

Licensing Panel Hearing

Record of Hearing held on


17 May 2006





     Cllr P Rogerson (Chairman)

Councillors Mrs K J Dix and D A B Green


Mrs C Steven      -      Licensing Officer, Wycombe District Council

Mr S Pradhan      -      Applicant

Mr T Hatton     -     Solicitor for Applicant



Mrs S Wilson          Principal Solicitor, Wycombe District Council

Mr M Conroy          Council Secretariat, Wycombe District Council

Ms Z Prentice          Legal Services, Wycombe District Council (Observer)



No declarations of interest were made.


The Chairman of the Panel outlined the procedure to be adopted in relation to the conduct of the Hearing.


The Panel met to conduct a Hearing into an application for a premises licence in respect of Bombay Nights 144-146 Desborough Road, High Wycombe.  The requested activities were for the provision of late night refreshments and sale and supply of alcohol.

In response to the application the Panel noted that an objection remained from Health and Safety on the grounds that the premises were not yet able to be properly inspected due to ongoing building work. (Objections from the Fire Officer had been withdrawn.)  Reference was also made to an objection from the Council’s Department of Planning and Sustainability which had resulted in the applicant agreeing to an amendment, which involved the closing time of Sunday being reduced to 2200 hours.  At the commencement of the discussion on the application, the applicant referred to an agreement reached with Health and Safety.  This proposal would involve approval being given to the application (as amended) subject to the Restaurant not being opened until 22 June 2006 and until the Health and Safety Officer’s objection was withdrawn.  The Panel noted this proposal and went into private discussion to consider its decision.

(At this juncture the Licensing Manager, the applicant and his representative left the meeting)

During discussion on the application the Panel took into account the licensing objectives under the Act, national guidance and the Council’s licensing policy.  After consideration the Panel were minded to approve the application as amended, but subject to the agreement proposed above.  It was therefore:

RESOLVED: That the application for a premises licence in respect of Bombay Nights 144-146 Desborough Road, High Wycombe be approved subject to the following amendments:

(i)     Opening Hours


On Mondays to Saturdays from 1200 to 2330.

          (ii)     Late Night Refreshment


On Mondays to Saturdays from 2300 to 2330 save where a Bank Holiday falls on one of these dates, in which case the late night refreshment is not permitted.


Sale or Supply of Alcohol on the Premises


On Mondays to Saturdays from 1200 to 2315.


On Sundays and Bank Holidays from 1200 to 2145.


Public Safety


The premises cannot operate in accordance with the terms of the premises licence until a Wycombe District Council Health and Safety Inspector has inspected the premises and confirmed that he is satisfied that the premises are safe to be used for the purposes set out in the premises licence and with any event not earlier than 12 noon on 22 June 2006.




(The meeting commenced at 12.40pm and concluded at 1.00pm)