Meeting documents

Policy & Resources Committee, Minutes 27 apr 1998




     Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on



     27 April 1998






     Cllr S R Billingham (in the Chair)



Cllr Mrs F W Alexander

Cllr Mrs E M Barratt JP

Cllr Mrs L M Clarke

Cllr D J Coe

Cllr E H Collins

Cllr R B Colomb

Cllr D E Done

Cllr Mrs J E Gabbitas

Cllr A Gielgud*

Cllr P J Herschel



Cllr R W Jennings

Cllr Mrs V A Letheren

Cllr Mrs C C Martens

Cllr C B Oliver*

Cllr M B Oram

Cllr Mrs K M Peatey MBE JP*

Cllr Mrs P Priestley

Cllr J W Preston

Cllr R C Pushman

(Apologies for absence were received from Councillors C D Bates, A D Collingwood and B T A Holland)

Councillors A Dunn, M D Huddy and N J Vickery by invitation of the Chairman


* Standing Deputies





RESOLVED: That pursuant to Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the Press and Public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of Minute Nos: 93 and 94 because of their reference to matters which contain exempt information as described in Paragraph 1 (Staffing) and Paragraph 9 (Terms Proposed) of Part 1 Schedule 12 (A) to the aforementioned Act, as set out on page 10 of the Agenda.




The Chairman welcomed Mrs Lesley Wilkins from HAY Management Consultants Limited to the meeting.


The Committee was informed that the Council=s current pay policy, grade structure and performance management framework had been introduced in 1989.  The detailed comprehensive report now before the Committee, (the first significant review to be carried out since this date), outlined proposals which would benchmark the Council=s salary position against regional and national salary information provided by HAY Management Consultants Limited, and identify any drift away from the established pay alignments and also review the market within which the Council currently operated.


Mrs Wilkins informed Members that over the last 6 months the Council=s current pay policy and grade structure had been revisited, and examined to ensure that it was serving the needs of the Council.


The Committee concluded that various matters required to be addressed before any decision was taken on the possible introduction of an improved salary grade structure.  It was felt that those matters raised by Members should be considered further by the officers, and the matter resubmitted for further consideration by the Committee at a future date.


RESOLVED: (i)  That the report submitted be noted;


(ii) that the Head of Personnel and Mrs L Wilkins be thanked for their input into the report submitted; and


(iii) that further consideration be given by the officers to those matters raised during the meeting, in particular, the comparators for salaries at different grades including other public sector employment, the scope of the review with respect of all grades, the impact both positive and negative of increased efficiency in staff working, consultation with staff on any proposed changes and this matter reconsidered by the Committee in due course.




The report circulated at the meeting appraised Members of the current financial position regarding the negotiations for the Western Sector Development and the likely ongoing revenue effects of this scheme.


The Committee received details of the progress of this scheme, and noted the specific issues contained within the financial information submitted.


The Chairman drew the Committee=s attention to financial consequences to the scheme, and significant impact that it would have  on reshaping the Council=s capital and revenue budget.


RESOLVED: (i) That the report submitted be noted;


(ii) that continued support for this scheme be expressed and current negotiations continued; and


(iii) that a more detailed report on this matter be submitted to a special meeting of the Committee to be held late May/early June 1998 when the Committee will need to make important decisions.


3.     MINUTES


RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 9 February 1998 be approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman.





The substantive Minutes discussed at this meeting were as follows:

Minute No. 28 - Local Agenda 21

Local Agenda 21 was the Chairman of the District Council=s theme for her year of office.  The meeting received an overview of the development of this initiative.


Minute No. 29 - Local Plan

Key dates for the review of the Local Plan process were outlined.  Final adoption was anticipated by the Spring 2000.


Minute No. 30 - Highways Issues

Concerns from the Princes Risborough Town Council on the standard and frequency of grass cutting of roadside verges and amenity areas and street cleaning and sweeping of pavements were addressed.  A need for more effective planning and contract management was requested.  The need for all local authorities to work together to highlight potential problems was to be pursued.


Minute No. 31 - Community Safety Issues

A brief outline of the community safety aims and objectives and work programme to be followed was presented.  A handout on the new Crime and Disorder Bill was circulated, and Hazard Alley and the Youth at Risk Joint Working were highlighted.


Minute No. 32 - Transportation Issues



A 4010


Concern over recent fatalities and general standard of safety on this road were expressed.  Lack of funding had prevented improvements to this particular stretch of highway from being carried out, but it was noted that some improvements might be possible in the future.  The meeting supported fines in connection with speeding offences being retained locally.





Traffic problems arising through traffic being diverted to potential park-and-ride sites in Hughenden were discussed.  Further consideration will be given to park-and-ride sites as part of the Local Plan strategy.



Minute No. 33 - Reinvigorating Local Democracy


A brief outline of government thinking designed to increase interest and voter turn out in local government elections was given including some initiatives to encourage a stronger voice for the local community.  


Minute No. 34 - Draft LGA/NALC Statement on securing effective relationships

This was a framework document aimed to focus the issues of cross-tier working.  Locally cross authority co-operation had improved and it was felt that joint working should be supported.


RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting of the Wycombe District Council and Parish Council Chairmen held on 21 January 1998 be received.




The substantive Minutes discussed at this meeting were as follows:


Minute No. 14 - Western Sector Re-development - Update of Progress

Progress on negotiations with regard to the Development Agreement, planning application, anchor store, variety store/cinema/library, Tesco, site assembly and Compulsory Purchase Order and Frogmoor Link were reported.


Minute No. 15 - Consultants Contract

Details relating to the renewal of contracts for the Council=s external legal advisers and core consultants were received.


RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting of the Western Sector Steering Group held on 3 February 1998 be received and the recommendation contained in Minute No. 15 be approved and adopted.


6.     DSO BOARD - 11 FEBRUARY 1998


The substantive Minutes discussed at this meeting were as follows:


Minute No. 6 - Wycombe and District Housing Management Services (WDHMS) - Progress Report

A report which provided details of the WDHMS progress with the Housing Management CCT contract which commenced on 1 April 1997 was received.


Minute No. 7 - Legal Services CCT Unit - Current Trading Position

Details of the first quarter=s trading position for the Legal Services CCT unit were received.  The first quarter=s financial performance was superficially very healthy, but this reflected savings from a vacant post.


RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting of the DSO Board held on 11 February 1998 be received.




The substantive Minutes discussed at this meeting were as follows:


Minute No. 15 - Proposed Anchor Store - Visits

A review was undertaken of the visits made to two stores of companies that had indicated an interest in becoming the anchor store in the  Western Sector.


Minute No. 16 - Tesco

The latest position with regard to this company was submitted.


Minute No. 17 - Relocation of Bus Depot

Details regarding the relocation of the bus depot were noted.  


Minute No. 18 - Western Sector - Consultants Contracts

Details regarding discussions that had taken place with the Council=s consultants with regard to the renewal of the contracts were submitted.


RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting of the Western Sector Steering Group held on 19 March 1998 be received.





The substantive Minutes discussed at this meeting were:-


Minute No. 37 - Wycombe District Council Green Transport Plan

An update on the preliminary results of the staff survey undertaken to ascertain a baseline of staff travel patterns and attitudes relating to transport preferences and priorities was received.  Details of further consultations to be carried out with the staff were noted.  


Minute No. 38 - Office Accommodation

Proposals for the creation of a new training suite adjacent to the Personnel Division, together with a relocation of the communications staff at first floor level were reviewed.  Details of other ancillary changes were considered including the need to remove the snooker table owned by UNISON from the area above the Design and Print Unit to the existing training room, and the estimated cost of this bearing in mind the small number of members of staff who currently used the snooker table.


Minute No. 39 - Best Value

The development of Best Value in the four pilot service areas was reviewed and the current action being taken in this matter noted.


Minute No. 40 - Local Government Pension Scheme Regulations 1997

These Regulations came into effect on 1 April 1998.  Under the Regulations the Council would be given power to exercise a number of discretions, and as an employing authority of the Pension Fund administered by the Bucks County Council had to issue a Statement of Policy concerning the exercise of these new discretions by 30 June 1998.


Minute No. 41 - Performance Management Framework

The Committee received the first significant review to be undertaken since the late 1980s, and agreed amendments designed to achieve the aims and objectives involved in developing and motivating a workforce capable of achieving the Council=s strategic and service objectives.


