Meeting documents

Policy & Resources Committee, Minutes 5 oct 1998



     Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on


     5 October 1998




     Cllr S R Billingham (in the Chair)


Cllr Mrs F W Alexander

Cllr Mrs E M Barratt MBE JP

Cllr Mrs L M Clarke

Cllr D J Coe

Cllr A D Collingwood

Cllr E H Collins

Cllr R B Colomb

Cllr Mrs J E Gabbitas

Cllr P J Herschel


Cllr B T A Holland

Cllr Mrs V A Letheren

Cllr Mrs C C Martens

Cllr R J Nagle

Cllr C B Oliver*

Cllr M B Oram

Cllr J W Preston

Cllr R C Pushman

Cllr Mrs J E Teesdale*


(Apologies for absence were received from Councillors C D Bates, R W Jennings and Mrs P Priestley).


* Standing Deputies


1.     MINUTES


RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the special meeting of the Committee held on 22 September 1998 be approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman.





The substantive Minutes discussed at these meetings were as follows:-


25 June 1998

Minute No 4 - Western Sector Redevelopment


An update on the progress of the compulsory purchase order inquiry was submitted and consideration given to matters relating to the Iceland premises, Go-ahead Group and release of documents at the compulsory purchase order inquiry.


Minute No 5 - Bristol Visit


Details of the arrangements for the Steering Group=s visit to Bristol on 16 July 1998 were submitted.  


16 July 1998

Minute No 6 - Review of External Visit


The visit earlier in the day to a store owned by a potential Anchor Store for the Western Sector Development was discussed.


Minute No 7 - Update on Progress of CPO


A brief update on the compulsory purchase order inquiry was made.


Minute No 8 - Update on Financial Position


An update on the financial position of the scheme based on the current budget, the current position and a possible final position was submitted.


Minute No 9 - Development Agreement


The Steering Group reserved a series of dates for future meetings to discuss and consider proposals for a Development Agreement.


RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meetings of the Western Sector Steering Group held on 25 June 1998 and 16 July 1998 be received.





The substantive Minutes discussed at this meeting were as follows:-


Minute No 37 - Three Tier Workshops


It was agreed that a three tier workshop should be held following receipt of the Government White Paper on Local Government.


Minute No 38 - Effective Collaboration with Districts and Counties


Details of the following initiatives were reviewed:


INLOGOV Seminar on effective collaboration, joint statement between Local Government Association and National Association of local Councils and effective communication.


Minute No 39 - Consultation Papers on Modernising Local Government


The meeting reviewed the series of Government consultation papers.


Minute No 40 - Strategic Overview of Work with Major Partners


A presentation was made on the increasing trend in closer working between local public service agencies.  It was noted that on 2 October 1998 officers of all public service agencies would be holding a planning day at Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College and considering issues for the next 10 -15 years including the environment, employment, skills and earnings, health and crime and disorder.


Minute No 41 - Future Arrangements for meetings


It was agreed that prior to the next meeting of the Wycombe District Council and local Parish Council Chairmen, a separate meeting with the Wycombe District Association of Local Councils would be offered.  


Minute No 42 - SERPLAN


A briefing note on the consultation on sustainable development was available for parish and town Councils if required.


Minute No 43 - The Millennium


The meeting noted that details of the guidance for applications for the latest tranche of Millennium lottery funding had been received.  The application requirements were noted.


RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting of the Wycombe District Council and Parish Council Chairmen held on 1 July 1998 be received.


4.     DSO BOARD - 29 JULY 1998


The substantive Minutes discussed at this meeting were as follows:-


Minute No 12 - Legal Services CCT Unit - Current Trading Position


Details of the second quarter=s trading position were noted.


Minute No 13 - Legal Services CCT Unit - Year End Position


Details of the 1997/98 year end trading position were submitted.  The Planning Law Section had successfully achieved an operating surplus for the first six months of the contract.  The accounts were subject to external audit approval.


Minute No 14 - Wycombe and District Housing Management Services - Progress Report


Details of the progress made by WDHMS with the Housing Management CCT contract which commenced on 1 April 1997 were submitted.  Details of the action being taken to correct those problems experienced during the first 15 months of the contract were submitted.


Minute No 15 - Wycombe District Housing Management Services (WDHMS) - Year End Position


A report detailing the 1997/98 year end trading position on the WDHMS CCT unit was submitted.  An operating surplus financially had been achieved and had been transferred to WDHMS revenue reserve fund.


RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting of the DSO Board held on 29 July 1998 be received.




The substantive Minutes discussed at this meeting were as follows:-


Minute No 9 - External Review of Members= Allowances


The Panel received the report and recommendations of the independent external Panel set up to review the Council=s current Members= Allowances scheme.


The External Panel had recommended the continuation of the existing approach overall and highlighted the continuing need for accountability and transparency to the public for the amounts received.  The External Panel had recommended that the payment of Attendance Allowance should remain and be reduced from ,18.50 per meeting to ,15.00 per meeting in any one 24 hour period.  That the payment of Basic Allowance should be increased from ,569 per annum to ,780 per annum.


In discussing the report and recommendations of the independent external Panel some Members of the Policy and Resources Committee expressed their disappointment at the results of the external review and that the exercise had only resulted in a re-distribution of the current allowances.  Other Members were sympathetic to the work of the External Review Panel and emphasised the complexity of Members= Allowances, it being noted that no Member would ever be fully reimbursed for the amount of time spent dealing with Council business.


Members= attention was drawn to the fact that the recommendations of the External Review Panel did not bind the current Council and that the Council=s existing scheme would continue until the District Council elections in May 1999.


Minute No 10 - Government White Paper - Modernising Local Government - In Touch with the Public


The Panel was invited to adopt a work programme on those issues the Council needed to address following the publication of the White Paper AModernising Local Government - In Touch with the People@.  The Panel was recommending that it undertake the initial work to identify lobbying issues and the work programme to be followed, to consider future action when the legislative timetable is known and to include in the Council=s exit survey for Members= provision for the views and comments of those Members who were not re-elected and not seeking re-election.


Minute No 11 - Regional Seminar on Democratic Renewal and Innovation


Following a review of the key issues which arose from a seminar arranged by the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions, the Panel has asked the officers to identify specific practical examples of where local authorities are currently prevented from acting and to investigate further initiatives which could be used to encourage greater participation in the 1999 District Council elections.


Minute No 12 - First National Census of Local Authority Councillors


Following a review of the results of the first national census on Councillors the Panel agreed to inform the Local Government Management Board that any future census might usefully include information about time spent on different aspects of Council work and the varying Member roles.


Minute No 13 - Arrangements for Public Participation in Spending Priorities


The arrangements and outcome of the first Forum in Marlow on 8 September 1998 were discussed by the Panel.  The Panel expressed its satisfaction at the success of the Forum and discussed ways to encourage a broader age based attendance at the next Forum.  The Panel agreed to investigate the advantages of taking advertising space at the Wycombe and Amersham Colleges AFreshers@ days to promote the role of the Council, and to include an additional question on the exit questionnaire seeking a response to whether those attending had gained a greater understanding of the budget process.  


Minute No 14 - Introductory Sessions for Prospective Candidates


The Panel agreed to the holding of introductory sessions for prospective candidates for next year=s District Council elections to give an idea of the commitment/work involved in being a local Councillor. The Panel felt that the sessions should be officer-led with no Member involvement.


Minute No 15 - Standing Orders


Three proposed amendments to the Council=s current Standing Orders were submitted.


The Policy and Resources Committee supported the proposals put forward subject to the Housing and Economic Development Committee Briefing Group being involved in the proposed delegation referred to in Recommendation 15 (ii) (sale of general needs dwellings suitable for elderly persons) of the Minutes submitted.


Minute No 16 - Equalities Forum


The Panel recommended the terms of reference, membership, frequency of meetings and agenda structure for the Forum to be set up.  The Panel also recommended that the AEqualities Forum@ be renamed AEqualities Advisory Group@.  It was noted that the political balance rules did not apply as this was solely an advisory body.


RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting of the Local Democracy Panel held on 14 September 1998 be received and the recommendations contained in Minutes Nos 10, 15 and 16 be approved subject to the recommendation set out in Minute No 15(ii) being amended to include consultation with Housing and Economic Development Committee Briefing Group;


RECOMMENDED: (i)  That the recommendations of the Independent External Panel relating to Members Allowances as amended by the Local Democracy Panel be considered following the election of the new District Council in May 1999; and


(ii) that the existing scheme of Members= Allowances continue in existence until such time as alternative proposals are agreed.





