Item 1 |
Apologies for Absence |
Item 2 |
Declarations of Interest |
Item 3 |
Minutes of the Meeting held on 14
September 2005
Appendix 1 - Consultation
Letter |
Item 4 |
Matters Arising
Item 5 |
Strategic Access Team Update
Iain Burgess
Item 6 |
Regional LAF Training Session Feedback
David Briggs / John Elfes
Item 7 |
Countryside Agency and DEFRA Action
Plan for Supporting LAFs
Appendix 1 - Action Plan
Iain Burgess |
Item 8 |
Rights of Way Improvement Plan
Iain Burgess - Verbal Update
Item 9 |
Report Back Chilterns AONB Access
John Elfes / Iain Burgess
Item 10 |
Comprehensive Performance Assessment
Mike Walker - Verbal Update
Item 11 |
Any Other Business |
Item 12 |
Date and Location of Future Meetings
Item 13 |
Item 14 |
Site Visit to Open Access Land at Wendover