Minute No. 42 - Redundancy, Premature Retirement and Ill-Health Retirement

Following earlier consideration by the Committee a proposed policy statement on Redundancy, Premature Retirement and Ill-Health Retirement was submitted for approval.


Minute No. 43 - Equal Opportunities and Staff Development

An update on the progress being made towards the Council=s objective of 8.3% composition of ethnic minorities within the workforce within all Directorates and at all levels to reflect the composition of the community, and 50% of posts at team leader level or above to be held by women was submitted.


Minute No. 44 - Equalities Progress Report

A report reviewing the progress on equalities development work since the appointment of the Equalities Development Officer in September 1997 was submitted.


RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting of the Joint Staff and Equal Opportunities Committee held on 23 March 1998 be received, and the recommendations contained in Minute Nos 38, 40, 41 and 42 be approved and adopted subject to the following:-


(a)  Minute No. 38 (Recommendation (v))


Following an equality of voting, the Chairman declined to exercise his casting vote and asked that the Council be asked to determine this issue.


(b)  Minute No. 40 (Recommendation 2(b))


That the words Ataking into account the salary costs of the replacement@ be included after the words Aimproved effectiveness or efficiency is achieved@.


(c) Minute No. 42


That the words Awithin the limits of the Compensation Regulations@ be included at the end of both recommendations (i) and (ii).


RECOMMENDED: That full Council decide whether the staff snooker table be re-located to the existing training room.



The substantive Minutes discussed at this meeting were:


Minute No. 19 - External Review of Members= Allowances

Details of the progress on the external review of Members= Allowances were submitted.


Minute No. 20 - Political Balance on Committees

The Committee reviewed two legally acceptable minimum options which could be introduced following the dissolution of the Independent Group on the Council.


Minute No. 21 - Appointments to Outside Organisations

Group Leaders were requested to remind their group Members to complete the annual feedback form on representation on Outside Organisations.


Minute No. 23 - Planning Matters Guidance Notes

Following the Third Report of the Committee on Standards in Public Life (The Nolan Committee) each local authority was being asked to consider adopting a ACode of Procedures@ for dealing with planning  matters.  A suggested guidance note had been put forward for approval.


Minute No. 24 - Consultation Paper on Local Democracy and Community Leadership

Details of the questions and answers to the 24 individual questions contained in the Consultation Paper on Local Democracy and Community Leadership were submitted.


RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting of the Committee System Working Party held on 31 March 1998 be received and the recommendations contained in Minute Nos 20 and 23 be approved subject to the following:



RECOMMENDED: (a) Minute No. 20 - That in the current circumstances the Working Party prefer the option for the two independent Members of:


one place on           -     Policy and Resources


one place on either     -     Community and Leisure or Housing and Economic Development or Planning, Environment and Transportation


one place on each of     -     two of the three standing Panels


two places on          -     Planning Applications Panel


As the revised formula for the allocation of seats according to the political balance rules; and


(b) Minute No. 23 - That recommendation (ii) (Planning Matters Guidance Notes) be amended to read AAs a general rule, party politics should have no place in the consideration of individual planning applications@.




The substantive Minutes discussed at this meeting were:-


Minute No. 24 - Programme for High Wycombe Town Centre Celebrations

The Committee supported the principle of celebrating the completion of the enhancement scheme in the town centre and the provision of a programme of events submitted.


Minute No. 25 - High Wycombe Town Committee

Following an approach by the High Wycombe Charter Trustees, the Committee agreed to recommend that two trial meetings be held by both the High Wycombe Town Committee and High Wycombe Charter Trustees on the same evening.  The meeting of the High Wycombe Town Committee to commence at 6.00pm and the High Wycombe Charter Trustees at 7.45pm.  Members would be asked to comment on this experiment in due course.


Minute No. 27 - High Wycombe Town Cemetery - Weekend Burials Policy

A request had been received that the Council review its policy relating to burials at weekends.  Public consultation would be carried out and the matter reconsidered by the Committee in due course.


RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting of the High Wycombe Town Committee held on 14 April 1998 be received and the recommendations contained in Minute Nos 25 and 27 be approved and adopted.


11.     DSO BOARD - 15 APRIL 1998


The substantive Minutes discussed at this meeting were:


Minute No. 9 - Legal Services CCT Unit - Current Trading Position

Details of the second quarter=s trading position for the Legal Services CCT Unit were submitted.


