Meeting documents
PRESENT: Councillor C R James (Chairman); Councillors C R Ashenden, D N Attree, M A Baldwin, K Barclay, Mrs V M Baxter, Mrs J M Brandis, Mrs M Butler, H H Cadd, J W Cartwright, W J Y Chapple, J C Cole, P A Cooper, Mrs A C Davies, D F Evett, B E Foster, Mrs D A Glover, B M Griffin, Mrs P M Y Hannelly, D R Isham, Mrs P M Jamieson, J A Jennings, C Jones, S Kennell, R W Khan, Mrs C Lambert, R C Lehmann, I R Lindsay, K Liverseidge, I P Metherell, N Mohammad, Mrs M B Morgan-Owen, J A Newman, Mrs C M Paternoster, S J Patrick, Mrs M Payne, Mrs P D J Pearce, Mrs S F Polhill, Miss G F Reynolds, C G Richards, Mrs F D Roberts MBE JP, D J Rowlands, B D Searle, A N Sherwell, Sir Beville D Stanier Bt, Group Capt J F Stewart and Mrs R Worgan. |
APOLOGIES: Councillors M P J C Cashman, D P Fitzsimons and Mrs T A Yasin. |
The Chairman invited Members, Officers and members of the public present to stand in silent tribute to the memory of Mr A T Bootle and Mr A Shepherd, former Members of the Authority, who had died recently. |
The Chairman reminded Members that the official opening ceremony would take place at 6.30 pm on 25th April, 2001. |
That the Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 7th March, 2001 be approved as a correct record. |
The Chief Executive reported formally the resignation on 14th March, 2001 of Mrs C M-M Irving-Swift as a Councillor for the Long Crendon Ward. |
Prior to consideration being given to items (a) and (b) below, the Council agreed to waive the convention that Officers do not speak at Council meetings. In respect of each item, the Chief Executive gave a general explanation, after which Members had an opportunity to ask factual questions. |
Members considered the draft Constitution which had previously been considered by the Modernising Sub-Committee and which took account of previous decisions taken by the Council on the subject. The draft contained the following elements:- |
Consideration was given to each element and a number of revisions were debated. Several elements had still to be finalised and it was noted that these would be subject to consideration by the Modernising Sub-Committee prior to submission to full Council on 9th May, 2001. |
It was noted also that the independent remuneration panel was currently reviewing the Members' scheme of allowances, and its conclusions would be published shortly. |
A draft of the Members' Code of Conduct had been published by the DETR for consultation purposes, and copies had previously been circulated to all Members of the Council. A draft Officers' Code of Conduct was still to be published. Both these Codes would be incorporated within the new Constitution at a later date. |
During the course of the debate, possible amendments to the procedure for dealing with public questions at meetings and regarding the proposed time limits for speeches made at Council meetings by the Leader, Cabinet Members and Committee Chairmen were considered. The changes suggested were not however carried. |
“(d) Temporary Members should not be members of the relevant Policy Advisory Group.†|
“A Scrutiny Committee will not be entitled to …… |
The Chief Executive to re-draft Section 15 (c) regarding “call-in†for consideration at the next meeting of the Modernising Sub-Committee, with a final draft being submitted to full Council on 9th May, 2001. |
All authorities should be operating executive arrangements, or in some cases, alternative arrangements as soon as reasonably practicable after the annual meeting in May/June, 2002. All authorities also had to have at least sent proposals to the Secretary of State by the end of June, 2001. |
This Council, like others, had committed itself to introducing the new arrangements with effect from May, 2001. Members received a report from the Chief Executive seeking formal confirmation that the new Constitution and related structure should come into effect on 10th May, 2001, which was the day after the annual meeting of the Council. |
It was reported that the guidance issued by the DETR in October, 2000 made it clear that local authorities should not formally begin to operate executive arrangements until all necessary secondary legislation was in force. It had been indicated that the necessary legislation would be in place in early 2001, but it appeared that this might not now be the case. |
Any resolution to adopt executive arrangements had to be published and the proposals, together with other information had to be sent to the Secretary of State. |
In considering the Chief Executive's report, it was indicated that it would be helpful if the order of business on the Summons for the Council Meeting on 9th May, 2001 for electing cabinet members followed that contained in the report to the Personnel Committee on 20th March, 2001 regarding a review of future management arrangements. That report was considered later during the meeting. |
Proposed by Councillor Cartwright, seconded by Councillor Mrs Morgan-Owen and |
That the Minute of the Personnel Committee of 20th March, 2001 entitled “Modernising: Review of Management Arrangements†be approved and adopted. |
Proposed by Councillor Cartwright, seconded by Councillor Mrs Morgan-Owen and |
That the Minute of the Personnel Committee of 20th March, 2001 entitled “Recruitment Process for a Director of Housing, Health and Leisure†be approved and adopted. |