Meeting documents
Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on |
22 June 1998 |
Cllr P J Herschel (in the Chair) |
Cllr Mrs F W Alexander |
Cllr Mrs E M Barratt MBE JP |
Cllr Mrs L M Clarke |
Cllr D J Coe |
Cllr A D Collingwood |
Cllr E H Collins |
Cllr D E Done* |
Cllr Mrs J E Gabbitas |
Cllr B T A Holland |
Cllr Mrs C C Martens |
Cllr R J Nagle |
Cllr C B Oliver* |
Cllr M B Oram |
Cllr Mrs K M Peatey MBE JP* |
Cllr Mrs P Priestley |
Cllr J W Preston |
Cllr R C Pushman |
Cllr Mrs J Riddington* |
Cllr Mrs J E Teesdale* |
(Apologies for absence were received from Councillors C D Bates, S R Billingham, R B Colomb, R W Jennings and Mrs V A Letheren). |
* Standing Deputies |
RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 27 April 1998 be approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman. |
Four General Household Surveys had been undertaken by the Council since 1991, and a summary and presentation of the main findings from the 1998 Household Survey had been made to Members prior to the meeting of the Committee by Richard Cooper of Cooper Moruzzi. |
The Committee noted that one of the central Best Value criteria identified by the Government to characterise good practice was the effective engagement of the local community in the decision making process. Since 1991 the Council had conducted market research to establish public opinions and attitudes on a range of issues related specifically to service satisfaction and generally to quality of life influences. The information obtained had been used as a guide for taking action on priorities identified particularly on the formation and achievement of the Council=s strategic aims. |
RESOLVED: (i) That the summary and presentation of the main findings from the 1998 General Household Survey be noted; and |
(ii) that the findings from the Survey be referred to service Committees for consideration as appropriate. |
The substantive Minutes discussed at this meeting were as follows: |
Minute No 2 - Issues in Wycombe District |
The Chief Executive had given a short introduction highlighting the major issues being tackled at the present time. Tackling the public=s priorities of crime, unemployment, transportation and the environment were being addressed by the Council, although some of these issues were not traditionally seen as local government functions. |
Minute No 3 - Open Discussion |
A question and answer session had taken place on help for people taking drugs, under age drinking, financial support to community and voluntary organisations, homelessness, parents as teachers initiative, use of leisure facilities and the production of the Worship in Wycombe Booklet. |
RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the consultation meeting with Religious Leaders held on 20 April 1998 be received subject to the inclusion of Councillors Mrs K M Draper and Mrs J Riddington in the list of Members attending the meeting. |
The substantive Minute discussed at this meeting was as follows: |
Minute No 1 - Financial Services Competitive Tendering |
The Panel reviewed the draft core service specification submitted, and sections relating to the draft specification, conditions of contract, contract term, contract package, charges met directly by the client, tender programme, selection of shortlist of tenderers and contract award. |
The Panel supported the proposals put forward to subject Council Tax Billing and Collection, NNDR (Business Rates) and Control Section (Reconciliation and Balancing) to voluntary competition. |
RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting of the Financial Services Competitive Tendering Ad-Hoc Panel held on 19 May 1998 be received. |
The substantive Minutes discussed at this meeting were as follows: |
Minute No 1 - Western Sector Development - Progress Report |
A progress report on the Anchor Store, Other Lettings, Residential Provision, Car Park Management and Geared Rental or Capital Premium was submitted. |
Minute No 2 - Western Sector Development - Financial Report |
A financial forecast on the Western Sector Development in relation to projected capital and revenue costs together with a comparison of the submitted figures with the original estimates in 1996 was reviewed. |
RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting of the Western Sector Steering Group held on 28 May 1998 be received. |
The substantive Minutes discussed at this meeting were as follows: |
Minute No 2 - Response to the Government Consultation on Ethical Local Government |
The Panel considered and agreed the response to be forwarded to the Department of the Environment Transport and the Regions in connection with this consultation paper. |
Minute No 3 - LGA Campaign to review Civic Leadership and Local Democracy |
The Local Government Association as part of its communications and lobbying strategy was considering developing an all party campaign to review civic leadership and local democracy. The Panel reviewed the five key commitments contained in the proposal together with the measurables which could be included for each of the five commitments. |
