To receive apologies for absence.
To note the record of Hearings held on 2 May, 17 May and 10
July 2006 (previosuly circulated).
To receive any declaration of personal or personal and
prejudicial interest by Members relating to items on the agenda.
If any Member is uncertain as to whether an interest should
be disclosed, he or she is asked if possible to contact the
District Solicitor prior to the meeting. Members are reminded
that if they are declaring an interest whether personal or personal
and prejudicial they should state the nature of that interest
whether or not they leave the Council Chamber.
The Chairman of the Panel will outline procedures to be
adopted in relation to the conduct of the meeting and will
introduce the Members of the Panel and other persons
To consider the ratification of conditions which have been
agreed by all parties. The officers do not have delegated
authority to approve any applications for an alteration. At
the conclusion of the Hearing the Panel will move into private
session to consider their decision.