Meeting documents
ECONOMY SCRUTINY COMMITTEE A meeting of the Economy Scrutiny Committee will be held at 6.30 pm on 26th May, 2004 in Committee Room 1, Exchange Street Offices, Aylesbury when your attendance is requested. Membership: Councillor Rowlands (Chairman); Councillors Cadd, E Griffin, M Griffin, Mrs Hannelly, Hughes, Khaliq, Patrick, Ralph, Smith, Stuart, Turner and Wigley. Contact Officer for meeting arrangements: Derek Willmer (01296) 585060. |
2 | MINUTES To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting held on 12th May, 2004 (copy attached as Appendix A). | |
3 | OVERVIEW PRESENTATION A short presentation will be given which will outline the context to the economy as one of the Council's Key Aims and the associated outcomes. For information, a copy of this Committee's Terms of Reference is attached as Appendix B coloured pink. Contact Officer: Richard Carr (01296) 585002 | |
4 | TOURISM AND ITS CONTRIBUTION TO THE ECONOMY/STAGE 1 SCOPING Presentation from Ian Barham, Cultural Team Member. Contact Officer: Ian Barham (01296) 585184 | |
5 | WORK PROGRAMME FOR 2004/05 Chief Executive To agree the Work Programme for 2004/05. Copy attached as Appendix C coloured blue. Contact Officer: Richard Carr (01296) 585002 | |