Reference Number
Schedule 05 – 05/2006




Decision Taken by a Member

Portfolio:  Housing


The Member has taken the following decision.

The decision will take effect on Tuesday 14 March 2006.


Cash Incentive Scheme

Decision Taken


To approve the Cash Incentive Scheme application as detailed in the report, enabling a formal offer letter for a grant of up to £27,874 to be issued; and


To approve amendments to the Council’s Cash Incentive Scheme to remove the requirement for at least one applicant to be in regular employment.

Date of Publication

Monday 6 March 2006

Reasons for Decision

To ensure that the Council’s Cash Incentive Scheme is complying with the provisions of the Disability Discrimination Act and to enable it to be offered in the future in cases where no applicant is in regular employment.

Consultation Undertaken

No consultation has been carried out.

Your Questions and Views


If you have any views on this decision that you would like the Member to consider or if you wish to object to the decision taken, please inform Mick Furnival-Adams.  This can be done by telephone (01494) 421670 or e-mail