(a)     Housing Act 1996 – Homelessness Statistics


     Contact Officer:  Michael Veryard 01494 732200




Statistics concerning homelessness during the quarter ending 30 June 2003 are appended as Appendix 1a.    




(b)     Strategic Environmental Protection – Air Quality


     Contact Officer: Ben Coakley 01494 732060




The Environment Act 1995 requires Local Authorities to undertake air quality reviews.  In areas where an air quality objective is not anticipated to be met, Local Authorities are required to establish Air Quality Management Areas (AQMA) and implement action plans to improve air quality. Those Councils without an AQMA or Action Plan are expected to continue to review & improve Air Quality through local strategies, initiatives and forward planning. These will then be reported to DEFRA in the progress report.


The district has several air quality monitoring locations for nitrogen dioxide which use diffusion tubes and this network was expanded in 2003 in line with DEFRA requirements. Continuous air quality monitoring equipment is not used in the District.




We have now completed the second air quality review for the Chiltern District. It has been concluded (Subject to DEFRA Confirmation) that the Council is not required to carry out a Detailed Review and Assessment for any of the considered pollutants. We are therefore not required to proceed to a detailed assessment at this time, however a progress report will be required by DEFRA in 2004.




One of Chiltern District Council’s Key objectives relates to “Being proactive in preserving and improving the environment”.




The following examples of recent air quality initiatives demonstrate our ongoing commitment to these principles and aim to educate and reduce the potential for pollution in the District:





Chiltern DC has just launched ‘CLAIRE’ Chilterns Local AIR & Environment’, the new interactive web resource for residents of all ages in the Chiltern District. It aims to promote air quality awareness and has a large dedicated section for local children to find out about ways to reduce air pollution and help the environment.





The Strategic Environmental Protection Officer also manages a County Wide Air Quality Group with representatives from each District and officers from the County Council.  The formation of the group has already seen a vastly improved dialogue with County Officers & Transport Planners over the last 2 years. The most recent scheme has seen the launch of Cut Your Engine Signs across Bucks, with associated teaching information for schools. Elangeni School received the first sign in the Chiltern District and was backed up by a large number of radio interviews and newspaper coverage across Bucks.