/99 General Fund spending position be kept under review and in the event that an operating surplus is maintained during the course of the financial year then a separate report be brought back recommending the transfer of Saunderton Hostel from the Housing Revenue Account into the Housing and Economic Development Committee General Fund.


RESOLVED: That the recommendations relating to the calculation of the Collection Fund adjustment figure be made direct to Council on 26 February 1998.


(Councillors Mrs L M Clarke, A D Collingwood, R B Colomb, B T A Holland, R W Jennings, Mrs V A Letheren, Mrs P Priestley and R C Pushman requested that their names be recorded as voting against recommendations (i) (ii) (iv) and (v) above.




The Government was encouraging all Local Authorities to start preparing for the Best Value regime immediately, irrespective of whether they had been chosen as a pilot authority.  


The Committee was advised to start preparing now in order to be in a strong position when legislation was passed.  A cross-section of the Council=s services had been identified as pilot schemes in 1998/99, to enable lessons to be learnt before entering into a 4 year rolling programme.


RESOLVED: (i) That this Council confirms its commitment to the best value approach and begins to prepare for its introduction immediately;


(ii) that in 1998/99, the Best Value approach be piloted with Environmental Services, Building Control, Housing Client side and Administrative Services;


(iii) that the reviews of each service be undertaken by the appropriate Panel and by this Committee  in the case of Administrative Services; and


(iv) that a four year programme to review all the Council=s services using the Best Value approach commence  from the financial year 1999/2000, with a further report to this Committee in the Autumn of 1998 on how this is to be delivered.





A structured programme for 1998/99 for Panels had been drawn up in order to develop their performance review and monitoring role and to address the external auditor=s recommendations.  The programme focused on the Corporate Action Plans, Audit Commission performance indicators and external auditor recommendations, major services and the Best Value pilots.


RESOLVED: That the Panels= monitoring and review programme for 1998/99 be agreed as set out at Appendix N.





Formal authority was sought, as required by the Law Society, for the Legal Services Division to apply for external accreditation with the Law Society Practice Management Standards (the LEXCEL Quality Mark).

RESOLVED:  That the District Solicitor be authorised to apply for the Legal Services Division of the Corporate Services Directorate to be accredited to LEXCEL, with the associated one-off costs being funded from existing budgets.




A new policy for granting discretionary rate relief for village shops was proposed to take advantage of a new Government Scheme to help small general stores and post offices in rural villages.


There were approximately 12 shops in Wycombe District which could qualify under this Atop up relief@ scheme and each one would be contacted.  The total estimated cost to the Council would be ,2,250 per annum.


RESOLVED:   (i) That delegated authority be given to the Director of Corporate Services within existing budgetary provision to grant 50% discretionary A Top Up@ Relief to businesses that qualify for Mandatory Relief within the scheme, subject to Ward Members being consulted on each application; and


(ii) that all other cases be considered by Committee following consultation with Ward Members.





RESOLVED: That Councillor Mrs K M Peatey MBE, JP be appointed as the Council=s representative on the High Wycombe Church of England Combined School, expiring May 1999.




The file on action taken under delegated powers since the last meeting was submitted for the Committee=s attention. (Sheet Nos: 94-98)


In response to a question it was agreed to submit a position statement on the collection of outstanding arrears for both Council Tax and Community Charge.




The Panel received Information Sheets distributed since the last meeting.  (Issue Nos: 2/98 - 5/98)




RESOLVED: That pursuant to Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the Press and Public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of Minutes 90 to 92 because of their reference to matters which contain exempt information as described in Paragraph 1 (Staffing) Paragraph 7 (Financial/Business Affairs), Paragraph 8 (Contracts) and Paragraph 9 (Terms Proposed) of Part I Schedule 12(A) of the Aforementioned Act, as set out on page 22 of the agenda.




The new Regulations amending the existing framework for Compulsory Competitive Tendering had been issued, which reduced significantly the CCT requirement on Local Authorities.  In the case of finance, however, there was still a requirement to expose some of the service to competition, although this could be reduced if the Authority pursued a voluntary competitive tendering approach.


RESOLVED: (i) That some or all of Council Tax and NNDR be exposed to competition in order to meet the  minimum competition requirement;


(ii) that the final decisions on those matters contained in (i) above be made by the Chief Executive & Director of Finance, in consultation with the Director of Corporate Services and the Policy & Resources Committee Briefing Group; and


(iii) that those services chosen be subjected to Voluntary Competitive Tendering (VCT).




The Council had the opportunity to purchase an adjoining piece of land at the rear of the car park in Dean Street, Marlow.  This would result in both operational and long term benefits to the Authority.  It was noted that consideration would need to be given to the future location of the market in this area at the appropriate time.  The Committee was advised of the financial implications of the purchase and the income potential.  It was noted that the acquisition would be authorised by Section 120 of the Local Government Act 1972.


RESOLVED: (i) That the Director of Property and Housing be authorised to agree terms for the purchase of all the freehold interests in the land in Dean Street/ Trinity Road, Marlow provided the costs are within the financial limit as set out in the report; and


(ii) that if terms are agreed, the District Solicitor be authorised to complete these acquisitions.





The Committee received the file on exempt action taken under delegated powers since the last meeting.  (Sheets Numbered: E90 - E97)


(The Meeting commenced at 7.00 pm and concluded at 11.00 pm)











The following officers were in attendance for this meeting:


Mr R J Cummins     -     Chief Executive and Director of Finance

Mr D M Dongray     -     District Solicitor

Mr C A Meakings     -     Assistant Head of Administration

Mr J Piddington     -     Head of Financial Services

Mr H Potts          -     Director of Property and Housing

Mr P F Ricketts     -     Director of Corporate Services

Mr C A Swanwick     -     Director of Planning, Transport and Development