Minute No. 10 - Wycombe and District Housing Management Services (WDHMS) - Progress Report

Details of the progress being made by WDHMS with the Housing Management CCT contract which commenced on 1 April 1997 were submitted.  Problems associated with rent arrears were discussed and it was noted that two additional members of staff had been employed on a temporary basis in order to address the downward trend.


RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting of the DSO Board held on 15 April 1998 be received.




The Committee was reminded that at its last meeting it considered a list of service enhancements totalling ,1,039,200 and agreed that this should be refined to match the ,874,600 of available funding.  In addition the Council on 26 February 1998 agreed an additional ,150,000 for one-off assistance towards the impact of Buckinghamshire County Council cuts to give organisations an opportunity to reconsider their working arrangements and seek alternative sources of funding giving a total additional funding of ,1,024,600.  The report before the Committee identified the schemes which had now been refined, and the results of this exercise were submitted together with a summary of the refinement exercise.


Members were reminded that recurring schemes were those of an ongoing nature which meant that funds were required year on year and non-recurring schemes were those for which funding was only required for a period of three years or less.


Following the approval for additional funding of ,150,000 to assist voluntary organisations on a one-off basis within the District which were likely to suffer cuts in grant support from the County Council, a total of 62 applications for assistance had been received and all were considered by the Community and Leisure Committee Briefing Group on 27 March 1998.  Forty-six had been recommended for grant aid.


However, since this meeting it had been established that youth and community organisations were also affected by the County Council cuts and as a consequence 11 further organisations had been identified as being in this category and warranting grant aid with bids totalling ,61,020.  The total of ,167,090 exceeded the ,150,000 funding available by ,17,090 and an overall percentage reduction had therefore been applied to the youth and community and `wider use= groups.


A Member informed the Committee that it had been suggested at the public meeting with voluntary organisations that a register of organisations should be maintained in order to ensure value for money.  The officers agreed to investigate this proposal.


The Committee was advised that under Section 137 the benefit to the inhabitants had to be commensurate with the expenditure, and that not more than ,25,000 could be spent on the Millennium scheme in 1998/99, unless other Section 137 schemes slipped and the Committee agreed that any slippage could be incurred on the Millennium.

If the recommendations were approved such special revenue grants as were incurred would be provided for in the estimates of the relevant Committee.


RESOLVED: (i) that provision be made in the estimates of the various Committees in accordance with the recurring and non recurring bids detailed, subject to detailed reports being made to the relevant Committee or Panel  (where expenditure is over ,10,000) or the Chief Executive and Director of Finance (where expenditure is less than ,10,000) for approval to spend ;


(ii) that funding for recurring bids of  ,412,000 as recommended in the report be approved ;


(iii) that funding for non - recurring bids of ,410,900 as recommended in the report be approved;


(iv) that approval be given for  Special Revenue Grants up to a maximum  of ,162,000 as recommended in the report;


(v) that the Director of Leisure, Health and Community be  authorised in consultation with the Policy and Resources Committee Briefing Group to determine the distribution of funds to the wider use group; and


(vi) that the Committee=s thanks to the Members and Officers involved in this initiative be placed on record.




The report before the Committee set out the Council=s draft response to the Government consultation paper on Best Value and sought the Committee=s support in requesting the Government to reconsider the Council as a Best Value pilot authority. The report also sought endorsement to the service review framework proposed for the Council=s shadow pilot service areas.


With regard to Section 5 (Employment Practice) a Member suggested that in the Council=s suggested response AUNISON@ should be amended to read ATrade Unions@.


RESOLVED:   (i) That the comments as set out in Appendix AE@, on the Government's proposals to improve local services through Best Value be agreed [subject to Section 5 (Employment Practice) AUNISON@ be amended to read ATrade Union@] and submitted to the Deputy Prime Minister and Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions and the Local Government Association;


(ii) that the Deputy Prime Minister and Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions be requested to reconsider this Council becoming a Best Value pilot authority;


(iii) that the service review process as set out in Appendix AF@ to the agenda be agreed;


(iv) that arrangements be made for an informal Member/Officer briefing before the next meeting of this Committee; and


(v) that a timetable for the service review process for the Administration Division be submitted to the next meeting of this Committee.





