Meeting documents
PRESENT: Councillor Mrs Davies (Chairman); Councillors Cole, Cooper, Evett, Isham, Jennings, Metherell, Newman, Richards (in place of Mrs Worgan) and Mrs Willetts. Councillors Mrs Jamieson, Kennell, Mrs Paternoster, Miss Reynolds and Rowlands attended also. |
APOLOGIES: Councillors Mrs Butler and Mrs Worgan. |
That the Minutes of 21st November, 2001 be approved as a correct record. |
The Committee had called in the decisions of the Cabinet taken on 4th December, 2001 regarding car park outsourcing. The decisions were:- |
It was explained that the intention of the call-in was to seek clarification regarding Cabinet's reasons for decision (3) having regard to the implications, from a strategic point of view, for the proposed Special Parking Area. |
Members discussed various issues key to outsourcing car parking. These included the role of the MDAs, park and ride, development sites A and B, residents' parking, the boundary of the Special Parking Area and legal aspects relating to financial management and implementation. |
The Committee was advised that a meeting of the Aylesbury Members' Parking Sub-Group, which reported to the Aylesbury Land Use/Transport Strategy Panel, had taken place on 14th December, 2001. The current position was as follows:- |
Members noted that the Aylesbury Land Use/Transport Panel would be updated on these matters at its meeting on 19th December, 2001. |
During the course of the discussions, reference was made to the implications of outsourcing with regard to CCTV in the car parks. |
That the Cabinet be asked:- |
Members received the report of the Director of Planning, Property and Construction Services prepared to enable them to undertake further scoping of their work on Major Development Areas (MDAs). |
Members felt that to continue to develop their understanding of the aims of planning briefs in progressing the MDAs, further consideration should be given to:- |
That the Officers report further on the basis outlined above. |
In accordance with the decision taken at the last meeting, a number of stakeholders had been invited to give a ten minute presentation at this meeting as part of the evidence gathering process (Stage 2) in connection with the developments of Sites A and B, Aylesbury. |
Presentations were made by the following:- |
Buchanans |
Aylesbury Old Town Residents' Association |
Aylesbury Society |
Queens Park Centre |
Aylesbury Town Council |
Aylesbury Canal Society. |
Each presentation was supported by documentary evidence and this would be considered further in due course as part of the review process. |
The Resources and Customer Care Scrutiny Committee had considered a timetable and procedure for dealing with the budget review process. The other Scrutiny Committees had been given the opportunity to consider the budget areas within their remit with views being reported to the Resources and Customer Care Scrutiny Committee on 7th January. |
That arrangements be made for a meeting to be held on 2nd January, 2002 to consider the proposals affecting the budget areas within this Committee's remit. |