Minute No 4 - Meeting with Parish Council Chairmen and Wycombe District Association of Local Councils= Representatives |
The Panel reviewed the format for the next meeting between the District Council, Bucks County Council, Parish Council Chairmen and Wycombe District Association of Local Council Representatives on 1 July 1998. |
The Panel also considered a draft agenda for this meeting and agreed that, to enable the various representatives at the meeting to be able to discuss issues affecting solely their own parish area in advance of the main meeting, arrangements be made for informal refreshments at 6.30pm when senior representatives from all Directorates would be present. |
Minute No 5 - Local Area Forums |
Following a review of the progress and success of the Local Area Forums, the Panel was recommending that the Forums to be held during September to November 1998 be used to consult the public on the 1999/2000 budget proposals, and also that the Local Area Forums be renamed ALocal Area Public Forums@. |
Minute No 6 - Local Democracy Proposals |
Details of a seminar attended by Councillor M B Oram on AAchieving effective democratic renewal in local government@ were received. The Panel felt that many useful aspects were contained in the report and that as future developments progressed through Parliament they should be submitted to the Panel for attention. |
Minute No 7 - Future Meetings and Title of Panel |
The Panel had agreed to meet approximately 3/4 weeks prior to scheduled meetings of the Policy and Resources Committee with urgent meetings of the Panel being held if required. In addition the Panel had agreed that in future it would be known as the ALocal Democracy Panel@. |
RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting of the Local Democracy Network Panel held on 1 June 1998 be received and the recommendations contained in Minute Nos 3 and 5 be approved and adopted, subject to the format of the recommendation in Minute No 3 being amended to read: |
AThat the comments set out in the report submitted be endorsed subject to: |
APublishing challenging local performance indicators and reporting on performance against them@ to read APublishing challenging local performance indicators and report on performance against them including the measurement and learning points from failures@. |
The substantive Minutes discussed at this meeting were as follows:- |
Minute No 2 - Matters Arising |
A verbal progress report on the current refurbishment works affecting office accommodation/staff social facilities was received. |
Minute No 3 - Developing a Green Transport Plan - Wycombe District Council |
An update and summary of the works being carried out to assess and develop a green transport plan including measures to broaden the range of options available to staff to get to work and address the key measure of reducing car usage was presented. |
As part of this initiative the Committee was recommending that a review of essential users, and ending the practice of providing refunds for short-stay visitors were two areas which merited an immediate review to be undertaken. |
Minute No 4 - Equal Opportunities and Staff Development |
A report setting out the Council=s current policies on Recruitment Promotion and Transfer in order to provide clarity for managers, staff and job applicants was considered. The Committee recommended an update to Sections 10.04 and 10.05 of the Council=s Local Terms and Conditions. |
Minute No 5 - Equal Opportunities in Council=s Employment |
The report considered by the Committee had provided a range of options for setting targets for women, ethnic minority communities and people with disabilities in the Council=s employment. The Committee following a review of this matter recommended that the targets for composition of women and ethnic minority communities in the Council=s employment be maintained until the next national census in 2001 and that the Council=s commitment to the Disabilities Discrimination Act 1995 be reaffirmed. |
Minute No 6 - Equalities Development Progress Report |
A report on the progress of equalities since the appointment of the Equalities Development Officer in September 1997 was considered. The Committee as part of this matter recommended that approval in principle be given to setting up an Equalities Forum to develop and monitor the Council=s progress on all aspects of equalities work, and that the terms of reference of the Equalities Forum and Employment Liaison Group be reviewed with a view to merging the two groups. |
RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting of the Joint Staff and Equal Opportunities Committee held on 2 June 1998 be received and the recommendations contained in Minute Nos 3, 4, 5 and 6 be approved and adopted, subject to the consultation referred to in Minute 3 also being extended to Members and in Minute 4, the correction of the word Amaterial@ to read Amarital@ in line five of (i). |
The substantive Minutes discussed at this meeting were: |
Minute No 2 - Review of Measures comprising the Wycombe Transport Strategy |
Following the review of a package of measures designed to tackle traffic congestion and environmental problems in High Wycombe, the various comments made by Members were due to be forwarded to the Bucks County Council for attention. |
Minute No 3 - Review of Special Parking Area |
An update of the first review of the Special Parking Area was received by the Committee. Details of the various measures proposed following this review were noted. |
RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting of the High Wycombe Town Committee held on 11 June 1998 be received. |
9. COMMITTEE PLAN 1998/99 |
The draft Committee Plan and the High Wycombe Town Committee Committee Plan for 1998/99 were submitted for consideration. The Committee was also invited to determine the date for the special meeting of the Policy and Resources Committee to consider performance review issues. |
RESOLVED: (i) That the Policy and Resources Committee and High Wycombe Town Committee Committee Plans for 1998/99 be approved as submitted; |
(ii) that subject to the High Wycombe Town Committee=s Terms of Reference, delegated authority be granted to the High Wycombe Town Committee to make all the necessary decisions and to exercise all necessary functions in respect of those matters included in its Plan; and |
(iii) that the next performance review meeting of the Policy and Resources Committee be held on Monday 23 November 1998. |
The Committee was reminded of the presentation on the Marketing Audit to be made to Members on Tuesday 23 June 1998. |
Members noted that the Marketing Audit had been carried out following the appointment of the Marketing and Communications Manager to ascertain the range and quality of corporate marketing activity/systems. An executive summary of the audit had been circulated to Members, and the Committee noted the priorities which had emerged in preparing this summary. Members emphasised the need to promote the Council=s income generating schemes and improve the public=s awareness of all the services for which the Council was responsible. |
The sum of ,15,000 had been provided for various marketing initiatives and the Committee was requested to approve the proposed expenditure identified in the report submitted. |
RESOLVED: (i) That the Marketing Audit as submitted be approved; |
(ii) that the report be accepted as the Best Value position statement for the Marketing Section as part of the pilot submission; |
(iii) that the action plan as submitted be approved; and |
(iv) that approval be given to spend the service enhancement provision of ,15,000 as set out in the report. |
The Committee was reminded that at its meeting on 27 April 1998 it was agreed to include Administrative Services as one of the Council=s internal service review pilots in an exercise designed to help shape the approach for service reviews throughout the Council. |
The Committee had before it for consideration details of the Administrative divisional structure and proposed timetable to progress the service review. At the next meeting of the Committee Members would be invited to identify those issues to be pursued in the service review, and to consider at its March 1999 meeting the ongoing progression of these issues in more detail. |
RESOLVED: That the timetable for the Administrative Services service review as set out in the report be approved. |
Promoting equal opportunities was an important objective under the Council=s strategic aim AA caring community@. The report before the Committee highlighted the progress made on equal opportunities in service delivery provision within the remit of the Committee. A schedule identifying the progress of each Business Unit reporting to the Committee had also been circulated. |
The Committee in noting the progress made in this matter drew attention to Aageism@ and felt that this should be included as a criteria with those others submitted. The Director of Corporate Services undertook to pursue this suggestion. Reference was also made to the representation on the Employment Liaison Group and it was felt that consideration needed to be given to reviewing the current membership to allow a broader representation. |
RESOLVED: (i) That the progress made on equal opportunities in service delivery within the remit of this Committee be noted; |
(ii) that officers be requested to review each service area and develop an action plan to ensure equalities in service design, planning and provision; and |
(iii) that the Committee consider a standard agenda item AReview of progress on equalities in service provision@ as part of its performance review function at its meeting on 23 November 1998. |