The substantive Minutes discussed at these meetings were as follows:-


14 September 1998

Minute No 10 - Pay Grading and Performance Review


The Committee agreed that the principles as set out be included in the future consideration of the Council=s pay grading and performance review.


22 September 1998

Minute No 11 - Minutes


The Committee agreed to the Head of Personnel, in consultation with the all-party Member Group, staff and managers to develop a detailed pay grading and performance review structure for report to the Policy and Resources Committee in November 1998, and also agreed to a phased introduction of any changes agreed by the Policy and Resources Committee from 1 January 1999.


Minute No 12 - Green Transport Plan


Current progress with regard to the Green Transport Plan was noted.  The Committee was reminded of the seminars to be held on 8 October 1998 in connection with this matter.


Minute No 13 - Core Values


The adoption of core values throughout the Council including supporting initiatives were agreed by the Committee.


Minute No 14 - Review of Essential Car Users


A detailed report which evaluated the existing scheme and set out principles and issues which it was considered needed addressing before any revisions to the current scheme could be introduced was considered.  The Committee requested a further report to include alternative options to the current essential users scheme in the context of the Green Transport Plan and pay grading and performance review exercises.


Minute No 15 - Christmas 1998


The Committee had recommended that one additional day=s holiday on either 30 or 31 December 1998 be offered to staff in appreciation of their ongoing efforts for this year only, and that managers be required to ensure satisfactory staff cover is available in their business units over the Christmas period.  The Committee had requested a report on the opening of the District Council Offices during Christmas 1999.


RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meetings of the  Joint Staff and Equal Opportunities Committee held on 14 September 1998 and 22 September 1998 be received and the recommendation contained in Minute No 15 be approved.




The substantive Minutes discussed at this meeting were as follows:-


Minute No 8 - High Wycombe Town Cemetery - Saturday Burial Policy


The Committee had agreed to extend the Saturday burials service at High Wycombe cemetery to allow the necessary legal and other documentation to be received until 12 Noon on Saturdays from 1 April 1999.


RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting of the High Wycombe Town Committee held on 17 September 1998 be received.




Members were reminded that the Accounts and Audit Regulations 1996 required the Statement of Accounts to receive approval by Committee before 30 September each year.


The Statement of Accounts was presented for consideration including a brief explanation together with the summarised Consolidated Revenue Account, Housing Revenue Account, DSO Revenue Account, Collection Fund and Consolidated Balance sheet.  It was noted that the full Statement of Accounts was available in the Members= Room.


Members sought details on publicity expenditure and capital management as part of the analysis of other services, and the Director of Corporate Services undertook to forward this information to the Members concerned.


Following a comment on the current financial strategy being adopted it was suggested by a Member that a brief explanatory statement should be prepared to set out the Council=s current assets and liabilities.


RESOLVED: (i) That the Statement of Accounts for the financial year 1997/98 as submitted be approved;


(ii) that a brief explanatory statement setting out the Council=s current assets and liabilities be circulated to all Members of the Council.




The report before the Committee set out the problems associated with the Council=s current financial management computer system, and sought approval to its replacement.  The report detailed the history of events since the current FMIS computer system was purchased in 1993 and implemented in 1994, and put forward options to either convert the current system or replace it with suitable alternative software.


The Committee noted that the officers intended to view several systems to assess those products currently on offer, but felt that the Committee=s Briefing Group should be involved in reviewing the results of this assessment exercise before a decision was taken to purchase the replacement software.


RESOLVED: (i) That authority be given to seek a replacement financial management information system to be operational from 1 April 1999;


(ii) that the Policy and Resources Committee Briefing Group be advised of the results of the assessment exercise before a decision is taken to purchase the replacement software; and


(iii) that the Chief Executive and Director of Finance be authorised to approve the purchase of the new system at a cost not exceeding ,300,000 following the course of action set out in (ii) above.


10.     FINANCIAL TARGETS FOR 1999/2000


Members were reminded that the budget process for 1999/2000 was about to commence and attention was drawn to the introduction of new procedures to the budget process including four public consultation Forum meetings, household survey and Member voting on strategic issues.


It was noted that prior to final approval being given to those areas which it was considered should be enhanced by either additional revenue or capital spending, it was proposed to hold a special seminar on 18 November 1998 to allow all Members of the Council to consider the results of the public consultation, Member voting and the bidding exercise from service enhancements.


