Decision details
Decision Maker: Corporate Director Planning, Growth and Sustainability
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
Exemption from publication: There are
confidential appendices to this report, which are exempt by virtue
of paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of Part 1 of Schedule 12a of the
Local Government Act 1972 because they contain information relating
to the financial or business affairs of any particular person
(including the authority holding that information).
To enter Wayleave Agreement with Southern Electric Power
Distribution to permit them to lay underground electricity cable to
serve Brunel Shed, Station Approach on behalf of their client (and
our Tenant) Buckinghamshire New University.
Reasons for the decision:
The Council’s Tenant, Buckinghamshire
New University (BNU), wish to increase their electricity supply at
Brunel Shed, Station Approach, High Wycombe. BNU have contacted
Southern Electric Power Distribution (SEPD) and they have proposed
laying a new low voltage cable across a grassed verge area
belonging to the Council.
A Wayleave Agreement between the Council and SEPD is therefore
required. This will allow SEPD to install and thereafter maintain
the cable for a small nominal fee.
The proposed Wayleave Agreement, agreed by the Council’s
solicitor, is in the confidential appendix.
Alternative options considered:
Not granting SEPD a Wayleave may mean BNU
cannot enjoy full use of Brunel Shed or having to find a more
expensive alternative solution.
Wards Affected: Abbey;
Details of any conflict of interest declared: There are no known conflicts of interest.
Contact: Michael Hatt.
Publication date: 28/11/2024
Date of decision: 27/11/2024