Meeting documents

  • Meeting of Bucks Strategic Partnership Board, Tuesday 31st March 2009 2.30 pm (Item 4.)


Decisions to be taken:

·         Note progress of LAA at 9 month point and consider any areas of concern raised by members of the Board.

·         Note LAA Refresh.

·         Note BSP Implementation Group decisions on allocation of LAA Pooled Fund.


Jackie Fisk, Policy Officer, told members the following:

·         The CAA Self-evaluation document was now in draft form (see Agenda Item 7).

·         BSPIG had looked at the nine-month performance reports for the LAA (see Agenda Item 6). The LAA Refresh had now been submitted to the Government. NI 141 had been included in the Refresh as an additional indicator. There were therefore now 27 indicators rather than the original 26.

·         Negotiation of NI 115 and NI 175 had both taken the current recession into account.

·         A £2.9m reward grant was available if all targets were reached.

·         Page 40 showed a summary of decisions made by the BSPIG in regard to the LAA Pooled Fund. The BSP Board had previously delegated authority to the BSPIG for this purpose.

·         An e-magazine, Buckinghamshire Together, had been produced. If any member had not received this, they should let Jackie Fisk know.


Alex Pratt OBE told members that an Economic Summit had been held on 10 March, which had been attended by c.150 people. The Summit had been business-focused and had included presentations on the statistics which lay behind the media messages about the recession. Finance South East had also spoken. The Summit was the first of an ongoing programme. The next business-focused event would be held on 15 September 2009, and it was hoped that twice the number of people would attend. Almost all the feedback from the Summit had been very positive, and it had been a good first step. A community-focused BSP event was also planned.


A member referred to the LAA Equality Impact Assessment (page 22 of the papers) and asked for an update re: rural-proofing. Jackie Fisk said that a workshop had been held in 2008. Work was ongoing and the thematic partnerships are conscious of the need for delivery plans to take the Equality Impact Assessment into account.


A member asked about the progress of NI 35 (Preventing Violent Extremism). Jackie Fisk said that previously the target had only been set for the Wycombe area, with targets added at Refresh for Aylesbury. South Bucks and the Chiltern District were not included in the LAA for this indicator but would be reported on in the partnership.


A member asked how issues could be raised regarding the decisions BSPIG had made on the LAA Pooled Fund. Jackie Fisk said that any issues could be raised at BSP Board meetings. BSPIG had agreed to review the funding situation in May 2009 based on the performance in the first year of the LAA. All funding proposals had to be agreed by a thematic partnership before being agreed by BSPIG.

The Chairman said that she had requested that future documents showed a lead name against each item on the LAA Pooled Fund.


A member queried how the agendas were set for the BSP Board. It was agreed that they would discuss this with Sarah Ashmead outside the meeting.


A member said that the BSP Board needed more information about the work of the thematic partnerships, and also on each project which had received funding from the LAA pool, with reasons for bids which had and had not been accepted.

It was suggested each thematic partnership provide a brief update for each meeting.

It was agreed that future agendas would include updates from the thematic partnerships, including their use of the pooled fund.


A member asked about the approach adopted by BSPIG to funding bids. Jackie Fisk said that of the six bids listed on page 40, three had already been known to the BSPIG as projects which had a resource requirement. The other three were proposals which the BSPIG had considered as they came through. Therefore the current approach is not a strategic commissioning one, but consideration would be given to this at BSPIG’s May meeting.


The BSP Board:

·         Noted the progress of the LAA at the 9 month point and considered any areas of concern raised by members of the Board.

·         Noted the LAA Refresh.

·         Noted the BSP Implementation Group decisions on allocation of the LAA Pooled Fund.

Supporting documents: