Meeting documents
PRESENT: Councillor Mrs Davies (Chairman); Councillors Barclay, Mrs Brandis (in place of Councillor Jennings), Mrs Butler, Cole, Cooper, Evett, Isham, Metherell, Newman, Mrs Willetts and Mrs Worgan. Councillors Baldwin, Griffin, Mrs Lambert and Mrs Paternoster attended also. |
APOLOGY: Councillor Jennings. |
That the Minutes of 20th June, 2001 be approved as a correct record. |
Members received a report from the Director of Planning, Property and Construction Services which had been considered by the Cabinet on 28th August, 2001. The report proposed changes to the Council's adopted Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) on non-MDA (major development areas) development contributions towards implementation of the Aylesbury Land Use/Transport (ALUT) Strategy. The Cabinet had decided:- |
The remaining recommendations in the report to the Cabinet had not been accepted. |
Circulated also was a note of a number of issues raised by the Cabinet to the proposed changes and points arising therefrom, Buckinghamshire County Council's comments on the issues and the Officers' response to those comments. |
Prior to consideration of the report, a presentation was given by the Acting Head of Forward Plans on the ALUT Strategy and the proposed changes. The purpose of the developer contributions was to secure equitable funding from non-MDA brownfield and windfall development. |
Members endorsed the Cabinet resolutions in relation to vehicle trips and thresholds but did not support the inclusion of sheltered housing schemes as a specific exemption. With regard to this aspect the criticisms raised by County Council Officers about sheltered housing schemes were accepted. It was agreed that such developments were a low traffic generator and could be covered by the threshold policy. It was however felt that the recommendations regarding public halls could be accepted although it would be necessary for the Development Control Committee to be specific about the type of applications that were described as public halls. |
The Committee supported the 24.8% of the £20.349 Million in principle but could not accept the County alternative proposal that contributions be sought from brownfield/windfall sites on the basis that they represented 33.3% - 37.4% of non-MDA traffic growth. The Committee was largely supportive of the principle that developments should pay for 100% of their impact on the transport system but was anxious to ensure that any revised SPG did not harm the economic vitality of Aylesbury as a sub-regional centre. |
Members received the report of the Director of Planning, Property and Construction Services on Sites A and B (Maxwell Pool and the Canal Basin) which had been considered by the Cabinet on 28th August, 2001. |
The Cabinet had reached some preliminary conclusions about the way forward which it felt should be tested with this Committee before it submitted firm proposals to the Council. Drawing on Paragraph 6 of the report, these preliminary conclusions included the Council working in partnership with a developer to provide a scheme which expanded the retail offer in Aylesbury and, potentially re-provided the Civic Centre. |
The Cabinet had also felt that the Council should appoint a Project Manager for the scheme and aim to determine a scheme within a timescale of one year. It had been noted by the Cabinet that any proposals from developers might impact on the Council's future office accommodation strategy. |
Members were generally in agreement with the proposed way forward for implementing the development. It was therefore |
The Committee received the report of the Director of Planning, Property and Construction Services which had been submitted to the Cabinet in July, 2001 on the fundamental challenges for Planning, Design Services and Estates Operations carried out in relation to the Best Value process. |
The review process had been divided into three stages. The report included details of Stage 1 carried out between April and July, 2001. Also included were the areas identified for further review and the production of improvement plans under Stage 2 of the process. |
That Councillor Mrs Willetts be appointed to participate in the work of the County Environment of Bucks Overview and Scrutiny Committee in reviewing issues relating to flooding. |
The Committee noted a paper from a recent Seminar on the framework for conducting a Scrutiny Review which had been circulated at the request of the Chairman. |
Circulated also was a copy of the Council's adopted Strategic Objectives together with the Lead Member and Officer for each of the issues. |
In August, 2001, the Cabinet had approved the assignment of responsibility as detailed in the schedule. The service planning process would help to identify where there were further dependencies in relation to each of the actions related to the Strategic Objectives. |
This Committee would have the greatest interest in the Strategic Objectives of supporting the Environment, Promoting Economic Development and the effects of Planned Development. However, there might be issues in some of the other objectives that would be of interest, due to the inter-relationship between them. |
That the advice on conducting a Scrutiny Review and the Council's Strategic Objectives be noted. |
Having considered the future work programme for this Committee, it was |