Meeting documents
PRESENT: Councillor Mrs C Lambert (Chairman); Councillors C R Ashenden, D N Attree, M A Baldwin, Mrs V M Baxter, Mrs J M Brandis, Mrs M Butler, J W Cartwright, M P J C Cashman, J C Cole, Mrs A C Davies, B E Foster, R V Ghent, Mrs D N Glover, B M Griffin, C R James, Mrs P M Jamieson, J A Jennings, C Jones, Mrs S S R Kendrick, S Kennell, R W Khan, P R Larner, K Liverseidge, I P Metherell, N Mohammad, Mrs M B Morgan-Owen, Mrs C M Paternoster, S J Patrick, Mrs M Payne, Mrs P D J Pearce, Mrs S F Polhill, D G Ralph, Miss G F Reynolds, C G Richards, Mrs F D Roberts, MBE J P, D J Rowlands, B D Searle, A N Sherwell, Group Capt J F Stewart, N Stuart, Mrs C S Willetts and Mrs R V Worgan. |
APOLOGIES: Councillors K Barclay, H H Cadd, W J Y Chapple, P A Cooper, D F Evett, Mrs P M Y Hannelly, D R Isham, I R Lindsay, J A Newman, Mrs J E Peart, Sir Beville D Stanier Bt. and Mrs T A Yasin. |
That the Minutes of the meeting of 12th September, 2001 be approved as a correct record. |
The Chairman expressed her thanks to those Members who had been able to attend the above events. The fund raising activities had been successful and the monies raised would be of considerable benefit to the Chairman's nominated charities. |
Members were asked if they could respond as soon as possible to the invitation to attend this year's Ceremony of Remembrance to enable all the necessary arrangements to be finalised. |
Their Royal Highnesses the Earl and Countess of Wessex would attend an official opening ceremony on 2nd November, 2001. Invitations would be sent to all Members of the Council who would have until 26th October, 2001 to confirm whether or not they were able to attend. |
Members received a short presentation from Joan Green, the Council's Strategic Implementation Officer, on the progress made in relation to the preparation of development briefs for the Major Development Areas (MDAs). Members had an opportunity to ask questions and reiterated the view previously expressed that local Members should be involved as much as possible in the process. |
Consideration was given to a report seeking the Council's observations on those recommendations contained in the draft Waste Strategy (produced by the Bucks Waste Forum), concerning how AVDC might achieve its recycling targets. This issue had been discussed by the Cabinet on 9th October, 2001 and Members were advised of the Cabinet's views. |
That the recommendations contained in the draft Waste Strategy be endorsed subject to the following being added after the word “figures†in recommendation 0.7:- |
“unless the facility at Newton Longville is rejected, in which case this issue would be reviewed.†|
Members were advised of the consideration given by the Cabinet and the Scrutiny Committee - Housing to the housing allocations and transfer policy which was subject to annual review. The report of the Director of Housing, Health and Leisure had previously been circulated to all Members of the Council. |
That the housing allocations and transfer policy, as amended to take account of the views expressed by Cabinet, be approved and adopted. |
On 25th September, 2001, the Cabinet had considered a report setting out the final assessment of costs in relation to the above Capital Project. That report had previously been circulated to all Members of the Council. |
That £225,670 be allocated as additional capital funding for the project. |
Members considered a consultation paper published by the Department of Transport Local Government and the Regions on the subject of Members' travel and subsistence allowances and pensions. |
During the course of discussions it was proposed by Councillor Stuart and seconded by Councillor Mrs Butler:- |
“That as part of the response on behalf of the Council it should be indicated that this Council believes that some form of carers allowance should be fully investigated.†|
Upon being put to the meeting the motion was declared to be carried. Accordingly, it was |
Consideration was given to a report submitted to the Cabinet on 11th September 2001 proposing a means whereby Her Majesty the Queen's Golden Jubilee might suitably be marked throughout Aylesbury Vale District. |
Consideration was given to a report suggesting some amendments to the scheme of officer delegations to reflect changes in officer designations within the Department of Planning, Property and Construction Services. The report also addressed the need to attest the fixing of the Common Seal on Tree Preservation Orders, without the usual countersignature from the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Council, in order to avoid any unnecessary delay in dealing with such matters. |
During the course of discussions it was proposed by Councillor Griffin and seconded by Councillor James:- |
“That the Head of Planning and the Development Control Manager be authorised to take any decisions which were delegated to the Head of Development Control by the Development Control Committee but had not yet been implementedâ€Â. |