Following the circulation of a Consultation Paper issued by the South East Regional Forum (SERF) on the creation of a Regional Chamber for the South East, alternative models had emerged and the Committee was invited to consider supporting the option being proposed by the Association of Councils of the Thames Valley Region (ACTVaR). |
Details of the three options put forward were reviewed, and the Committee was minded to support the option proposed by ACTVaR which would enable the size of the Chamber to be greater than that proposed by SERF (Model 2), but smaller than the proposed Model 1, with its actual size being between 50 - 60 places resulting in 35 - 40 local authority places. |
RESOLVED: That the South East Regional Forum be informed that the Council=s preferred option is that proposed by the Association of Councils of the Thames Valley Region (ACTVaR) as outlined in the report submitted. |
The Committee received details of those outside organisations which came under its responsibility, and comments made by the individual Council representatives via the Afeedback@ system. |
The Committee was invited to appoint representatives to those organisations where the current period of office had expired and to consider if future appointments should be on an annual basis or for a period of four years, and whether standing deputies should be appointed as a matter of course. |
RESOLVED: (i) That the following appointments be made for the period up to May 1999; Board of Governors - High Wycombe Church of England School - Councillor Mrs K M Peatey MBE JP, |
Board of Governors - Highworth County Combined School - Councillor R B Colomb, |
Board of Governors - Tinkers Wood County Combined School - Mrs Anne Twitchen, |
South East Employers - Additional Standing Deputy - Councillor P J Moore; and |
(ii) that appointments from 1999 be for a period of four years subject to the constitutions of the individual outside organisations not precluding this and subject to review of Members= attendance records. |
The file on action taken under delegated powers since the last meeting was submitted for the Committee=s attention. (Sheet Nos 107 - 116) |
The Panel received an Information Sheet distributed since the last meeting. (Issue No: 14/98) |
RESOLVED: That pursuant to Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the Press and Public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of Minute Nos. 17 and 18 because of their reference to matters which contain exempt information as described in Paragraph 7 (Financial or Business Affairs), Paragraph 8 (Amount of any Expenditure Proposed), Paragraph 9 (Terms proposed) and Paragraph 12 (any instructions to Counsel) to the aforementioned Act as set out on Page 11 of the agenda. |
The Committee received a detailed report on the progress of the very successful scheme at 260 Desborough Road, High Wycombe to provide accommodation for important voluntary agency partners. The report also sought approval for additional funding which had taken place on the scheme. |
In noting the progress and the financial matters which had arisen from the overall refurbishment of this property, Members were advised that further reports by an external Consultant Quantity Surveyor and the Council=s External Auditors, KPMG, were awaited and would be circulated to Members in due course to enable a decision on this matter to be taken at the meeting of the Council on the 13 July 1998. |
RECOMMENDED: (i) That the contracts (as varied) for the works and installations carried out at 260 Desborough Road, High Wycombe and all associated expenditure and funding sources as identified in the report be ratified subject to consideration at the meeting of the Council on 13 July 1998 of: |
(a) The outcome of an independent review of: |
(b) any view which may be expressed by the external auditors; and |
RESOLVED: That the action which has been taken by the officers to date as set out in Paragraphs 6.5 and 6.6 of the report be noted. |
(Councillor Mrs K M Peatey MBE JP declared a non pecuniary interest in this matter, remained in the meeting, but did not vote). |
(The Chairman of the Council, Councillor E H Collins requested that his name be recorded as abstaining from the vote taken by the Committee on this matter). |
The Committee received the file on exempt action taken under delegated powers since the last meeting. (Sheets No E103 - E106). |
(The Meeting commenced at 7.00 pm and concluded at 9.12 pm) |
__________ |
The following officers were in attendance for this meeting: |
Mr R J Cummins - Chief Executive and Director of Finance |
Mr H Potts - Director of Property and Housing |
Mr P F Ricketts - Director of Corporate Services |
Mr W N Roberts - Director of Leisure, Health and Community |
Mr C A Swanwick - Director of Planning, Transport and Development |
Mrs J E Clements - Head of Corporate and Committee Administration |
Mr D M Dongray - District Solicitor |
Mr J Willmore - Marketing and Communications Manager |
(for Minute No. 10) |
Mr R G Key - Principal Administrator Committee Services Section |