Meeting documents
- Meeting of Buckingham Local Area Forum, Thursday 25th September 2008 7.00 pm (Item 8.)
Members received a presentation from Paul McShane from the Fire and Rescue Service which can be located via the following link:
He covered the following issues during his presentation:
- Vision
- Organisation
- Understanding community risks
- Pressures and realities
- Proposed objectives
- Potential prevention schemes
- Integrated Risk Management Plan (IRMP).
Their website can be found at
Claire Childs is the BFRS contact for Aylesbury Vale and her contact details are 01296 744475 (
During discussion the following points were highlighted:
- BFRS is now an enforcing body due to changes in the Act which means that they can fine and close companies if they fail to meet certain standards.
- The ageing population means that one of the main focus areas for BFRS is to make those people over 65 feel safer.
- The fire station in Buckingham is Day crewed, which means that a crew is on duty during the day and responds on a pager at night time, and also has a retained crew attached to them. Winslow is a retained part-time crew.
- BFRS use mosaic data to highlight vulnerable groups.
- There is a leaflet on home fire safety checks and smoke alarms which is provided free of charge.
- There is also a leaflet to be used for cars which are parked inappropriately making it difficult for emergency vehicles to pass. These must not to be placed under the windscreen of cars but must be placed on the car in a small pouch (to avoid flyposting) or put through the doors if it is local parking in a street. The pouches and leaflets are available from Buckingham Fire Station or from Claire Childs and they should be used in conjunction with BFRS. A Member asked for 50 copies of this leaflet. Paul suggested they contact the Fire Station at Buckingham and explain what they would like the leaflets for. It was also suggested that the Local Area Technician’s could also use the leaflets when they are out and about in the County.
- BFRS will be attending the Flood Fair in October. Members can obtain information from their local fire station on issues such as flooding.
- A Member asked whether the provision of fire alarms will continue. Paul explained that over 25,000 smoke alarms have been fitted in Bucks and whilst they have lost the funding for the initiative, they have sufficient smoke alarms for the next 3 years.
- A Member asked whether the Fire and Rescue team still charge for pumping out houses after they have been flooded. Paul explained that they do not pump out houses as their priority in flood situations is to save lives.
Andy Jones, from Thames Valley Police, provided Members with an update on the restructuring/reorganisation of the Buckingham North Police resourcing. He explained that neighbourhoods are categorised into 3 main areas – priority, enhanced and capable neighbourhood. Police resources are allocated according to the category (for example, a capable area receives one PCSO).
Andy emphasised that Buckingham North will not suffer as a result of the reorganisation. He went on to say that certain areas in the North of the County are now designated areas which ban alcohol (Steeple Claydon is one area and Winslow is in the consultation process at present).
A Member told the Forum that they are looking into how police resourcing is set, reviewed and published and he strongly advised Members to attend the next NAG meeting.
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