Decision Taken by a Member

Portfolio:  Housing


In accordance with the previously published schedule and reports, the Member has taken the following decision:

The decision will take effect on Tuesday 1 July 2003.


Proposed Paradigm Housing/Chiltern Hundreds Voluntary Purchase Scheme

Reference Number

Schedule 48 - 60/2003


Decision Taken

That the District Council supports the proposed bid by Paradigm Housing/Chiltern Hundreds to the Housing Corporation for £67,500 funding of a Voluntary Purchase Grant scheme for their five tenants who may wish to purchase their homes, but who are ineligible for the Right to Acquire.


Date of Publication

Monday 23 June 2003


Reasons for Decision

To offer some tenants of Chiltern Hundreds Housing Association (who do not currently qualify for the Right to Acquire), the opportunity to purchase at a discount, the property they occupy.

For each property sold, the RSL is to purchase an alternative property, to be made available to another Council nominee.


Consultation Undertaken

No Consultation has been carried out.


Your Questions and Views

If you have any views on this decision that you would like the Member to consider or if you wish to object to the decision taken, please inform Bill Holkham.  This can be done by telephone (01494) 421601 or e-mail bill_holkham@wycombe.gov.uk.