Meeting documents

  • Meeting of Bucks Strategic Partnership Board, Tuesday 4th May 2010 2.30 pm (Item 5.)

Decisions to be taken:

·         Agree the Board’s work programme for 2010/11.

·         Note and comment on the basket of projects to be developed under the BSP Total Place approach.

·         Note and comment on the pooled funding decisions approved by BSP Implementation Group on the Board’s behalf.

·         Endorse the proposal to allocate an additional two Board places to representatives from the voluntary and community sector (to be developed by Community Impact Bucks)



Jackie Fisk, Team Leader, Policy & Partnerships


The Board received the Update Report from the Bucks Strategic Implementation Group (BSPIG).


Jackie Fisk (Team Leader, Policy and Partnerships) told members the following:

·         At the meeting of the BSP Board in January 2010, members had considered priority areas which had been identified by the thematic partnerships. BSPIG had looked at the actions requested and a draft work programme had been produced (Appendix A).

·         A national report on ‘Total Place’ had recently been published. The Report had addressed the 13 pilot areas. BSPIG would keep the BSP Board updated regarding progress on the ‘Total Place’ initiative.

·         Rob Hathaway (Audit Commission Lead for Buckinghamshire) had recently updated BSPIG and had commended Buckinghamshire on the quality of its partnership discussions. Areas of focus for the Audit Commission would include the preventative agenda and the value for money agenda. Rob Hathaway had also asked for a list of areas in which Buckinghamshire could show particular innovation and good practice. These would be considered by the thematic partnerships.

·         The BSP Annual Report 2009/10 would be submitted for the July meeting of the BSP Board. The Report would include information on performance over the past year and also seek agreement for improvement work for the following year.

·         Performance for the Local Area Agreement (LAA) for the third quarter of 2009-10 was on track for most of the indicators. A full performance report would be brought to the BSP Board in July.

·         Appendix B showed a summary of BSPIG decisions which had been taken on behalf of the BSP Board, regarding the LAA pooled fund and the BSP Fund.

·         BSPIG had discussed a first draft of the Bucks Economic Assessment, and this had been circulated for wider comment by partners. Further information would be brought to the July meeting of the BSP Board.

·         The Report included information on the Buckinghamshire Pathfinder.

·         Members were asked to consider a change to the Board membership, with the addition of two places for voluntary and community sector representatives. This followed a focus at strategic level for expanding the voice of the voluntary and community sector. The two places would be debated with the sector by Community Impact Bucks.

·         Community Impact Bucks had been launched on 1 April 2010 and was the new integrated voluntary infrastructure organisation. Community Impact Bucks was a merger of Buckinghamshire Community Action, The Priory Centre, Vale Volunteers and Voluntary Action.


A member said that the Aylesbury Vale LSP had asked if the Board’s work programme could include the proposed High Speed 2 railway (HS2). Jackie Fisk said that BSPIG would discuss this at its next meeting.

A member asked why two items on page 13 were marked in yellow. Jackie Fisk said that these were ‘in principle’ decisions which needed to be looked at in more detail by BSPIG.

Sarah Ashmead (Head of Policy, Performance and Communications) said that funding for those items had been ‘earmarked’ but that more detail on how the funding would be spent was required. The two items came under the governance of the ‘Tackling Disadvantage’ programme.




The BSP Board:


·         Agreed the Board’s work programme for 2010/11.

·         Noted and commented on the basket of projects to be developed under the BSP Total Place approach.

·         Noted and commented on the pooled funding decisions approved by BSP Implementation Group on the Board’s behalf.

·         Endorsed the proposal to allocate an additional two Board places to representatives from the voluntary and community sector (to be developed by Community Impact Bucks).

Supporting documents: