Licensing Committee Minutes


Thursday 17 June 2004


7.00pm - 8.45pm

PRESENT:          Cllr P Rogerson (in the Chair)


Councillors R J Bate, W J Bendyshe-Brown, J Dalton, A L Dunn, D G Fieldhouse, A R Green, Mrs W J Mallen, M B Oram, P Rogerson and Mrs A E Snelling.

In attendance:

Inspector Andrew Kitchen – Thames Valley Police (Amersham Police Station)


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Mrs C C Martens, Mrs K M Draper, G J Gilhooley, Mrs V A Razzaq and Mrs J E Teesdale.




There were no declarations of interest.



There were no reports on the tourism and employment factors affecting the District and the new licensing regime at this stage.  The Committee would continue to consider these matters as a standard item on the agenda.



RESOLVED:  That the Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 17 February 2004 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.



The Chairman welcomed Inspector Andrew Kitchen of the Thames Valley Police Station in Amersham who provided the Committee with an informative presentation on the implications of the Licensing Act in relation to policing the Thames Valley area.

Inspector Kitchen indicated that the new licensing hours would have a substantial impact on the levels of crime in the Wycombe District.  It was widely acknowledged that the British drinking culture, and weekend binge drinking in particular, was responsible for increased instances of crime, disorder and anti-social behaviour.  To emphasise the point, it was noted that most deaths in police custody were related to alcohol and not drug abuse.

The Chiltern Vale policing region had more licensed premises than any others part of the Thames Valley area.  It was explained that individual licence holders would need to prepare crime reduction strategies in order to mitigate the potential for disturbances.

Members recognised that adequate resources would need to be available in order to tackle any increases in crime, especially in the Town Centres.  The only additional funding that the Police had received to date was for the appointment of two additional Licensing Officers.  The feasibility of relocating police from the Milton Keynes and Oxford areas was also discussed by the Committee.

In order to protect public safety, Members agreed that the Draft Licensing Policy could include the Council requesting that applicants gave more than the prescribed notice when applying for a Temporary Events Notice.

It was noted that the most problematic issue to resolve was the poor state of the licensing computer databases.  The Committee agreed that this topic would need to be addressed as a matter of priority by the relevant authorities and that there were clear advantages to be found in linking the different networks together.  Inspector Kitchen agreed to ask the Chief Constable to write to Wycombe District Council in order to highlight the need for a joined up database.

RESOLVED: That the presentation on the implications of the Licensing Act in policing the Wycombe District area be received and that the Committee be kept informed of any significant developments.



Officers reminded Members that at the first meeting of the Licensing Committee on Tuesday 17 February 2004, some Members felt it was inconvenient to hold Panel meetings during the day-time and queried whether more flexible arrangements could be adopted, such as evening or weekend hearings.  It was also acknowledged that in certain cases it might be necessary to call a Panel hearing at very short notice.  With approximately 700 licensed premises in the District, it was difficult to determine how much work the Panels would need to undertake in the course of any given year.  As such, officers gave further consideration to the timings of Panels.  These were currently scheduled to take place on a 3-weekly basis, in the Council Chamber of Wycombe District Council with a commencement time of 2.00pm.

A Member questionnaire was conducted, the results of which were compiled in a report that was before Members.  After a thorough and wide ranging debate, it was agreed that the current arrangements would continue.

Members acknowledged that there would be need for some flexibility in the arrangements, especially as Panels might well be needed at short notice.

Whilst some Members remained of the view that evening meetings were better for the purposes of holding Licensing Panel Hearings, on balance it was felt that the recommendation as set out in the officer’s report should be adopted.  This also allowed for some flexibility by the Chairman in determining when meetings would be held.

RESOLVED: That the Committee agree arrangements for the timings of Licensing Panels to determine applications under the Licensing Act 2003 in so far that the existing arrangements be retained, subject to variations as required on an ad hoc basis, with the agreement of the Chairman of the Committee.  These were currently scheduled to take place on a 3-weekly basis, in the Council Chamber of Wycombe District Council with a commencement time of 2.00pm.



Officers provided the Committee with an update on the proposed programme of consultation and recommendation on the draft Licensing Policy.  Members had before them a proposed programme of consultation.  It was noted that the dates contained within the list were conditional on the Government Guidance and Associated Regulations being issued by 1 July 2004.  Following the receipt of the Final Guidance and Secondary Legislation, the Council’s Draft Licensing Policy would be reviewed and it would then be possible to carry out the formal statutory consultation.

Much work had already been undertaken in conjunction with other neighbouring authorities in preparing the draft policy.  However, a joint Licensing Policy was unlikely to be developed as each District had its own particular priorities based on local factors.

It was noted that the draft Licensing Policy would be considered by the Environment Improvement and Scrutiny Committee, the Cabinet and at a meeting of the full Council in due course.

RESOLVED:  That (i) the update on Section 182 Guidance be received and that the Committee be kept informed of significant developments as they occurred; and

(ii)  an informal workshop of Committee members be held in July 2004 for Members to give initial consideration to the draft Licensing Policy.



The Chairman reported that the training day held at Chiltern District Council, Amersham, Buckinghamshire on Thursday 27 May 2004 had been hugely successful.  Officers responsible for organising the event were thanked.  It was noted that a similar training session would be held in the Autumn to accommodate those Members who were unable to attend the first session or to serve as a “refresher” course for those Members who attended in May.  In addition, a Members’ Seminar was planned for later in the year.

It was agreed that an information sheet on “user friendly” licensing information would be prepared by Environmental Services.  In addition, the Draft Licensing Policy would be revised to incorporate various observations noted by the Chairman at the training session.

RESOLVED:  That (i) the feedback from the Licensing Training Day at Chiltern District Council held on 27 May 2004 be received and that Members be kept informed of arrangements for subsequent training sessions; and

(ii)     all Committee Members be issued with a copy of the papers distributed at the Training Day.




It was noted that the Licensing Committee would meet in the Council Chamber at 7.00pm on:

Thursday 23 September 2004

Monday 1 November 2004

Thursday 20 January 2005

Thursday 3 March 2005





The following officers were in attendance at the meeting;

Mr R Marshall     -     Divisional Environmental Heath Officer

Mrs S Wilson     -     Principal Solicitor

Mr H R O Jones     -     Senior Democratic Services Officer