Upon being put to the meeting the motion was declared to be carried. Accordingly, it was |
“14.06 The Head of Legal Services or Senior Assistant Solicitor shall attest the fixing of the Common Seal of the Council to Tree Preservation Orders under Sections 198 and 201 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, or any subsequent statute replacing or modifying these provisions.†|
That a Members' Pay Negotiating Team comprising Councillors Ashenden, Cartwright, Liverseidge and Mrs Morgan-Owen be appointed for the purpose of staff pay negotiations in respect of the financial year commencing on 1st April 2002. |
Members received a report, also submitted to the Cabinet on 9th October 2001, regarding a proposed process for the appointment of a Director of Corporate Resources. The report contained the recommendations of the Cabinet on this matter. |
Written questions submitted in accordance with Standing Orders were dealt with as follows:- |
Questions:- |
Answers:- |
This year 78,660 sacks were issued to the end of September, a great many in August/September, which is not a seasonal trend. This income is up £4,200 against normal levels of supply. |
A further 20,000 was immediately ordered, which normally has a delivery period of 4 to 6 weeks. The urgency was stressed and a due date of 13/9/01 was given. This went back on 2 subsequent occasions, being fulfilled on 21/9/01. |
A further order of 40,000 sacks was placed with a split delivery of 10,000 on 15/10/01 and 30,000 later in October. |
A further delivery of 100,000 sacks is due in February 2002. This should be sufficient for the whole of 2002 if demand does not further increase.†|
Questions:- |
“Some of my constituents are very concerned by the report in the Bucks Herald about the Cabinet wanting to do away with the taxi tokens. They haven't got buses running down their roads like some of the town and the country areas, so have to walk over a very steep railway bridge to town or take a taxi. So, on their behalf could I ask the Cabinet Member for Economic and Community Development to think very hard before taking taxi tokens away.†|
Answers:- |
“The article in the Bucks Herald to which the Councillor refers drew a pessimistic picture of the future of the concessionary travel scheme, rather than reflecting the positive aspects of the Cabinet discussion. At that meeting, the Cabinet considered a report on the ways forward and in particular, how the existing concessionary travel scheme could be improved. In addition, I would point out that the Council's Safety and Health Scrutiny Committee will be considering the report when they next meet 30th October, in order to give the subject a wider airing, which is to be welcomed. |
Since the report was agreed at Cabinet, a working group has been formed to determine how the potential improvements to the scheme outlined in the report can be progressed. |
We are committed to improving the concessionary travel scheme, but there are costs associated with any improvements. In any event, any changes made to the concessionary travel schemes would only be made after the fullest discussion possible with all interested groups and after full debate in both Cabinet and Councilâ€Â. |
Questions:- |
“May I thank Sir Beville for persuading his Cabinet colleagues to support the freeze on Farmers Market rents until May 2002. |
However, can he explain why rents from stalls not requiring power are still charged £17.50 whilst 'bric a brac' stall holders only pay £6.50. The two markets are managed by the same agents for AVDC! There can be little difference in the requirements for a stall selling cakes, honey, wine, plants and herbs from a stall selling 'records of the last century'! |
If the cost difference is caused by promotion in the months ahead, what are your plans for promoting the Farmers Market in early 2002 when trade is often slack? Bearing in mind that the 'Farmers' themselves erect and take down the road signs within the town and on the outer round-a-bouts, have you any plans to attract more 'buyers' in the months ahead by extra advertising? |
Also have you considered putting the 'Farmers' in a more prominent location, ie at the top of the Market Square in preference to the company of the two metal lions?†|
Answers:- |
I have asked the Officers to arrange a meeting with the member concerned when these and other related matters can be pursued in more detail. |
That under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business, on the grounds that it involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in the Paragraph indicated in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act:- |
Corporate Property Contract Officer (Paragraph 1) |
Members considered a report submitted also to the Cabinet on 25th September, 2001 regarding the future of this post. |