RESOLVED: (i) That the targets proposed in the report  submitted be approved; and


(ii) that a special seminar for all Members of the Council be held on 18 November 1998 to consider the results of the public consultations, Members voting and the bidding exercise from service enhancements.



The Committee was invited to consider the introduction of a revenue grant aid policy from 1 April 1999 to cover all revenue grants including awards to established organisations which received regular funding from the Council.  


The report before the Committee set out proposals for the introduction of a grant aid policy including arrangements to determine applications, and the requirement of voluntary bodies to provide financial information showing their levels of reserves and a business plan identifying what they intended to achieve in the following year and estimated costs.


The prime concerns of voluntary groups was certainty and stability of funding in order to deliver sustainable services particularly if the Council was a significant core funder.


In discussing the proposed policy it was suggested that a mechanism be introduced which would allow any Member of the Council to be made aware of any decisions required, and the opportunity to submit comments on an organisation before a decision was taken.  It was felt that the Policy and Resources Committee Briefing Group could be used in this connection as appropriate.


RESOLVED: That a three-yearly corporate wide grant aid policy to operate from 1 April 1999 be approved as follows:-


(a) The organisation should prove that it needs this same level of funding and it should make a business case via a standard format application form to demonstrate its need and that it is giving best value for money;


(b) Inflationary increases should be made in line with the Council=s own estimates of inflation and used to set the strategic budget each year.  Similarly any across-the-board savings exercises required by the strategic budget may also be applied to voluntary grant aid in total, although officers and panels have the discretion to recommend awards to individual organisations above or below this so long as they keep within the overall budget allocated.


(c) Any additional or new funding over and above the strategic budget targets should be treated as service enhancement, and go through the usual channels for approval of new funding;


(d) All voluntary bodies should continue to be required to demonstrate a need for funding.  Formal service agreements including monitoring arrangements with organisations in receipt of grant aid of ,10,000 or more per annum should be extended to other grants where this is considered desirable.


(e) Grants may be awarded only to voluntary organisations which can demonstrate their work is complementary to the Council=s strategic plan aims and objectives; and


(f) Delegated authority be extended to all Directors in relation to voluntary sector grants, except where this would constitute service enhancement.


(Cllrs Mrs L M Clarke, Mrs V A Letheren, R C Pushman and Mrs J E Teesdale declared interests in respect of their membership of voluntary organisations and did not vote on this item).


(Cllrs A D Collingwood, P J Herschel and C B Oliver requested that they be recorded as voting against resolution (f).




The boundary retaining wall at 401 London Road, High Wycombe was considered a dangerous structure and investigations had established that the Council should use its powers to repair the wall the ownership of which was vested in the Crown.


The Committee noted that the Crown had no responsibility for the repair or maintenance of the wall and Members were advised of the proposed course of action to be taken to remove the danger which the condition of the wall was currently creating.  Details of the estimated cost of the repair works were also submitted.


RESOLVED: That the Director of Property and Housing in conjunction with the Policy and Resources Committee Briefing Group be authorised to investigate alternative courses of action in addition to that proposed in the report submitted, and to invite tenders for the necessary repairs to the wall and accept a tender provided that the tender sum is within the existing estimate provision as set out in the report, and subject to all necessary permissions being obtained.




The current designated representatives to the Bucks Forum were the Chairman of the Council, past Chairman of the Council and two Standing Deputies.


As the work of the Bucks Forum involved a wide variety of issues and had recently become more strategic in content, the Committee was invited to consider reviewing the current Member representation.


RESOLVED: (i) That in future Member attendance to the Bucks Forum be that which is appropriate to any particular meeting, and that in this connection the two Members to attend should be any two of the three Group Leaders or their designated representative, allowing flexibility according to each meeting;


(ii) that the Council=s representatives for any particular meeting be determined by the Group Leaders based on advice from the Chief Executive; and


(iii) that the Chief Executive and Director of Finance be asked to investigate whether the Council=s representation can be increased to three Members.




The arrangements for a voluntary regional chamber for the South East were discussed by the South East Regional Forum on 18 September 1998.


