Meeting documents
Minutes of the Special meeting of the Committee held on |
29 July 1998 |
Cllr S R Billingham (in the Chair) |
Cllr Mrs F W Alexander |
Cllr Mrs E M Barratt MBE JP |
Cllr C D Bates |
Cllr D J Coe |
Cllr A D Collingwood |
Cllr E H Collins |
Cllr R B Colomb |
Cllr D E Done* |
Cllr P J Herschel |
Cllr R W Jennings |
Cllr Mrs V A Letheren |
Cllr Mrs C C Martens |
Cllr R J Nagle |
Cllr C B Oliver* |
Cllr M B Oram |
Cllr J W Preston |
Cllr Mrs P Priestley |
(Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Mrs L M Clarke, Mrs J E Gabbitas, B T A Holland, Mrs K M Peatey MBE JP and R C Pushman). |
* Standing Deputies |
Also in attendance the following: |
Cllrs R W A Barber, Mrs F G Bettison, J M Blanksby, Mrs K M Draper, A Dunn, D G Fieldhouse, A Gielgud, Mrs E Hall, Mrs A Hardy, A E Hill, Mrs C Mill, Mrs P O=Rourke, Mrs J Riddington and Mrs J Waite. |
RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 22 June 1998 be approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman. |
The Committee considered this urgent item in to order expedite urgent Health and Safety works at Dovecot Multi-Storey car park. |
Members noted that Planning, Environment and Transportation Committee had received and accepted a report in respect of the need for urgent upgrading of safety barriers at Dovecot MSCP. The Committee had agreed to the virement of ,75,000 from within its capital programme but the remaining ,125,000 was subject to approval of funding by this Committee and the report submitted detailed the need. |
It was noted that there was a full balance of ,50,000 remaining in the contingency held for building maintenance within Policy and Resources Committee of which ,20,000 could be used for this purpose. |
Members were informed that in response to advice received from the Standing Committee on Structural Safety, an inspection and appraisal of structures of multi-storey car parks had been carried out and consultants commissioned to assess the adequacy of the edge barriers. As a result of these inspections a recommendation had been made for urgent Health and Safety works to be undertaken at Dovecot multi-storey car park as the edge barriers on this structure were considered sub-standard and were unable to safely resist a vehicle impact. Members noted that these works were, therefore, essential to ensure that the Council complied with all Health and Safety requirements. |
It was noted that the shortfall in funding of ,105,000 could be funded from the current year=s car parks revenue budget. |
RESOLVED: (i) That approval be given for the urgent works at Dovecot Multi-storey car park as described in the report; |
(ii) that ,20,000 be vired from the building and maintenance revenue budget within Policy and Resources Committee estimates; and |
(iii) that the shortfall of ,105,000 be funded from the current year=s car park revenue budget. |
RESOLVED: That pursuant to S100(A)(iv) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of Minute No 21 because of its reference to matters which contain exempt information as defined in paragraph 9, Schedule 12A, of the aforementioned Act more particularly as follows:- |
Minute No 21 - Paragraph 9 - (Terms Proposed or to be proposed by the Authority) |
The Committee met to receive an update on progress in respect of the Western Sector re-development. Details of the Western Sector Project Management Team and the decision process with regard to the project were first described, together with details of the key issues. |
A financial summary was then presented which gave details of the current budget provision together with a projected estimate of the probable outcomes. The Council=s property advisers then described in more detail the matters contained in the financial summary. |
Members then entered into a detailed discussion on the matters presented and particularly in relation to the possible effects on the development of any down-turn in the economy, the provision of an anchor store, the progress of the CPO Inquiry and the continuing negotiations associated with that CPO. |
The Committee noted that discussions were continuing with prospective anchor tenants and Members were cognisant of the importance of such a tenant for the general success of the development. In this regard it was agreed to request a presentation from prospective tenants on a date to be arranged. |
It was also noted that discussions were in progress with the bus company and British Gas plc with regard to the provision of a new bus depot and the future of the Gas Board site. |
The Committee was also made aware of a possible timescale involved in respect of the development from the time the Development Agreement would be signed through to the granting of detailed planning consent, but Members noted that progress depended upon a number of factors under negotiation and discussion. |
At the conclusion of the discussion the Committee concurred with the view that the development would make a significant contribution to the economic and social fabric of the town and supported the efforts being undertaken to bring this to fruition. |
RESOLVED: (i) That the report be noted and action proceed as outlined in the presentations given; and |
(ii) that an invitation be extended to prospective anchor store tenants to visit and discuss with Council Members proposals for the western sector. |
(The Meeting commenced at 7.00pm and concluded at 9.10pm) |
_______________ |
The following officers were in attendance for this meeting:- |
Mr L Dawson - Head of Valuation Services |
Mr J Piddington - Head of Financial Services |
Mr C A Swanwick - Director of Planning, Transport and Development |
Mr H Potts - Director of Property and Housing |
Mr N R Roberts - Director of Leisure, Health and Community |
Mr D M Dongray - District Solicitor |
Mr M Conroy - Principal Administrator, Committee Services |
Mr J Unsworth - Planning and Transport Projects Manager |
Mr P Lewis - Chief Executive, Conrad Ritblat |
Mr M Langham - Conrad Ritblat |