Decision details

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Quarterly report


The Council’s Capital Programme for 2024/25 to 2027/28 was approved by Full Council in February 2024 as £666.264m.  The programme was revised to £674.977m following additions agreed by Cabinet in July 2024.    The report set out the recommended changes for approval and would result in the Capital Programme increasing to £686.639m.   Since the Budget changes agreed by Cabinet in July 2024, £2.007m of additions have had Leader or Cabinet decision approval (Denmark Street Future High Street project, Disposal of Old County Offices, Aston Clinton Traffic Calming Phase 1, and the Libraries Transformation Programme).  


The report recommended further changes which had been recommended through the Council’s Gateway process: 

• Additions of £10.237m for new projects of which £5.187m are externally funded from grants and s.106, and £5.000m for additional roads funding is to be transferred from the Revenue budget, as originally approved at full council due to the Capital nature of the works, and a further £50k for Aylesbury Town Centre Improvement works funded from the Economic Reserve.  

• Reductions of £0.582m, where external funding has been reviewed.

• A reprofile of the programme to align with current project delivery plans, including £24.487m is recommended to be reprofiled from 2024/25 to future years.  


RESOLVED that the recommended changes to the Capital Programme be approved:

1. £10.237m of additions to the Capital Programme, of which £5.187m are funded from ringfenced grants and s.106, and £5.050m is funded from ringfenced council reserves. 

2. £0.582m of technical adjustments from the capital programme for adjustments to external funding. 

3. The revised £686.639m Capital Programme, with £24.487m reprofiled from 2024/25 into future years.  

4. the release of funding of £3.222m relating to the projects set out in section 5 of the report.   

Details of any conflict of interest declared: None

Contact: Dave Skinner, Director of Finance & S151 Officer Email:

Report author: Claire Hunter

Publication date: 26/11/2024

Date of decision: 26/11/2024

Decided at meeting: 26/11/2024 - Cabinet

Effective from: 05/12/2024

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