Meeting documents
Minutes of the special meeting of the Committee held on |
22 September 1998 |
Cllr S R Billingham (in the Chair) |
Cllr Mrs F W Alexander |
Cllr Mrs L M Clarke |
Cllr D J Coe |
Cllr E H Collins |
Cllr R B Colomb |
Cllr R W Jennings |
Cllr Mrs V A Letheren |
Cllr Mrs C C Martens |
Cllr R J Nagle |
Cllr M B Oram |
Cllr Mrs P Priestley |
Cllr R C Pushman |
(Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Mrs E M Barratt MBE JP and D E Done). |
* Standing Deputies |
Also in Attendance: |
Cllr R W A Barber |
Cllr J M Blanksby |
Cllr D A E Cox |
Cllr Mrs K M Draper |
Cllr D G Fieldhouse |
Cllr A Gielgud |
Cllr S H Graham |
Cllr Mrs E Hall |
Cllr Mrs A Hardy |
Cllr A E Hill |
Cllr M D Huddy |
Cllr Mrs C Mill |
Cllr A R Mountford |
Cllr C B Oliver |
Cllr Mr P O=Rourke |
Cllr Mrs K M Peatey JP MBE |
Cllr Mrs J Waite |
RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 30 July 1998 be approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman. |
RESOLVED: That pursuant to Section 100A (iv) of the Local Government Act 1972 the Press and Public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of Minute No. 23 because of its reference to matters which contain exempt information as defined in Paragraph 9 Schedule 12A of the aforementioned Act more particularly as follows. |
Minute No. 23 - Paragraph 9 - (Terms Proposed or to be Proposed by the Authority) |
The Committee received a presentation from representatives of one of the interested Anchor Store tenants who outlined the outcome of the research undertaken on behalf of the company in order to assess demand and the potential viability for a department store as part of the proposed Western Sector Redevelopment. |
It was noted that the research had involved a series of street interviews comprising some 200 members of the public within an approximate radius of 10 miles from High Wycombe Town Centre. The research had highlighted the perceived need for the upgrading of shopping facilities in High Wycombe and, in particular, the need for a quality department store in the town. Based upon these finding anchor store representatives indicated that the Company viewed investment in the Western Sector as a positive addition to investment strategies. |
During a general discussion on the presentation, Members welcomed the approach described by the Company and it was noted that discussions were continuing with other interested anchor tenants. However, it was likely that a decision on the way forward would be made in the near future and Members were supportive of officers expediting the matter through the Steering Group in relation to any negotiations with a prospective Western Sector anchor tenant. |
(The meeting commenced at 7.00pm and concluded at 8.50pm) |
__________ |
The following Officers were in attendance for this meeting: |
Mr R J Cummins Chief Executive & Director of Finance |
Mr L Dawson Head of Valuation Services |
Mr J Piddington Head of Financial Services |
Mr M Langham Conrad Ritblat |
Mr P Shearman Peter Shearman Associates |
Mr M Conroy Principal Administrator Committee Services |