Record of Hearing held on |
15 February 2007 |
PRESENT: Councillor W J Bendyshe-Brown (Chairman) |
ALSO PRESENT AT THE HEARING: Mr S Broome - Licensing Officer, Wycombe District Council |
OFFICERS IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs S Wilson - Principal Solicitor, Wycombe District Council |
There were no declarations of interest. |
The Chairman of the Panel outlined the process to be adopted in relation to the conduct of the Hearing. |
The Panel met to conduct a Hearing into the application by Thames Valley Police under s.51 of the Licensing Act 2003 for a review of the premises licence as detailed in the report submitted. |
The grounds of the review application were that the licensing objectives in relation to crime and disorder and the protection of children from harm had been breached by alleged underage sales of alcohol and the supply of alcohol to persons already drunk. |
During a detailed discussion on the application the opportunity was given to Thames Valley Police and the premises licence holder to make a statement of their case and to ask relevant questions. Panel Members also discussed the issues involved with the parties concerned and the main areas of concern discussed were as follows: |
Further discussion ensued on the application for review and it was noted that the licensee would agree to conditions relating to the following: |
Panel Members also discussed the question of the high alcohol content of some of the drinks available with a view to conditioning the licence to restrict the sale of high volume alcohol. The licensee took the view that this would be inappropriate and unfair to some of his customers who purchased the stronger drink. Members noted this response but stressed the importance and seriousness of the review application and of the need to seek some appropriate methods to help correct the perceived problems. |
At the conclusion of the discussion, the licensee, the representative of Thames Valley Police and the Licensing Officer of Wycombe District Council left the meeting and the Panel went into private session to consider its decision. |
During discussion in private session on the review application the Panel took into account the licensing objectives under the Act, National Guidance and the Council’s Licensing Policy. |
Members were mindful of the cooperation afforded by the licensee during the discussions, but also took the view that the seriousness of the problem at hand needed to be underlined to the licensee. Whilst, at this stage, it was felt that a suspension of the licence would be inappropriate, the opportunity should be taken to seek an improvement to the situation with the addition of the conditions described above. In relation to the question of the sales of high alcohol content of beer, lager and cider, the Panel held the view that a condition should be imposed preventing the sale of alcohol greater than 6% volume. With regard to the permitted hours for the sale of alcohol, Members noted the Licensee’s proposal of 10.00am but the Panel considered that the permitted hours should be at 11.00am instead of 10.00am. |
After further consideration it was: |
(The Hearing commenced at 10.30am and concluded at 12.15pm) |
_____________________ |
Chairman |