Record of Hearing held on |
24 April 2007 |
PRESENT: Councillor P Rogerson (Chairman) |
ALSO PRESENT AT THE HEARING: Mr B Whittall - Licensing Officer, Wycombe District Council |
OFFICERS IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs K Khanna - Principal Solicitor, Wycombe District Council |
There were no declarations of interest. |
The Panel met to consider an application under s.17 of the Licensing Act 2003 for a new premises licence to permit the sale by retail of alcohol and to provide recorded music and late night refreshment at the Paradise Bar. |
The proposed times for these activities were as follows: |
Monday - Saturday: 10.00 - 02.00 |
Sunday: 10.00 - 23.00 |
The Panel noted that a representation had been received from Thames Valley Police relating to the prevention of crime and disorder and the application had been amended in line with the police representations. The applicant had confirmed that the conditions proposed by the Police were agreed and that a formal hearing was, therefore, not necessary. The conditions proposed by the Police were as follows: |
The Panel, in considering the application, took into account the licensing objectives under the Licensing Act, national guidance and the Council’s Licensing policy. Members noted the agreement between the parties and the conditions proposed by the Police and after discussion on these proposed conditions it was: |
The Chairman referred to the fact that this Panel hearing would be the last formal meeting undertaken by Councillor Mrs Martens, who was standing down at the forthcoming District Council elections. |
The Chairman thanked Councillor Mrs Martens for her support in Licensing matters and wished her well for the future. |
(The Hearing commenced at 10.30am and concluded at 10.45am) |
_____________________ |
Chairman |