Record of Hearings held on

15 December 2006


PRESENT:      Councillor P Rogerson (in the Chair)

Councillors Mrs K J Dix and Mrs C C Martens

ALSO PRESENT AT THE HEARINGS:     Mr S Broome - Licensing Officer, Wycombe District Council

Mr Mohammed and Mr Iqbal (in respect of 3G Fast Foods Ltd)

OFFICERS IN ATTENDANCE:      Mrs S Wilson - Principal Solicitor, Wycombe District Council

Sabah Siddiq - Legal Admin Assist/Trainee Solicitor, Wycombe District Council

Mr M Conroy - Democratic and Members’ Services, Wycombe District Council



There were no declarations of interest in respect of the Hearings considered below.


The Chairman referred to the 4 applications to be considered and it was noted that in all 4 applications agreement had been reached between interested parties in respect of initial objections made.  The Panel would, therefore, be considering proposed conditions arising out of the agreements reached and that none of the interested parties had requested full Hearings.  The Panel agreed, therefore, to consider the conditions proposed in respect of these applications.


The Panel met to consider an application under s.34 of the Licensing Act 2003 to vary the premises licence currently in force to reflect the new internal layout of the premises in respect of the White Horse, 95 West Wycombe Road, High Wycombe.

Members noted that with regard to the representations made by Health and Safety and Control of Pollution, all of the conditions suggested by these responsible bodies had been agreed with the applicant and it was noted that additional conditions suggested by Thames Valley Police had been put forward by the Applicant for inclusion on their licence.

With regard to the conditions proposed, the Panel took into account the licensing objectives under the Act, national guidance and the Council’s licensing policy.  Members noted the agreement of the conditions submitted as described under Appendix 5 to the agenda and it was

RESOLVED:  That the application under s.34 of the Licensing Act 2003 to vary the premises licence currently in force to reflect the new internal layout of the premises be approved subject to the conditions described in the agenda at Appendix 5.


The Panel met to consider an application under s.34 of the Licensing Act 2003 to vary the premises licence currently in force to reflect the new internal layout of the premises.

It was noted that the only representation made had been submitted by Health and Safety, but after discussion with the applicant a condition to install suitable ventilation into the disabled WC toilet had been agreed.

The Panel in considering the application and the conditions proposed took into account the licensing objectives under the Act, national guidance and the Council’s Licensing policy.

Members noted the agreement to the conditions submitted at the Appendix to the agenda and it was

RESOLVED: (i) That the application under s.34 of the Licensing Act 2003 to vary the premises licence currently in force to reflect the new internal layout of the premises be approved subject to suitable ventilation being installed into the disabled WC toilet; and

(ii)     The variation to have an effect upon completion of the works as notified to the Licensing authority in writing.


The Panel met to consider an application s.17 of the Licensing Act 2003 for a new premises licence to permit the supply of late night refreshments outside.  

The Licensing Officer informed Members that the representations made by the Police objecting to the 05.00 finishing time on Friday and Saturday had been agreed with the applicant and the finishing times amended to read 04.00 hours.  Reference was also made to the representation received from the Planning and Sustainability Department of Wycombe District Council, but it was noted that this had now been withdrawn.

During discussion on the application it was noted that the application and representations could only be considered under the terms of the Licensing Act 2003 and any matters pertaining to planning and landlord issues did not fall within the purview of the Licensing Panel.

At this juncture the Licensing Officer and the applicants present at the meeting left the meeting and the Panel went into private session to consider its decision.

The Panel in considering the application took into account the licensing objectives under the Licensing Act, national guidance and the Council’s licensing policy.  Members noted the agreement to the conditions relating to the finishing times on Friday and Saturday and it was

RESOLVED: That the application under s.17 to the Licensing Act 2003 for a new premises licence to permit the supply of late night refreshments outdoors be agreed as amended.


The Panel met to consider an application under s.34 of the Licensing Act 2003 to amend the times and locations that certain activities could occur as described in Appendix 2 to the agenda.

One representation had been received from the Fire Officer relating to the public safety objective concerning fire exits from the proposed marquee.  The Panel noted that the suggested amendment to the plans by the Fire Officer had been agreed with the applicant.

In considering the application and the proposed conditions the Panel took note of the licensing objectives under the Licensing Act, national guidance and the Council’s Licensing Policy and after due consideration of the application as amended, it was

RESOLVED: That the application under s.34 of the Licensing Act 2003 to vary the premises licence in respect of the Holiday Inn, Crest Road, High Wycombe be approved subject to the agreed condition regarding the additional fire exit being incorporated into the licence plans.


(The Hearings commenced at 10.00am and concluded at 11.45am)


