Background Papers (if any) are specified at the end of each item |
Contact Officer: Charles Howlett (01494) 724263 |
A request was made for a blind across the side window in the Milton Chapel (see section 5 in the notes of the meeting headed ‘Chapels’). This has since been discussed with the Crematorium chapel attendants who felt this was only a problem occasionally, mainly following funerals attended by exceptionally large numbers of mourners. They also pointed out that drawing a blind across the window in the way suggested when retrieving floral tributes might have the opposite effect and make people wonder what was going on that needed to be screened from view?! The window is a very attractive feature of the chapel, which in fact owes its existence to a suggestion at an earlier liaison meeting when proposals to build the chapel were being discussed. It is considered that a blind across this window would detract from the overall appearance and ambience of the chapel. |
Some of the funeral directors questioned the Crematorium’s policy of accepting funeral bookings from persons other than funeral directors i.e. the public (see section 7 in the notes of the meeting headed ‘Miscellaneous - Families booking time slots’). The Superintendent explained that, particularly as a publicly run facility, it would be inappropriate not to do so. |
1. That a blind should not be installed across the Milton chapel window. |
Background papers: None |
Contact Officer: Charles Howlett (01494) 724263 |
That the Crematorium Service Plan for 2008 – 2009 be approved |
Background papers: None |
Contact Officer: Alan Goodrum (01494) 732001 |
3.9 This item is included for information. |
Background Papers: None |
Contact Officer: Charles Howlett (01494) 724263 |
Changes made as result of comments |
4.4 More chairs were provided in the Milton Chapel. |
Actions taken in response to complaints |
4.5 The following complaints were received:- |
Complaint 1: The word ‘all’ in an entry in the Book of Remembrance showed up in the image on the touch screen to look like ‘ill’ which was upsetting as the person commemorated had died after a long illness. |
Response: The computer image was manipulated by the calligraphers to clarify the letter ‘a’, and when the Book was next returned to the calligraphers for the latest entries to be added the ‘a’ was changed to ensure that it appears clearly as an ‘a’ in all future photographic images on the touch screen. An apology was made by ‘phone and followed up by letter. |
Complaint 2: The language used in a ‘standard’ letter sent to an applicant for cremation about the cremation ashes was “curt, insensitive and impersonal”. |
Response: The criticism was accepted and the wording of the letter was changed. As a consequence of this complaint the wording of all the ‘standard’ letters sent out from time to time was reviewed and in most cases changes were made. The complainant was seen in person when she came to the office and this was followed up by a letter of apology. |
Complaint 3: A specific complaint was made about not being able to hear in the Milton Chapel. |
Response: See 4.2 above |
Complaint 4: An applicant complained that the music she had requested herself from the Crematorium office for a service was not played. |
Response: The applicant had visited the Crematorium prior to the service and one of the chapel attendants had spent some time discussing her music requirements and also playing a selection from the Wesley music system for her to choose from. No decision was made at the time and the chapel attendant was left with the impression that she would advise the Crematorium of her requirements in due course. In the event no music instructions were received, but it was accepted that particularly in view of the applicant’s visit the Crematorium should have realised something was potentially amiss and followed it up. A letter of apology for the Crematorium’s mistake was sent to the applicant. |
Complaint 5: An applicant was unhappy about receiving an invitation to pay a fee to renew the lease for a memorial at the Crematorium. She queried the justification for this and the “excessive” amount. |
Response: A letter was sent explaining the reasons why a periodic renewal fee is levied (to help pay for the upkeep and maintenance of the chapel and garden of remembrance and to help ensure there is space for more recently bereaved families to have a memorial), that the renewal policy had been in place since the Crematorium opened in 1966, and that it is a system operated by nearly all the crematoria in the UK. It was also explained that an alternative lease period of 3 years (for a correspondingly lower fee) was recently introduced to help those who found it difficult to pay the higher fee for 5 years. |
Complaint 6: A widow complained that her husband’s ashes had been scattered in the garden of remembrance even though her wishes were that she wanted them collected from the Crematorium for disposal elsewhere. The applicant for the cremation was the widow’s step-son. |
Response: Normally cremation ashes are not retained at the Crematorium for longer than 3 months (and this is clearly stated on our application form), but in this instance 5 months elapsed before they were scattered. We have a strict procedure in these circumstances for contacting applicants, or at least attempting to contact them, before actually going ahead with the scattering. In this instance the ashes were kept for longer than 3 months because at one stage the applicant indicated he was coming to collect them from the Crematorium, although in the event this didn’t happen and no further communication was received. After the ashes were scattered the applicant claimed he had telephoned in response to a letter sent by recorded delivery advising that the ashes would be scattered after 28 days if no action was taken, although we had no record of the call. A letter of apology was sent for any mistake on our part in the incident and the procedures were reviewed and changed with a view to reducing the likelihood of a similar incident occurring. |
Complaint 7: The company supplying our stone memorial plaques forwarded a complaint which had been sent to them by a person who had ordered a plaque from the Crematorium. This person was complaining about the length of time it had taken for the memorial to be placed in the garden of remembrance because the first plaque made was the wrong size, and she had been given the impression that this was the fault of the supplier. The supply company was complaining that their contact details had been given to the Crematorium’s customer, particularly as the mistake for the wrong size plaque was the Crematorium’s and not theirs! |
Response: The Superintendent wrote to both parties apologising and taking full responsibility for what had gone wrong. He also took action to make sure staff are aware that when there is a problem with a supplier this is matter for the Crematorium and clients should never be involved. The complainant wrote back expressing her satisfaction with the way the matter had been resolved. |
Complaint 8: A disabled person who had attended a funeral complained that access was difficult for wheelchair users coming by bus from High Wycombe because there was no dropped kerb from the pavement on that side of the entrance drive (although the complainant acknowledged in her letter that the kerbs were lowered on the Amersham side), and also that the font used in the Crematorium’s leaflet “Accessing our Services” was not the most suitable for people with impaired sight. |
Response: A letter was sent apologising for the inconvenience experienced by the complainant when attending the funeral which also explained that most of the kerbs had already been dropped as part of a phased programme of works. The kerb in question would be dealt with as a matter of priority (it was lowered the following week). The leaflet font was also changed and a new batch printed. The complainant replied expressing her appreciation for the prompt action taken to resolve the problems. |
Complaint 9: Lack of information about buses and bus routes to the Crematorium on the web site or inclusion of links to the bus companies web sites, and failure on the bus companies web sites to acknowledge the bus stop at the entrance to the Crematorium. |
Response: Bus route information and links to the bus company sites were added to the Crematorium website and the bus companies were written to asking them to consider including information about the Crematorium on their own websites. A letter was sent to the complainant outlining the action that had been taken to improve the situation. |
4.6 This item is included for information. |
Background Papers: None |
Contact Officer: Alan Goodrum (01494) 732001 |
5.5 This item is included for information. |
Background Papers: None |
Contact Officer: Alan Goodrum (01494) 732001 |
6.5 It is anticipated this change will be made by the end of the year. |
Background Papers: None |