Meeting documents



PRESENT: Councillor Mrs Davies (Chairman);  Councillors Cole, Cooper, Evett, Isham, Jennings, Metherell, Newman, Mrs Willetts and Mrs Worgan.  Councillors Barclay, Mrs Brandis, Mrs Jamieson and Mrs Paternoster attended also.


APOLOGY: Councillor Mrs Butler.







That the Minutes of 5th September, 2001 be approved as a correct record.





The Committee considered a report suggesting a three stage framework for reviewing areas of policy and service delivery as part of the scrutiny function as follows:-


Stage 1 - Initial scoping report setting out the issues involved and the parameters for the review;


Stage 2 - Gathering evidence from those involved in delivering and receiving a particular service;


Stage 3 - Considering all the evidence and framing recommendations for further consideration.


Such an approach meant that a work programme would have to be structured well in advance with each area of review being considered at three separate meetings.  As referred to elsewhere in these Minutes, this Committee's previously approved work programme had been re-drawn to illustrate a three stage review process.


Members appreciated that scrutiny and review was a relatively new concept in local government and the introduction of a structured framework for the process should assist understanding and contribute to consistency.  




That the three stage arrangement outlined above be adopted as the framework for scrutiny reviews for the remainder of this year's cycle of meetings.





Consideration was given to the report of the Director of Planning, Property and Construction Services, prepared to enable Members to scope their examination of the Major Development Areas (MDAs) copies of which, had previously been sent to all Members of the Council.


The report reminded Members of how the MDAs had been designated as part of the Local Plan process.  The Local Plan contained the requirements for each MDA.  A Planning Brief needed to be prepared for each of the MDAs.  The Planning Brief, which would translate Local Plan policies into more detailed proposals were now in preparation by the development consortia in partnership with the Council.  A Seminar on the consultation draft of the Weedon Hill MDA Planning Brief had been arranged for all Members on 29th November, 2001.  The Committee concurred with the suggestion that this document should be used by Members as the basis for understanding the formulation and aims of planning briefs and that as such, should be discussed at the next meeting.


The report of the Director of Planning, Property and Construction Services also suggested a number of topics for consideration by this Committee as part of the scrutiny process.  These included the following:-



How the detailed implementation of the MDAs could optimise the contribution to each of the Council's strategic objectives.



Priorities for developer funding of the physical and community infrastructure.



Development of sustainable communities.



The relationship between MDA development and the conservation and interpretation of the Quarrendon Scheduled Ancient Monument as a historic feature of the town.





That at the next meeting:-



consideration be given to the Weedon Hill Consultation Draft Document as the basis for understanding the Planning Brief process.



the areas referred to in (a) (d) and (e) above and transport issues be examined further.



the Officers submit for consideration a list of possible stakeholders in connection with the evidence gathering process.



That a Working Group of five Members comprising Councillors Jennings and Newman and one Member to be nominated by each of the Group Leaders be appointed to consider and make recommendations on the relationship between MDA development and the conservation and interpretation of the Quarrendon Scheduled Ancient Monument as referred to in (f) above.





Consideration was also given to the report of the Director of Planning, Property and Construction Services, prepared to enable Members to scope their examination of the proposal to redevelop Sites A and B, Aylesbury.  This report had been circulated previously to all Members of the Council.




That the seven stakeholders listed below be invited to give a ten minute presentation to the next meeting as part of the evidence gathering process (Stage 2) in connection with the development of Sites A and B, Aylesbury:-


Aylesbury Canal Society


Aylesbury Society


Aylesbury Town Council


Buchanans (re: Exchange Street Study)


Old Town Residents Association


Queens Park Centre


Town Centre Partnership





As referred to elsewhere in these Minutes, Members considered a revised work programme for this Committee.  The suggestion that an additional meeting be arranged to consider the draft County Structure Plan was supported.


Having noted the situation with regard to those issues included on previous work programmes and now deleted, it was





That arrangements be made for an additional meeting of this Committee to be held on 27th February, 2002 to consider the draft County Structure Plan.



That the work programme be approved.