Meeting documents





PRESENT: Councillor Khaliq (Vice-Chairman in the Chair);  Councillors Cadd, E Griffin, M Griffin, Isham (in place of D Rowlands), Metherell (in place of Stuart), Patrick, Ralph, Smith, Turner and Mrs Willetts (in place of Hughes).  Councillors Mrs Glover and Mrs Polhill attended also.




APOLOGIES:  Councillors Mrs Hannelly, Hughes, D Rowlands and Stuart.













That the Minutes of 10th August, 2004 be approved as a correct record.









At a previous meeting, Members had identified the shortfall in quality accommodation and conference facilities as one of the limiting factors in the development of tourism within Aylesbury vale.




A report was presented to help Members consider the means by which the Council might stimulate the growth of accommodation with a view to these being included in Stage 3 of the review.




To assist Members, 4 witnesses had been invited to speak to the Committee:




Paul Jeffries, Senior Development Manager, Tourism South-East


Debbie Rouget, Project Manager, Tourism Better Business Scheme


* Angie Leach/Ronnie Clark, Holiday Inn, Aylesbury


Nick Phillips, Waddesdon Manor, National Trust




* Apologies were received from the Holiday Inn, Aylesbury as their representatives were unable to attend.




Presentations were given by the witnesses which highlighted the following issues:-





Paul Jeffries




Paul explained that he was responsible for the development of the Tourism Infrastructure within the Tourism South East Region.




A key area of his work was the development of opportunities within the leisure industry and sector analysis studies.




Hotel Sector – The last appraisal, to identify gaps in the market for this sector, had been produced in 1998.  In June, 2004, guidance had been produced for local authorities to use when attracting hotel investment.  It was considered pertinent that local authorities target businesses themselves to identify market trends and opportunities.




Bed and Breakfast Sector – A guide had been produced that showed that finance was the key issue within the sector's particular problems and recommended that continuing dialogue should be sustained between operators and the local authority.




Rural Public House Accommodation – Tourism South East had concerns over the loss of traditional rural public houses.  An assessment toolkit had been made available to assist planning departments.  It was important to maintain up to date data of trends.





Debbie Rouget




Debbie provided Members with information on the work of the Tourism Better Business Scheme in enhancing business performance and the development of the skills base for people wishing to enter the leisure industry.  Nationally, the largest problem encountered by the leisure industry was that recruits did not have the necessary basic customer care or communication skills required.




The Tourism Better Business Scheme had set out to provide training based on providers' needs and funding available, in leisure environments, that normal education establishments did not usually provide.





Nick Phillips




Nick gave a report on the many National Trust buildings within the Vale and the importance of these within the leisure industry.




Member Feedback




Members raised a number of issues as detailed below.  





Concerns that the information provided by speakers was not specific to the Aylesbury Vale area but was general for the whole of the South Eastern region.



Speakers were unable to give any specific data or statistics regarding the accommodation or conference facilities or how the growth could be assessed and subsequently stimulated.



There appeared to be no means of linking places of interest to provide visitors with a complete overview of attractions within the Vale.



There was a need to provide a breakdown of the £87M that Tourism was reported to contribute to the economy.



More information was required on tourists.  Where are they from? – What are they looking for? – What is their average spend etc.



There was a need to address the question “What comes first, attractions or accommodation?”



It was considered imperative that a speaker representing the hotel industry be in attendance at the next meeting.








That the Stage 2 review be continued at a future meeting.