Members were reminded that the Committee in February 1998 had agreed the Value for Money corporate action plan and twice yearly monitoring reports would need to be submitted to the Committee.  For the other Service Committees, their Panels would be undertaking the monitoring review for the parent Committee on Audit Commission Performance Indicators, external auditors recommendations and budgetary control statements. As support services become subject to the Best Value process this would involve the Policy and Resources Committee in at least twice yearly monitoring reports on the proposed performance plans.  Another issue which would need addressing would be the future of the Committee Systems Working Party.

The Committee reviewed how it proposed to address these issues in the future.  


RESOLVED: (i) That two additional meetings per year of this Committee be held in June to consider performance indicators and in December to meet the external auditors and invite public input into the budget process;


(ii) that the Committee Systems Working Party be disbanded;


RECOMMENDED: (i) that a new Local Democracy Network Panel be set up to co-ordinate the work of the Local Area Forums and other local democracy initiatives within the terms of reference as set out in the report submitted with no executive powers (subject to (iii) below) and reporting to this Committee;


(ii) that this Panel comprise 8 Members (3 Conservative, 2 Liberal Democrat, 2 Labour and 1 Independent);


(iii) that the Local Democracy Network Panel be given delegated authority to submit this Council=s response to the Government consultation document on AModernising Local Government - a new ethical framework@ following consideration of individual Member comments; and


(iv) that the Local Democracy Network Panel be invited at its first meeting to consider a more appropriate name for the Panel, and be given the authority to change its name.




Members were requested to agree to the setting up of a Financial Services Competitive Tendering Ad-Hoc Panel in order to ensure the implementation timetable and all necessary Committee approvals were achieved.


Members were reminded that the consultation process had now been completed and it had been agreed that Council Tax Billing and Collection, NNDR (Business Rate) and Control be subjected to competition.  A draft tender timetable was submitted.


RECOMMENDED:  That a Financial Services Tendering Ad-Hoc Panel be set up based upon membership of the Policy and Resources Committee Briefing Group to agree all necessary issues up to and including the award of the contract.




The file on action taken under delegated powers since the last meeting was submitted for the Committee=s attention. (Sheet Nos 99 - 106).




The Panel received Information Sheets distributed since the last meeting.  (Issue Nos: 6/98 - 12/98 inclusive).


A Member referred to Information Sheet 11/98 (Capital Programme Monitoring Report 1997/98) and requested details of the progress with the Saunderton First Time Sewerage Scheme now that funding had been removed.


It was reported that when the four year capital programme had been reviewed earlier in the year, first time sewerage works lost previously agreed funding of ,160,000.  The Council had advised Thames Water that funding had been removed but had advised them to complete the design work that they were currently carrying out but not to proceed to tender stage. The scheme had therefore been put on hold if or until funding could be made available.  Latest estimates were that it would cost ,320,000 to install mains sewerage at Saunderton.



RESOLVED: That pursuant to Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the Press and Public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of Minute Nos. 110 and 111 because of their reference to matters which contain exempt information as described in Paragraph 7 (Financial/Business Affairs) Paragraph 9 (Contracts) and Paragraph 10 (Tender for a Contract for the supply of goods or services) of Part 1 Schedule 12(a) to the aforementioned Act as set out on page 10 of the Agenda.





The Committee received the file on exempt action taken under delegated powers since the last meeting.  (Sheets Numbered E98 - E101).




The Committee received an Exempt Information Sheet circulated since the last meeting (Sheet Numbered 13/98).


(The meeting commenced at 7.00pm and concluded at 10.28pm)








The following officers were in attendance for this meeting:


Mr R J Cummins - Chief Executive and Director of Finance

Mr H Potts - Director of Property and Housing

Mr P F Ricketts - Director of Corporate Services

Mr W N Roberts - Director of Leisure, Health and Community

Mr C A Swanwick - Director of Planning Transport and Development

Mrs J E Clements - Head of Corporate and Committee Administration

Mr L Dawson - Head of Valuation Services - for Minute No. 94

Mr J McMillan - Head of Personnel - for Minute No. 93

Mr J Piddington - Head of Financial Services

Mr R G Key - Principal Administrator - Committee Services Section