The Forum agreed to the introduction of the all inclusive model whereby each of the 74 local authorities in the South East would have one seat in the regional chamber.  Further details were to be discussed by the South East Regional Forum Executive Committee on 15 October 1998, and it was noted that a further report would be submitted in due course to determine the Council=s representation in the regional chamber.


RESOLVED: That this matter be noted and a further report be submitted on determining the Council=s representative when further details are received.




A revised agenda item was circulated to Members.


The Committee noted that a recent review of contract management had revealed an area of the Contract Standing Orders which required strengthening.  The Committee had before it proposals to allow this course of action to be implemented.


RESOLVED: That the following amendments to Contract Standing Orders be approved:-


Addition of New Standing Order 4.2


Where Standing Order 4.1 applies



The method of acceptance of the single tender shall be as set out in Standing Order 10.6, giving the reasons why the seeking of competitive tenders was not practicable and with written evidence relating to the method of tender acceptance being placed with the contract documents for audit purposes.



If the value of the tender exceeds ,500,000 the approval of the appropriate Committee must be obtained before the tender is accepted.

Addition of new Standing Order 6.7


Where the number of tenders received falls short of the minimum number invited in accordance with Standing Order 6.2, then Standing Order 4.2 shall apply.


Addition to Standing Order 10.6



If the value of the tender exceeds ,500,000 the

approval of the appropriate Committee must be obtained before the tender is accepted.

Addition of a new Standing Order 10.8


Where the number of tenders received falls short of the minimum required to be invited under Standing Order 6.2 then Standing order 4.2 shall apply.


Addition to Standing Order 10.1



Where the contract relates to goods, materials, works or services the cost of which is estimated not to exceed ,2,500, the tender may be opened by a Director or Head of Service.




The file on action taken under delegated powers since the last meeting was submitted for the Committee=s attention.  (Sheet Nos 117-126).




The Panel received Information Sheets distributed since the last meeting.  (Issue Nos: 15/98 - 21/98 inclusive).




Information Sheet No 22/98

Policy and Resources Committee Outturn 1997/98


Information Sheet No 22/98 was submitted as a matter of urgency with the approval of the Chairman in order to enable the Committee to be made aware of the Policy and Resources Committee outturn position for the 1997/98 financial year.




RESOLVED: That pursuant to S100(A)(iv) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of Minute Nos 42 and 43 because of their reference to matters which contain exempt information as described in paragraph 7 (financial or business affairs), paragraph 8 (amount of any expenditure proposed) and paragraph 9 (terms proposed) to the aforementioned Act as set out on page 12 of the agenda.




The report before the Committee sought Members= approval to the recommendation of the Housing and Economic Development Committee regarding the future direction for housing.


A revised recommendation was circulated for the Committee=s consideration.  The Committee was reminded that local authorities had to consider all forms of housing management and consider suitable courses of action, and attention was drawn to the recent  presentation made to Members by Chapman Hendy.


The Committee noted the action taken since this matter was considered by the Housing and Economic Development Committee on 27 July 1998 and an amendment from a Member was circulated for consideration.


On this amendment being put to the meeting, 9 voted in favour and 7 against. The amendment was declared carried.


RECOMMENDED: (i)  That the officers be authorised to continue investigations into the future management of the housing service but that no formal registration of interest with the Department of the Environment, Transport and The Regions for joining the transfer programme be pursued at this time, as the reintroduction of the 20% levy a year earlier than planned and the already uncomfortably tight timescale clearly make this both premature and impractical;


(ii) That preliminary informal tenant consultation be commenced;


(iii) That Officer discussions be held with other local authorities including those which have set up a local housing company and those which have decided against this course; and


(iv) That a further seminar be held for Members to consider all the issues.





The Committee received the file on exempt action taken under delegated powers since the last meeting.  (Sheet Nos E107-E111).


(The Meeting commenced at 7.00pm and concluded at 10.22pm)











The following officers were in attendance for this meeting:-


Mr R J Cummins          -     Chief Executive and Director of Finance

Mr H Potts                    -     Director of Property and Housing

Mr P F Ricketts          -     Director of Corporate Services

Mr S Bramhill               -     Head of Information Systems Division

Mrs J E Clements     -     Head of Corporate & Committee Administration

Mr J B Piddington     -     Head of Financial Services

Mr D Ruddock               -     Assistant District Solicitor

Mr R G Key               -     Principal Administrator, Committee Services

Miss C Andrew          -     Trainee, Committee Services